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About Sven6345789

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  1. Sven6345789

    Lost in the forest

    Great, everyone seems to get past this mission but I, being new to this game, haven't got the slightest Idea. How long does it take for the fog to show up? do you get through easy once that happens? After all, there seems to be a whole Division searching just for me (It is an honour, but one I do not really need!! Well, next time I try it, I will wait for the fog
  2. Sven6345789

    After montignac (i know...)

    Although this mission seems to have been discussed several times, I do have a question about it. There seems to be a way solving this mision by steeling the UAZ in Provins. My question is: Is there a way to get out of the forest to the extractionpoint WITHOUT combat? We are talking about a classic "cut off behind enemy lines" mission here. In my opinion, the first and foremost action to be taken is "do not draw attention to your position". Up to now, I was always unlucky. I got shot several times. I even thought about leaving my computer on for 12 hours to wait 'till nightfall to finally get through to the evac point. Is there a way to get to the evac point without fighting like Rambo? remember the Alamo Sven P.S. Vietcong is great! trie it