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Posts posted by Sharez

  1. Like every one else it feels like odd wondering the what is the best option for buying ArmedA.

    I am getting suspicious of 505 they do not even have their website up and running, looks more a like men in suits job .

    If they are releasing to all the listed EU countries at once,does that mean they will be like the German edition and have French, Italian, Dutch , text.

    The 505 "spokesperson" gave the reason for the Feb date as to localize all the releases,

    which if they were planning on sorting all the text in game and printing would take a long time.

    No I don't fancy 505 it will be the German Edition for me

    Besides the MP side of things are my main interest

  2. If anyone is that desperate in the UK for A.A. , buy a cheap budget ticket to Prague or better still a weekend break, have a good time and return with AA.

    Most probably the last you will see of a normal life for a while!

    What I would like to know is ,if the patches, when released are going to be edition related, it is common sense that the Czech edition will have a flying start.

  3. I have been marooned in lunigiana Italy with no internet conection for a month, finaly crack and pay Tiscali for a dial up [dearer than broadband, but only dialup available] and check out OFP  then voila ................................I find Folgore and friends are back in action.  Great news..  but will have to return to the uk and my broadband connection.

    Will dig out some old cobra island mp missions and update them .

    For a lanparty the GIJoe mod is unbeatable.

  4. the Hercules missions keep crashing, the old Hercules worked fine,

    I have checked the readme, I have used all the previous USCG  material and I like its style.

    I use mod folders so I do not no if that is the reason or perhaps the later BAS blackhawk

  5. Two of us that play Resistance; each have  two PC's one low spec and one high spec, in both cases a benchmark of over 5K seems to lead to no end of trouble especially with addons.

    the low spec 3k seem unburstable one has a res addon folder with over a gig of addons whereas the highend pair if they do not go into greenscreen mode  or crash they throw a wobbly at more than a handful of addons.

    So anyone out there dont trash your old PC when the all singing dancing model arrives .

    Just save it for HL2.

    Its going to be a long slogwaiting for OFP2

  6. I know a lot of hard core OFP'ers think, what the hell, more weird  odball mods, but having converted co-op missions using Folgores first generation GI Joe mods and using them at lan games;  they are often the hit of the night, the reason being the games are pure fun and the OFP platform as usual is the perfect gaming medium.

     From a mission makers angle they give a good story line and a new spin on tactics. The characters have different armour values so  a M21 suddenly becomes less predictable.


    Anyway look forward to the mods arrival.

    Hopefully I can do justice to the addons and turn out a cracker of a mission.


  7. Thanks I am duly burning 700 meg packs ie ww11; Cobra ; crime city/mafia style etc.; and sniper mania.

    I suppose I am getting carried away and I should stop butterflying and stick with one type of scenario.

    are command line arguments different for windows XP?

    I cannot get it to accept any command lines

  8. With the never ending stream of tempting addons and the amazing wake Island problems are arising.

    I find that on my system things start to degenerate after about 800meg of addons

    It would be good to have a chart of Low, Medium and High spec PC's and know roughly how many meg of addons one should expect to be able to carry.

    Any Help will be gratefully recieved.

  9. I am Having my first attempt at a dedicated sever [1.90]

    I find the info very confusing, do all the download files have to be copied into FP directory?  There is a DOs Batch file and a cfg file that does not get mentioned. I have made a server config file from the sample.

    when it says change command line argument to  -server


    needless to say it just ignores my server and runs as normal

    What have I missed?

    please help
