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Everything posted by Sharez

  1. Sharez

    Queen's Gambit owner statistics

    I have ordered it but most of my LAN friends who were casual OFP players have already gave ArmA the thumbs down, not for specific bugs, but just because the look and feel is not right....which is where the real problem lies with the game So it will be for single player only.
  2. Sharez

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    Perhaps the frustration is being  unable to make  half decent  coop missions, it is the biggest problem of all. I have wasted hours with always the same result,.......... delete it They just never have a decent feel to them and although I have downloaded lots of custom missions they to have all dissapointed with a total lack of atmosphere. I will most probably throw away some cash on Queens gambit as my expectations are so low it cannot be any worse. I assume if Codemasters are in bed with Sony for OFP2 it will be a pretty closed shop and far removed from the golden age of community endevour as in  OFP.  I considered buying Dirt to check out the Neon engine for modding but one peek into the forums knocked that  on the head. Please somebody  tell me  the AI will improve, .....and stuff the eye candy. Off to download the latest FFUR SLX pack
  3. Sharez

    Expansion: Arma: Queen's Gambit

    The response to Queen's Gambit  must be midsummer madness. After all the complaints about lack of news and not being kept informed, a flyer is released about  a project, and all hell breaks loose. Beginning to think the community has picked up some sort of virus that results in mass hysteria. I bought my Czech edition last November, and yes  its evolution has been slower than hoped for, but that should put timescales in perspective.  As ArmA is still "one" of my main hobbies,  I will  still buy it,  and carry on saving up for a bells and whistles graphic card.
  4. Sharez

    ArmA Disappointing

    It is certainly turning into a long haul. I have had ArmA on my PC for six months now, and it has been more pain than pleasure for very little gain Have come to the conclusion that it needs to be put on back burner for six months, as the single player part  cannot be taken seriously as a game. The multiplayer side will only be strong when the bugs and patches have subsided to an acceptable level and the poor hardworking devils running servers are given a break. Perhaps then I may be able to continue the OFP hobby as I remember it
  5. Sharez

    Is this true about ARMA for PS3?

    Problem is ,  it does not feel like a joke. I have friends who have been casual OFP players over the years, enjoyed it a lot, but not into becomming hard core fans. When they ask about buying Arma I cannot recommend it, The missions and Campaign are franky just appalling, plus issues like headshots, if you are not a committed fan you are not going to run with it When they are all urging me to buy a copy of STALKER as an imersive game I suspect they are getting a lot more out of the game than I am out of Arma. I just hope the modding tools appear soon, because there does appear a curious lack of passion from BIS  towards ArmA which  hopefully in partnership with the community will dissapear.
  6. Sharez

    Package Manager?

    Tail wagging the dog. I think you are all getting carried away with addons. What matters is missions with class and style, and yes, good addons do add polish. Most good mission makers have documentation and links dealing with any addons used. As said earlier lets get the game patched  and the modding tools released first. I suspect all the outfits like Mapfact, Frenchpoint, BAS, etc. will have raised their game so much  that most must have addons will be self evident. Right now I keep sneaking back to OFP for a good mission fix.
  7. Sharez

    Profile Relocation

    Sorry to be so dumb , but I want to keep my Arma profile /user missions folder in the Bohemia Interactive folder and not in My Docs, Â I like to keep C drive for business and Games in D drive cannot see how to alter it. [i have the Czech edition] Any help would be appreciated
  8. Sorry to be so dumb , but I want to keep my Arma profile /user missions folder in the Bohemia Interactive folder and not in My Docs, Â I like to keep C drive for business and Games in D drive cannot see how to alter it. [i have the Czech edition] Any help would be appreciated
  9. Sharez

    Profile Relocation

    Thanks psycosmos, and for the link,  just what I needed. As regards Baddos comments fine if you are happy with it, but I am just a control freak in the sense my C drive is  totally non games and by default I change the C to D on any game I install. [better for defragging and such like] OFP folders are running at 14 gig so I have no idea what arma will end up at From laziness it is easier to archive  game mods on dvd when it is all together.
  10. Sharez

    Profile Relocation

    Thanks psycosmos, and for the link,  just what I needed. As regards Baddos comments fine if you are happy with it, but I am just a control freak in the sense my C drive is  totally non games and by default I change the C to D on any game I install. [better for defragging and such like] OFP folders are running at 14 gig so I have no idea what arma will end up at From laziness it is easier to archive  game mods on dvd when it is all together.
  11. I am stuck in Italain  mountains only with a dial up connection, so I have only been playing the campaign and  SP missions, In multiplayer co-op does armour have the same power to spot special ops creeping about in cover as  in the SP game? It feels more like a sci fi game when lying motionless in bushes in the dark  and armour a couple of hundred metres away just picks you of with ease. But apart from that I am happy with the way the game is evolving now I have the latest patches [Czech edition]
  12. Sharez

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    To all  "Westerners" I can recommend  Czech edition with the english patch and I am well through the campaign and missions, But! the game is not polished in anyway ,as you may gather, from the Forum's. So if you purchase a  Czech 1.01  version and patch it , to English, enter into the spirit of the game and don't start ripping it to bits,  ......help with the polishing!
  13. Sharez

    Save files

    I suspect there is a bug in the saves, it would not start without crashing after I changed my profile, seemed to have files with "scrambled "names in the campaign folder. after deleting the old profile it ran fine. [ why do profile names have 20% prefixes] How does one alter the default save path? C: drive is a games free zone!
  14. Sharez

    Beaten Dog mission won't end

    Just mount a search over a larger area, till you get shot at, they have made the trigger area to large. I had it happen , but it used to occur in OFP,
  15. Sharez

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    By Sickboy - what do you mean? If Kegetys' is a major God sickboy is well on his way to become a minor one , well once he has cracked all the server problems http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....93;st=0 I am happily playing a Czech version with his language patch
  16. Sharez

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    [with proper advertising and a quality 'sim', there would be a huge market in the states. Though not likely that will happen any time soon. ] It looks a bit like the difference between Linux and Microsoft. Yes, you do live in a society where marketing is King. The pleasure I am getting from playing my patched, english language, Czech purchased version of ArmA  [i reside in Italy] is being part of a  unique global games community, and watching the game develop over the comming years. That will be as worth while as the playing of the game itself. Yes game is flawed at present; if one day you purchase your shiny box from as part of a  game store promotion, good luck. If there are fifty of you, cannot you get together and obtain a test copy, .....but perhaps it is the commune thing again!
  17. Sharez

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Looks dodgy to me, Stick to the straight and narrow http://www.armedassault.info/ http://www.morphicon.de/ http://www.my-sprocket.com/ Hope you escape being conned
  18. Sharez

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Yes, but check out the feed back on the German download, It comes patched, and I suspect it is a good option. But I am happy with my Czech version. As a stand alone game it is weak, but I have bought it for all the amazing mods missions and addons that I am quite sure will start appearing by Christmas, better this way than grumphing about the distribution.
  19. Sharez

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    This is all getting a bit silly, I live in split  locations  the UK and  Italy. I am sat here here in Italy happily playing ArmA, with a patched Czech edition with Sickboy's [your a gem!] English language patch, the game was purchased from a Czech online source that gave excellent service. Just popped on Keg's ArmA launcher so it is like old times. Point is ;any hard core OFP fans will be playing ArmA at present, and will most probablyl, ike myself buy a localised edition when it appears.  505 and such like, will help bring the game to casual buyers and help to swell the ranks of a great hobby game. Compared to the effort of upgrading,  obtaining the game and playing it is no problem. If I get as much pleasure from ArmA as I got from OFP any hassle has been cheap at the cost.
  20. Sharez

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    What annoys me about this whole purchase mess. a global community like the loyal BIS Â fans are having the clock turned back ten years, and old fashioned barriers are being reintroduced. Over the years with OFP, I purchased over half a dozen copies, a couple for LAN games at home, and presents for youngsters who enjoyed playing the game. I have no doubt as a paying customer I will do the same again with ArmA, and everyone in the disrtibution chain will get a bite of the cherry. How about BIS settiing up something for the hard core customers, I would rather pay money for a subscription to a genuine elite customer service than the Gimmicks of a special edition
  21. Sharez

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Okay Sickboy, I have took the plunge with Bontoland, you should have done a commission deal! Portage was quite expensive but at Å38 all in  I  will be happy to play around and make the  next big decision, the graphic card ! already on socket 939 at 2.4gig. Cheers
  22. Sharez

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    As regards knocking 505 as a distributor.  presumably they will do quite well feeding the  High Street  retailers for the casual buyer , but I cannot see any hard core OFP/ ArmedA  fans waiting around till Feb. The main reason for holding fire till the German Edition appears is the security code issue. Life has moved on with Amazon, eBay, and  specialist online suppliers, which is why the 505 antics are so strange, as my particular tipple is Lan games I will no doubt purchase extra copies, but I suspect it will be online and from the source I purchased  my first copy from
  23. Sharez

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    If I am going to part with my hard earned cash I prefer to deal with traders that have some form, Armed A is the first PC game that 505 have handled, and obviously on a scale they do not seem equipped to deal with. Yes I would become a customer of  a new trader ....but,  I would need some reassurance that they mean business and 505 do not seem to give of good vibes, if they have made a niche market with consul games fine, and despite my moaning I wish them well.
  24. Sharez

    505's ArmA Special Edition - What ya want?

    [How about getting the damn thing out before everyone has either imported or warezed it? ] Spot on, they cannot even sort their website out http://www.505gamestreet.com/
  25. Sharez

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Hardly surprising considering half the planet will be buying from the Czech Republic.......... why; because BIS seem to have got in bed with a turkey for Uk/worldwide  distribution ;as regards 505 games just look at the website. http://www.505gamestreet.com/ They have the feel of being a bunch of chancers. all this nonsense about what we want from a special edition, when it is obvious they have not got their act together. I will one of the thousands keeping them at number one, and when it arrives  will wave two fingers at 505