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About Speed_Dog

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  1. Greetings, After seeing the trailer for OF Resistance I was so impressed that I went straight down to the local Electronics Boutique and purchased both OF and OF Resistance. However after I patched the game to v1.85, I noticed a strange problem. I cannot go up stairs in some maps anymore. For example the first pract mission "Steal the Car", there is no way that you can go up stairs in any of the buildings, whereas before the v1.85 patch, you could go up simpy by walking into them and you automatically went up no probs. Anyone else have this issue and is there a solution other than reinstalling and NOT applying patch v1.85? (sys: WinXP pro, P4 2.53ghz, GeForce 4Ti4400, Hercules GTXP sound, EPoX 4G4A+ mobo) Regards and thanks for reading this post. Gary (Melbourne, Aust)