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About Staos

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  1. Staos

    WGL 5.12

    Eastern Time here as well, although I'm in the US. You don't need to signup for CiA, just show up with TS and a good attitude.
  2. Staos

    WGL 5.12

    I'll be free this weekend, although sunday is CiA's game night, which to me would take precedence. How about Saturday, October 11 at 19:00 GMT?
  3. Staos

    Hosting LAN games

    Try clicking on "remote" and putting in the LAN (192.168.*) ip. I'm unsure if it will show up in the server browser over a LAN.
  4. Staos

    CiA co-op night

    Excellent games last night. We should make an A&D night a regular thing.
  5. Staos

    CiA co-op night

    Tuesday after 23:00 CET would work, and I have off all day monday.
  6. Staos

    CiA co-op night

    The only day I'm available this week is Wednesday, but that's the regular coop night day, so unless you all want to just do it beforehand, I won't know until next week.
  7. Staos

    CiA co-op night

    I will be working friday from 18:30 CET to 03:00 CET.
  8. Staos

    CiA co-op night

    I'd definitely be up for it, in fact I was pitching something like this to Var on MSN a few weeks ago. I'm not too crazy about playing it with AI, but I'd still be up for it.
  9. Staos

    kellys heros Vte Mod event

    Okay, so this looks like it'll be 15:00 my time. I'll be there, and thanks for the clarification.
  10. Staos

    kellys heros Vte Mod event

    Hey all, I would very much like to join in on this, but I'm having some difficulties in time zone conversion. I am in the U.S. EDT time zone, and assuming the times listed on the last page are GMT, what (if any) daylight savings modifier is in effect there?
  11. Staos

    CiA co-op night

    I'm working on a mission for ArmA right now, I will see if I can't finish it in time.
  12. Staos

    CiA co-op night

    Anyone playing ArmA tonight?
  13. Staos

    CiA co-op night

    edit: nevermind, didn't see this last page
  14. Staos

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    What the US really needs is electoral reform. Imagine if we could get parties that actually talk about real issues in the white house, as opposed to who's hairdo looks the best or who's wearing a lapel pin and who isn't. I personally would consider myself a fairly diehard libertarian, and I'll be voting for Bob Barr this year even though I know it won't make a bit of difference. I can't bring myself to vote for either of the candidates who actually have a snowball's chance in hell of winning. The old "turd sandwich vs. giant douche" phrase comes to mind.
  15. Staos

    CiA co-op night

    Will be there in about 20 min if you are still playing.