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About King_Haggis

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  1. I keep getting an "invalid session key" when I reinstall ArmA 2 and ArmA 2 OA. I have a second Steam account I use at home without problems but when I use it here at work, I also get the invalid session key for ArmA 2 and ArmA 2 OA. Also on a different machine as the server which has its own Steam account. This problem is so weird! Steam says my key hasn't been blacklisted. I can play the game without problems on my home account and also on the server. I just don't see the server in the server list but can join it when I enter the IP adress. This is driving me nuts! Why the invalid session key notification when I install ArmA 2 OA?
  2. UPDATE: Steam says it's not their fault and they say my CD key is fine. I have also sent my question to Battleye. I hope they have an answer. In the mean time, I hope you guys can help me out but nobody has said anything so far. This is starting to look desperate.
  3. Nobody knows? Steam has just replied: hello, we see you have been playing the game since february 2, so do you still require assistance? They apparently don't even read the problem description. It's about the server not being visible in the list. I'm pretty sure it's a Steam / BattleEye thing. Sigh.... :(
  4. Hi ArmA players! I have trouble with my ArmA 2 server which has otherwise always performed flawlessly. All of a sudden, since a week or so, our server doesn't show up in the Server list anymore. The game crashed as it does once a month or so and I restarted the PC and rehosted the game. But now we can only connect to the server by manually entering the ip adress. Does anybody know how to fix this? We haven't changed any settings! I use Tophe's TDAST tool. This is what I asked Steam Support but I haven't received an answer yet: Thanks for trying to help me out! By the way, if we ever get the server up and running again, please join us. I've been told many times we host the best Warfare server when it was still visible :-P -Haggis ****** BELOW IS WHAT I ASKED STEAM ******** I have 2 Steam Accounts, the problem is with the "GEPOSYSTEMS" account. I use this account as server and have bought ArmA 2 plus ArmA 2 Arrowhead about a year ago for this PC. I have since hosted about 8000 hours of ArmA 2 Arrowhead. The servername is "GEPO's Warfare Server" without the quotes. We use Windows Server 2008. Since last week, the game doesn't show up in the serverlist but we haven't changed anything. The strange thing is, we can connect by going to "remote" and enter the ip adress and port manually (it's and 2302). But other players can't find our server this way and I have received lots of complaints. I have since tried the following things: Manually updated Battleye Reinstalled Steam Reinstalled ArmA 2 + Arrowhead Resetting the router Check if the ports are still forwarded which they are (never changed anything) As a last result, I even grabbed another PC (Windows 10) and tried to host from there but the server still doesn't show up and can only be accessed by entering the ip adress manually. I got a CD key message when I reinstalled ArmA 2. Maybe we have been blacklisted for some reason? When I check the game now in Steam, it doesn't say anything about a bad CD Key though, and I can play the game fine on the server. It just doesn't show up in the list when we host a game. Please help me out here because I'm getting quite desperate now. Thank you!
  5. King_Haggis

    Strela & v-80 problems

    Yes, it's a very strange bug...I've tried both some old 28.32 nvidia drivers and the newest 41.09 drivers but no improvements. I have windows xp installed. Perhaps I wouldn't have these bugs with windows 9x. Unfortunately I happen to have all the bugs reported Like the CTD when using the Laser Designator and the strange crackling sound when using EAX. But I still love this game, the bugs aren't that bad.
  6. King_Haggis

    Strela & v-80 problems

    Thank you, I'll give it a try. Do you also have a solution for the V-80 problem? The helicopter looks nice on my friend's v1.85 of Flashpoint GOTY.
  7. King_Haggis

    sudden texture disappearing inside campaign

    I have the same problem when playing Flashpoint on my old Thunderbird with Voodoo 3 card. Solution: Don't use Direct3d, switch to Glide instead. (worked for me). If you already use Glide, then I don't know a solution.
  8. King_Haggis

    how do i use the laser ?

    By the way, Has any of you guys experienced Crashes to Desktop when using the Laser Designator? What's the reason for and solution to this bug?
  9. King_Haggis

    Strela & v-80 problems

    Hello, This is my first post on this forum. I just bought the GOTY edition of Flashpoint after having played the original game for ages. The game works fine, but I have this problem with both the Strela Launcher and the V-80 Helicopter. The problem with the Strela is that when I choose ammo for the Strela in the weapon selection screen the picture of the Strela rocket can't be displayed. Also, when I start the mission, I get an error message saying the Strela graphics file is missing. I can use the Strela though, and the missions work just fine, so it's not a big deal. The thing with the V-80 is more of a problem to me. For some strange reason the helicopter is rendered very ugly. Landinggear, weapons and textures are badly displayed or aren't displayed at all. The model looks very dull. I only have this problem with the V-80. Can anybody help me out?