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About Sobric

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Sobric

    ArmA:Armed Assault vs ArmA:Combat Operations

    It's a little strange though, since "ArmA" stands for Armed Assault. Should the US version be called CombO?
  2. Sobric

    How to aim with bombs?

    A book on trigonometry?
  3. Sobric

    Better than TrackIR?

    The power of the mind Possible implementations into ArmA? Or would this be suited to a Game 2 environment? Personally I think a cross between X-men powers and the Matrix would be the most realistic interpretation.
  4. Sobric

    New way to improve the AI?????

    Experiment sensably This should be stickied somewhere. It's been posted enough times in the "OMG, AI are supershots!!! not fair!!" posts that regularly spring up.
  5. Sobric

    Crysis Nukes

    just click on the "watch" rather than download section on the sidebar. Should open a new window.
  6. Sobric

    Crysis Nukes

    just click on the "watch" rather than download section on the sidebar. Should open a new window.
  7. Sobric

    heli do not use weapons

    i've always had the feeling that this has something to do with target priorities (although maybe vilas' config change will prove different). Anyone tested unguided rockets when there is a tank AND infantry? Will the chopper attack the tank, it being a priority over infantry?
  8. Sobric

    Enemy AI too good, team AI too bad

    change your config file, dead easy to do. go to your ArmA directory in your My Documents section (something like c:\my documents\your name\ArmA) look for your profile config (yourname.ArmAprofile) scroll down or ctrl-f and look for SkillFriendly, SkillEnemy, PrecisionFriendly & PrecisionEnemy. (2 sets, under regular and veteran) Then just fiddle with these figures a bit. Up Skill nice and high (generally better tactics by AI, although too high and you'll think they have x-ray vision) and drop the precision. You should find prolonged fire fights (due to enemies not being as deadly accurate) while not having complete morons. Hope this helps.
  9. Sobric

    Taking Cover

    related to this, I would like to see an extension of the "find cover" command to be more of a toggle, so that when I enter an urban area and stop to, say, check the map/go into the command mode my troops aren't all lined up in a nice V behind me inn the middle of the road, but are crouched next to walls/prone behind objects. Is it possible to modify current AI commands?
  10. Sobric

    Check mark for training?

    As RjC says thats because it's not a mission as such, more of a sub-folder within the entire SP Missions folder.
  11. Sobric

    Check mark for training?

    As RjC says thats because it's not a mission as such, more of a sub-folder within the entire SP Missions folder.
  12. Sobric

    LOVE the game.. HATE the grass

    There is a mod available that adds a no-grass version of Sahrani and Rahmadi. No-grass islands. Reduces lag quite a lot, and removes entirely the stupid grass situation.