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About Striker_EAF322

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    Warbirds, Good FPS shooters, preferably tactical.
  1. Striker_EAF322

    Squad/Clan looking for player

    Maybe you're looking for an Armed Assault squad to join? Well, FUSION is looking for new members, so the first step was already made. FUSION is a merger between two Squads: Platoon and Geeks With Guns (GWG). Both Squads already had a rich history, with Platoon going back to the CC4 days (2001), and GWG being there from the start of Operation Flashpoint (2002). The majority of the members is English and/or Dutch speaking, English being the language used during gaming. Currently FUSION is active in one league, the European Combat League. We mainly play CTF, C&H and Combi maps (a combination of CTF and C&H, created by one of Platoon's former members). We have regular training days: Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, starting roughly at 20:00 BST/21:00 CET, and lasting until the last man falls asleep behind the keyboard. What has FUSION to offer a new recruit? * We have our own high performance server, on a direct 100 Mbps link to the Internet backbone, so excellent connectivity * A group of relaxed and mature friends, with a focus on fun, and a bias for improvement and winning * Well organised outfit What do we feel you should bring? * A relaxed and mature attitude * Dependability * A teamplayer. FUSION does not believe in ranks, everybody is of equal importance and value to us. * Knowledge of ECL and/or its maps and gametypes would be a bonus. * A PC and internet connection suitable for Armed Assault MP games What do we need to know of you in case you fill in a recruitment form? * Name * Age (minimum of 18) * Country where you live (city is OK too, but not necessary). Has to be in Western Europe due to timezone differences * Your native language (apart from that you should be proficient with English * e-mail, MSN and/or ICQ (at least one) so we can contact you. * Optionally your nickname, experience with Armed Assault and/or other Squads and/or Leagues * Where did you hear of us? You can find the form on our forums: FUSION recruitment office We'll contact you and work out the details then Best regards, HitmanFF, Leader and Striker XO's of FUSION
  2. Striker_EAF322

    Changing username

    I sought, but did not find, any way to change my 'Striker_EAF322' name to [GWG] Striker or something more or less alike. I tried to create a new account, but want to use the original e-mail address. This is not possible too. Where can I go for additional information?
  3. Striker_EAF322

    Strategies and tactics that work!

    I've seen a lot of good comments, and I agree on most of them. But the trick is when to use which tactic in what situation. For myself: I have still too much of a Rambo in me, delearning it as fast as I can One of the favourite tactics I use (when applicable), is the real fast lone ranger up front, going to the flag as fast as possible (e.g. CastleConflict at Nogova). The fact that the other team already holds the area usually demoralises the enemy, plus they have to fight their way in. Mostly they don't know it's quite easy, since there is only 1 man opposing them (if hidden well). In the mean time the rest of the team can come in on a more normal pace, and fight it out on more than equal terms And I agree that the willingness of the team to want to win makes the difference. On the above mentioned map we had a 2 vs 2 fight going on. The other team trashed our base while we were away (I hated that), but we were so pissed we *really* wanted to win. So we did, the enemy always has to get out in order to capture the flag, and that was the moment we would hit them hard and sure. Even though they had 1 BMP from us, and M113's, they never stood a chance: every time when the castle was cleared we would move to another point, waiting again for them to arrive, knowing they would not find us. And the moment they stepped out... Well, the rest you can image best regards, [GWG] Striker