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About Samu_ofp

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Samu_ofp

    Driver,cargo,... proxies for vehicles

    Ok, thanks I will try it this afternoon. I searched in the forum for "proxies", but don't found any interesting post.
  2. Samu_ofp

    Problems with config.cpp

    PM sended. Sgt.Ace, thanks for the suggestion.
  3. Samu_ofp

    Problems with config.cpp

    Yes, was this! Thanks, I was getting crazy. Why at the start of ARMA din't appeared an error message? I was thinking that the }; was fine because this. I remember that in OFP there was an old program that checked the };. You know a link?
  4. Hello, I'm thinking the new options and improvements that make possible the new CfgSkeletons and CfgModels. Some has try to make a fully working half-track? Is it possible in Arma? I'm thinking to make a WWII half-track if the tracks and the wheels works like in real life.
  5. Hello, when I modelled an addon for OFP, a car for example, I downloaded the default proxies of driver (of the jeep, for example) and cargo, and then loaded they in O2, for positioning they in the correct position. But now in ARMA, where can I download the default drivers,... proxies? Or if this is ilegal, how can I make my own proxies? I have the BISkeleton.p3d, so rotating the legs, arms, hands... in the correct place for siting in a car, and saving they with another name, and loading they in the car model after, I can have my own proxies? Thanks in advance.
  6. Hello, Â I left the OFP community some years ago, but now I want to start modelling another time. I'm trying to configure a simple car, but i have problems with the config.cpp, with the CfgSkeletons and CfgModels. The car is the one from Brsseb olds tutorials (can someone adapt this tutorials to ARMA, please), and I have make all the selections like in OFP. I have made a config, and it was working before adding the CfgSkeletons..., but I have added this, and changed other things, and now the car doesn't appears in the mission editor. Â Â I'm getting crazy with it, so if someone can help me... This is the config: Thanks in advance.
  7. Samu_ofp

    Am i made or am i doing texturing wrong?

    Hi mate. I deleted all the models i has did. I only have the La5 version that was released in the old web. Now I'm trying to learn how to make addons in ARMA. WW2 addons of course .
  8. Samu_ofp

    Am i made or am i doing texturing wrong?

    Thanks for reply. Q, when i apply a .tga texture, buldozer convert it to .paa, but the name of the texture is still .tga. Perhaps when binarizing the .pbo, the .tgas are deleted? jojimbo, my english is not very good, so i don't understand totally what you mean. You mean i must apply the .tga version, and then when buldozer converts it to .paa (or your own .paa version), change the name of the texture to .paa in the texture renamer in O2? Then it will use the .paa texture instead the .tga, but applyed in the same way I applyed the .tga before (direction, size...)?
  9. Samu_ofp

    Am i made or am i doing texturing wrong?

    Hello, I had made some addons for OFP some years ago, and now I want to try modelling for ARMA. I donwloaded the tools, and installed they in the default directories. I don't have problems with Buldozer, and i can apply .tga textures in the models, but i can't do the same with the .paa ones. I have downloaded the .dlls from the old O2, but i continue getting the "null" error when applying .paa textures. I can apply them by pressing E, and typing the directory of the .paa texture there, but this doesn't offers much control of how to apply the texture. I have tryied to apply the .paa archive that have converted buldozer from the .tga, but i get the "null" error too. You have some ideas of how to solve this? If I use .tga textures in my models, i must leave the .tga files in the .pbos, or I can delete they? Thanks in advance.
  10. Samu_ofp

    "Data file too short 'addons\voice.pbo'"

    I think I will change the entire computer. I will see if I can pay the 850, thanks S.O.S. cooee, you have the download version? If so, try to download another time it, and reinstall.
  11. Samu_ofp

    "Data file too short 'addons\voice.pbo'"

    I didn't use any translation patch or mod. It was a corrupted download. I have a friend that gets the same problem. Now the problem is to expend a lot of money buying a new PC . Thanks.
  12. Samu_ofp

    "Data file too short 'addons\voice.pbo'"

    Sorry, I haven't read the post of the Geforce4. So I will have to buy a new card. Wich recommend you with a good price/quality relation from ATI?
  13. Samu_ofp

    "Data file too short 'addons\voice.pbo'"

    Hello, I have solutioned the error by downloading the game another time, thanks. But now I get another error messages: Cannot create 3D device: Adapter 0 (Radeon 9100 Series) Fullscreen Resolution 800x600, format X8R8G8B8/A8R8B8/D24S8, refresh 75zh Error D3DERR_INVALIDcall This is why my card is too old?
  14. Samu_ofp

    "Data file too short 'addons\voice.pbo'"

    Thanks for the reply, but I have played another games that needs the DirectX 9.0c wihout problems? In other forums, one guy say me that he got the same problem, and he solutioned it by extracting the voice.pbo directly from the CD. The problem is that i have the download version, so I can't open the exe(1gb) file, or the bin file(1,6gb), that comes in the download. I have tried with the winace, and the ultraiso, but they can't open this bin file. Someone knows how to extract the file manualy? I have reinstalled the game, but nothing new occurs. Now I'm trying to download another time the game, for see if the downloaded files are corrupted. I have send a message to the online shop, but i haven't get yet a reply. Support 7 days to week... My addons\voice.pbo is 163Mb, yours? If I can start the game, and it goes very low with the 9100 I will change the video card, or the computer, but after of pay a lot of money, I want to know if I can start the game. Thanks.
  15. Hello, this is the message that I get when I try to start the ArmA. I have activated the copy, and when i start the game, always get this message, and can't play. I have the German downloaded version 1.01, and i haven't installed the translation to english, or any other modification. I have installed the DirectX 9.0c, and the developers version too (because I get another error message, telling me that a .dxll file wasn't installated, this was solucionated). My computer have this specifications: Pentium 4, 2,4Mhz 1Gb Ram ATI Radeon 9100 I apreciate any help, thanks.