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About superskunk

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    Private First Class
  1. superskunk


    same problem here... played 4 years now without this problem, and at least 1 years, with last system config... problem appeared roughly 4-8 months ago...can remember exacly. specs: AMD 2000+ 1 Gb mem. Geforce 5900 (latest driver) Maybe its driver problem...updated lately!! i've got som addons like BAS, BAS-Tonal, USMC, WinterOfp...and since few weeks also..Trinity and Mapfact. First i thought the new addons were problem...but why only me...rest of server i play on, have no problem. Most of time i hang for 10-20 secs, and return to game..sometimes i get MEM error like the 1 above..! btw i removed Norton antivirus & zonealarm firewall...for something else...after getting this probs, no fix!
  2. superskunk

    OFP2 and "armed assault" - what's up?

    Its a longshot, but maybe BIS realised Codemasters was influencing the developmebt of OFP2 so, that it became more and more "Arcade" style, like a game for the mass.. This way Codemasters can make a lot of money with the game because of the name. BIS guys didn't want this, and decided to go their own way, and make the game, the ofp community wants. If it is anything like this, i will never buy a codemasters game anymore ofcourse, BIS did it the first time, so they will do it again! Anyway i'm not amused with this developer news today! Let's hope they'll clear things up for us soon! "Cannot Fire"
  3. superskunk

    Mission ideas

    How about a condition level for every human. We know in ofp a human can get injured, and can die. When you are injured, your aim gets worse. Also when you run a while, and start breathing louder...you aim is worse, untill you have rested enough. Perfect system, but it could have more improvements, like: WHen you are a trained soldier you have condition 60 (for example) ... a terrorist or rebel, might be trained littlebit less, so he gets 40-50 condition points. A civilian gets only 20-30 condition points. And special-forces may get even higher points for condition as 60. The condition points affect the time they can run in straight line, without rest. In ofp, a civilian, with m16 armed, could run same speed, same length, as a trained soldier which isnt the way it is in real life. Ofcourse a soldier has more equipment..but still. So a civilian should get tired much sooner then a soldier. Im not sure this will be an improvement or, just irritating for players...but i believe it is a bit more realistic!
  4. superskunk

    ECP 1.075...The countdown begins.

    Thanks, thanks & thanks ECP Mod team You guys make OFP so much more fun to play. I'm sure to use the upcomming version from your masterly Modifications. Keep on Going! Regards
  5. superskunk

    ECP 1.075...The countdown begins.

    Thanks, thanks & thanks ECP Mod team You guys make OFP so much more fun to play. I'm sure to use the upcomming version from your masterly Modifications. Keep on Going! Regards
  6. superskunk

    Improved unit editor

    I like to be able to switch units-textures while playing. So you can start as civilian and at a cut scene, you appear in uniform, and play on like that. Its good for story telling. just with a simple script line like: this setunittexture "man1" or this setunittexture "sniper" Would be fun in some way! Keep up the good work BIS.
  7. superskunk

    Connection lost...

    I still experience "loosing connection" sometimes... - first it happends to say 10-20 % of the MP games i play. - sometimes when i get message "loosing connection" and see the timer count, i return to the game...the time various to: 10, 20, 30 40 or 60 seconds. - when i doesn't return to the game, i disconnect after 90 seconds... Strange thing is, when i get disconnected after loosing connection, my pc is offline for 3-5 minutes. So i cannot go on internet. I use cable, and any other pc on my home-network CAN go on the i nternet. So it must be a local problem. I tried RWin setting but it didn't fix the problem, only made it less often. We are using a Router with NAT-firewall, together with ZoneAlarm firewall. I didn't set any port for OFP. Further specs: Win XP Pro. AMD athlon 2000+ 1024 Mb DDR ram Asus mainboard (A7V333) wwith VIA KT333 chipset Asus Geforce FX 5900 128 Mb using latest drivers 55.03 i believe. Soundblaster Audigy 2 3Com 10/100 PCI 3C905C-TX OFP: 1.91 1.94 1.95 1.96 all get loosing connection. Does anyone has a solution for this, or can explain why this happends. I sure many online gamers have the same problem. And noone has a solution!! Thx!
  8. superskunk

    1.95 problems

    Still looking for answers!! THIS DOESN'T  WORK: 1.91 originalfile:  can't  load  dedicated servers. can't start local server 1.95BETA originalfile:  can't  load  dedicated servers. can't start local server THIS WORKS: 1.91 No Cd Exe:  can load dedicated servers and can start local server 1.94BETA:  can load dedicated servers and can start local server (i use No Cd Exe to safe my cd's  from scratches.) It looks like 1.95BETA Patch edited  the executables in a way i cannot load dedicated serves and cannot start local server anymore. Also a full reinstall of OFP (without NoCD executables)  didn't fix anything. Hoping for some answers. Superskunk The Netherlands ****EDIT**** I've found my solution: I used to use ZoneAlarm but not lately. It was installed but i didn't load at startup. Now i turn Zonealarm on and set the execuables to safe, al is working again. I only need to press Refresh now which at first worked immediatly on MP. but i can live with tht. Of for some more gaming... ****EDIT****
  9. superskunk

    1.95 problems

    I've updated to 1.95. When i go to Multiplay and start loading servers, nothing happends.  I don't get any server to choose  from and the loading-line isn't working (near Gamespy logo). I'm behind a NAT-firewall (router) but that never was a problem. Am i an exception, or is it just because there aren't  servers on 1.95 yet ? 1 Clan i know of, is running on 1.95 (at this moment) Plz help me!! Sskunk ***I've looked some further, and i also cannot start local server now.  When i select  "NEW" at multiplay, nothing happend.  I return to server-load sreen after 10 seconds of trying after pressing NEW-button. I do get message "Create Client..."  then it trows me back. Anyone got the same???*** ----------------------------------------------------------- REPORT: I've reinstalled OFP from 1.0 to 1.3 to 1.46 next to 1.75 to 1.91 Added BETA 1.94 & 1.95 Strange thing is i also didn't load servers @ version:  1.3 & 1.46 now.  Also the "NEW" button to create local server didn't work. @1.75 same. Now i can start 1.91  1.94  and 1.95. When i use original file names, i do get to see dedicated servers by using 1.94.  @ 1.94 also the create local server works!!! Using 1.91 or 1.95 both give the problem. No ded.server loads in menu & jumping back while trying to create local server. (during "create client..." message) I am behind NAT firewall on router.  I tried to set gameports 2302/UDP but i'm not experienced with that sort of thing. Ports are set in Router-setup screen, as well as for WinXP firewall. It didn't work!! I really like some explanation for this, and maybe an solution. Regards Ss  ****EDIT**** I've found my solution: I used to use ZoneAlarm but not lately. It was installed but i didn't load at startup. Now i turn Zonealarm on and set the execuables to safe, al is working again. I only need to press Refresh now which at first worked immediatly on MP. but i can live with tht. Of for some more gaming... ****EDIT****
  10. superskunk

    Weapons requests

    I've experienced when you're in a dense jungle you not able to look further then say 10 meters...to have a better looks on the surroundings a heat-view would be the solution. Does that make sense ? Anyway i would surely like something like that...optional ofcourse!
  11. superskunk

    Weapons requests

    Still got some suggestions: Binoculars which can zoom in/out. NVGoggles okay! Infra Red goggles, or some spectacles to watch heat-signals. I'm not sure whether there were such thing back in 'Nam. But it would make some nice missions possible! Another great option would be to add flashlights to some weapons, which can be turned on/off. maybe also change the name to Operation Flashlight  Cheers!!!
  12. To all the creators of Operation Flashpoint 2. I heared rumars ofp2 won't be released until 2005 cause there also will be a version for the X-Box. When i think of the X-Box i think of acrade like games, not simulations with depth. The thing i think what made ofp 1 a great game, is the fact that it is a war-simulation. It brought great realizme to the game-world. This realizme is ideal to use in a game...but the basics are realizme. I think there are lot of examples of movies or games, which the first part are very good and original, and the second parts or made for the great public. With this i mean they're made to sell, not to have a great part 2. Keep this in mind, cause you might sell a lot in the first months but only a good game will stay longer... I hope one of the programmers is willing to respond to this question: Â Is OFP2 gonna be arcade or simulation. And do you feel a this stage ofp2 has the same amount of realizme in it as part 1? Or did the team focus itself on the game-able side of OFP2? At last i would say: Â War is terrible, War-games are great!! From the Netherlands - Superskunk Sorrry for my bad english!
  13. superskunk

    Mission ideas

    Start on a recon mission with a squad. After a while the leader commands you to take the lead. Passing some horrifiing sights and slipping passed bobytraps, your squad is ambushed by large enemy force. You where lucky not to be shot at on contact, givving them all the firepower you have. You finally killed the last man of the enemy attackers. When you look back you find noone of your squad is left... Since the radio has suffered serious dammage you cannot contact HQ. You deside to go on on your own. As the night falls you find a an enemy command centre hidden in the bush. YOu attack the base all by yourself, and kill a hundred men, steal a vehicle and drive the way back home...you'll be awarded a purple heart and get the nickname Rambo!!! Hehe what a stupid tale~
  14. superskunk

    Special forces

    I really like the suggestion your proposed! Espessially raids on enemy camps with few Spec opps would be nice...first sneak them in position, then open fire for multiple sides, surprising the enemy! Really great fun for single player missions. Maybe followed by a mission where you drive in the conquered base as a rookie soldier, to defend base line.
  15. I need help on how to detect whether a unit position is "STANDUP" of "DOWN" I want to use _player Playmove "LyingToPutDownLying" but only when a unit is lying, or crounching. If he's in combat, he uses "CombatToPutDown" At now i can only detect whether a unit CanWalk or not. Can anyone help me??? Superskunk!!