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Everything posted by Status_cz

  1. Status_cz

    Hidden & Dangerous 2 is out

    thnx Badgerboy @toadlife:Hehe...cool video
  2. Status_cz

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Very nice mountains and snowing  and the rest too Â
  3. Status_cz

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Where is his weapon? Heh...I dont know...,I run with m16...maybe it´s new invisible model  Ontopic :
  4. Status_cz

    Hidden & Dangerous 2 is out

    I played,quite like it,but graphics,resultion of textures are not so good (look at textures in STALKER,HL2... ).and AI are also not some clevet people..:) but i have little fun when i played it BTW:Slow moves are good The site is looking cool But I think this is good game:;): sry of my English:)
  5. Status_cz

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Nice pics all!!!
  6. Status_cz

    My m1919a6 30cal.

    I can´t understand why some people doing the same addon wich are already done and don´t need something better/worst...Look into INV1944,at Great Zwadar´s M1919A6 30 caliber Machine gun. BTW:Sorry,that´s only what I think
  7. Status_cz

    Skoda 1203 released

    Model and etc looks good,but I see some erros in config... 0-100 KM/h -4.5 (Like Porsche 911,BTW that VAN is fastest than Subaru Impreza? ) Max.speed 190?Uh...i think 110 is realy max. speed of this car...
  8. Status_cz

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Awesome, will it be released as a script? I saw this script in some MP mission,it looks cool
  9. Status_cz

    P3d to 3ds max

    Importing from p3d to 3ds,is not working good in o2 light,so if I need,I useFile>Send...> and that save it as ASC file(dont forget to put ".asc" on end of your file-sample- some_model.asc Than use program "3D Exploration" and import your ASC file in it,than export it like 3ds file. Enjoy And sorry of my english:)
  10. Status_cz

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    You may need a good ol' boss key. Nice hint Avon   But it´s too late...i´m getting already blamed for having contact with terrorists (YOU..the Forum members) because my colleagues have seen some pics of firearms on my screen while i was surfing the forums  btw: the thread lacks Combat Photography..i´ll try to get some explosions in here in my lunch break sorry...break was too short   Here´s a random pic instead: http://invis.free.anonymizer.com/http://mrburns.50megs.com/images/getin.jpg[/img Nice pic,looks realistic
  11. Status_cz

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    some hawk´s:)
  12. Status_cz

    An idea will be made in 1 month!

    I vote 4 aircraft.I just want to see much more nice addons of fighters&planes
  13. Status_cz

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    My eyes can detect atleast some sharpening plus picture resize . Status_cz is that sky thingy something you are making for CSLA mod or something like Keg's sky pack ? Ehh...even dont know what say ,I just put my dig. camera off window and take some photos of clouds,I like them so I put them into OFP... Dont know now,maybe we will use this clouds in CSLA That instalator wich is having Kegetys is pretty hard for me...so there is no way for me,how to release those clouds...only pics
  14. Status_cz

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    BTW:That sky on my screen is isn´t from Keg  ,but now I think we going little bit to OFF topic:) Edit:When I setting better quality of OFP,OFP crash 4 times
  15. Status_cz

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    something from today COOP:)
  16. Status_cz

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    thnx And this is landing
  17. Status_cz

    Call of duty demo out!

    Huh,this demo is nice...full of action