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Shadow NX

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Posts posted by Shadow NX

  1. Suddently i remember why i hate to buy games that need Steam activation... got the game, clicked install, now steam says updating and although it runs with something like 350Kb/s it is only at 4%.

    I assume Steam downloads the whole game atm and just want to rage hard.


    That is if the servers arent down again like just now...


    Buying a game from steam and loading it, fine with that, buy a cd just to have it start Steam and download the whole thing... pure rage.

    I hope one of the devs steps on a lego brick tonight.

  2. Why don't they just get a person to do it

    Pretty much my first thought... why buy a expensive robot and not instead get a real human to take care of elder people and that.

    I can already see how i tell my robot nurse about how it was back then when im a old man... sigh.

  3. As seen on the screens we keep it normal, Motorrifle units and normal soldiers at first and from that we will see.

    Personally i hope for simple recons based on these units but not in the innitial release afaik.

    Also better not mention KLMK as NSXr gets allergic reactions from that :D

    ( i still like it a lot :p )

    Btw, if anyone is intrested to make missions or ( preferred ) campaigns for these units let me know, focus there is on SP stuff with lots of cutscenes.

    These units are insanely detailled and i hope they get the best campaign possible or at least some good missions.

    Saddly so far all i asked were busy... the SP mission maker, a rare breed.

  4. Definatly a X6 1090T, if you get a good one 3,8Ghz or more shouldnt be a problem.

    My X4 975 runs at 3,6Ghz without changing anythign but the multiplier, from what i tested 3,8 also worked stable.

    And ArmA2 definatly is very CPU hungry, a strong CPU is more worth than more Cores .


    And now id also like to have a problem: :D

    I upgraded my system with a SSD, Windows 7 64bit is freshly installed, all smooth but after a while i encountered a weird problem.

    As soon as i get to the Windows is loading screen before the windows colours start to flash it seems as if it would hang, when i reset the system boots perfectly quick afterwards.

    Yesterday i noticed it doesnt hang but instead takes like 2 minutes then suddently the windows colours of the load screens flash up and im on my desktop, there all is nice and fast and the specs of the SSD seems fine for being attached to a Sata-2 port.

    Very rarely the system starts fast but in 90% of the cases i now wait 2 mins till i see my desktop.

    What could it be? Bios is set to AHCI for the SSD.

    SSD is flashed to latest Firmware, 7 i think.

    Once loaded all is running perfectly fine, no crashes or stutters.


    OS: Win7 64bits

    Ram: 4Gigs G.Skill DDR-2 Ram ( 2 Modules )

    Drive 1: SSD 128GB ( Crucial C300 ) on Sata2 ( Sytem partition & Programms )

    Drive 2:HD Samsung Spinpoint F1 250GB on Sata2 ( For Gaming )

    Board: Gigabyte GA-MA78G-DS3H (rev. 1.0) on latest Bios versio.

    GPU: ATI HD6950 Asus DUII 2GB shaders unlocked everything else is stock

    CPU: AMD Phenom2 X4 975 @ 3,6Ghz

  5. HD6950 or 560i, with both youre not making a mistake and the price should decide.

    Also for both you already get a load of non reference design cards which sometimes even cost less with better cooling etc.

    Didnt try the 560i yet but had the 460 for a while and it already ran A2 pretty good on mid to high settings, currently i use the Asus 6950DCUII and i can max out A2 settings with it plus it cost the same as a ref design card and has a awesome ( yet huge with 3 slots ) cooler plus the posibility to flash the card.

    If you plan to flash it -even a technical idiot like me can do that- then just flash the shaders and keep the rest as it is, i have my doubts that the card can run as a fake 6970 forever without problems.

    On the graphical side on both cards the game looked similar to me yet the Nvidia is definatly a good bit better when it comes to AA which looks lot grainier on my HD6950 than it looked on my GTX460.

  6. There wont be any stalkers this time... I am not sure if even monster were included because this makes it very unreal again... i want a story that everyone can understand easly... btw: i just noticed you come from Sachsen-Anhalt also^^

    Wait wait wait... wait, no Stalkers? :o

    And no Mutants? :o

    Then the banner you use for your Project is a bit missleading.

    Anyway, looking forward to try it out later.

    Also, yes Sachsen-Anhalt, Bitterfeld/Dessau area to be precise, wanna come over for a Bratwurst and a beer this weekend when i celebrate my birthday? :D

  7. Seems to be delayed to early 2012 according to this German news


    "for X1 games ArmA2"


    Also i liked the part where they say the graphics arent the strong side of the product... dunno about others but for me the A2 graphics on high settings are the most realistic ones ive seen so far... or not for everyone i guess if you expect a plastic looking surrounding like in most Unreal and other engine games.

    @Topic, personally for me this looks like a must buy especially as it finally offers a german campaign which is a more then rare thing in games that arent RTS.

  8. Well 20% arent nice but hey its a engine with high potencial and most important its free at first so if your project fails in getting done you at least didnt had to pay for the engine.

    And if you make a really good one then hey, 20% for crytek and still 80% for you, or well a good bit less after Steam and others get their share.

    Anyone wants to make a russians at war mod? 80s Afghanistan, that would be neat ;)

  9. For someone who doesnt read into the stuff it is really confusing i think, a 430 is crap a 460 is excellent, naming shemes are weird in the industry.

    Same with CPU naming shemes...

    Yet if you find this forum and know how to use the interwebz you probably should also look at some hardware pages before, did it myself for a month and in the end got a super sweet card ( Asus HD6950DCUII ) for the cost of a ref design card.

    Anyway, if hes on a budget he should really get a GTX460 or the 5770 both with at least 1GB Vram.
