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Shadow NX

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Everything posted by Shadow NX

  1. Shadow NX

    Winter vehicle

    Sounds like damn much fun
  2. Shadow NX

    Winter vehicle

    Its the NKL-26
  3. Shadow NX

    Winter vehicle

    Looks like a old Aerosan, they were build for mountain troops and border guard units
  4. Shadow NX

    Kavakac mod dead ?

    Thats Caucasus Crisis they are fully alive and work on their stuff http://www.caucasus-crisis.ru/
  5. Shadow NX

    Modern usmc marpat

    Hope it will be part of the usual christmas addon rain
  6. Shadow NX

    Berlin1945 op mod thread

    I cna only guess how much was edited and deleted here but i always wonder why people cant use PMs or ICQ/MSN whatever to solve their probs
  7. Shadow NX

    Bas pavehawks

    Long ago i remembered seeing you in the RHS contact list too but somehow i cant remember more than 1-2beta test posts No offense though
  8. Shadow NX

    Replacements for g36, desert island, su-25

    Well values are ok if its possible to give headshots with an AK in autofire mode on a target 300-400 meters away. We tried our PK with 1p58 night scope with the values and well... who needs a SVD... No offense but thats not ok...
  9. Shadow NX

    Replacements for g36, desert island, su-25

    If the sounds are your only problem... I think the weapon values are the real prob for me...
  10. Shadow NX

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    And where are Erwin and Günther the rest of the crew?
  11. Shadow NX

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    That picture was looking good till I saw that guy doing who knows what to that gun bipod... Hey today everyone is free to live out his fetish
  12. Shadow NX

    Red Hammer Studios

    I wonder why BD knows that if the project hasnt even started
  13. Shadow NX

    Red Hammer Studios

    Yes sure we all hate you, we even have a secret club where we all meet and roll with the eyes reading your posts  But really, you started a few too much flamebaiting lately maybe you dont see it that way but a lot will agree. No really you get this wrong, i also found it a bit weak from Rouge also but hes a RHS member and a good mate so i asked him to think about this pointless reaction again, at least he wasnt one of those wo started the insulting riot.
  14. Shadow NX

    Red Hammer Studios

    Sorry after all the trouble lately threr is no chance Dennis... Besides i hate it when people are inconsequent, dont say you leave the comm if you never plan too thats not very mature. If you dont wanan leave then dont say it simple as that... Anyway currently we have enough animators for what we need and also more than enough bug bloodhounds. What always is needed is people with advanced scripting knowledge maybe also on drop effects and stuff. Texturers and currently mappers. Mi-28N is put on ice currently. But theres the DKM one wich is really not bad.
  15. Shadow NX

    Red Hammer Studios

    Then you have different info than me...
  16. Shadow NX

    Russian vehicles

    Sure but how many OFP limits have been broken already, so why not also this barrier... If its possible i would love BIS if they could implement a support of rocket on wheeled vehicle class.
  17. Shadow NX

    Russian vehicles

    Had no time to test but i was expecting it uses the tank class to work and guess i was right.
  18. Shadow NX

    Modern usmc marpat

    No, and i have no idea how that could work in OFP
  19. Shadow NX

    Russian vehicles

    Got any link to it? We have a t least the Btr-152 in the making, and a few artillery systems but noone of the ones you mentioned
  20. Shadow NX

    Red Hammer Studios

    Wanted to say something about all this action in the new safe walk anims thread... Dunno what exactly happend and why some were insulting others without any proof. I just can say that this doesnt reflect the opinion of the whole RHS team Indubio pro reo ( hope that was right   ) Rouge wont leave, we talked with hunter and situation is cleared, thats it. It was good to close it cause this was leading to nowhere Â
  21. Shadow NX

    Red Hammer Studios

    @all who still didnt get it One last time we work every day on the goddam tanks, if you want to have some simple tanks with nothing special you could already have them, but thats not what we want, we want to give them a lot of effects and lil goodies and this TAKES TIME If you want rushed addons with low quality you must download them somewhere else... simple as that. And a addon on a still pic tells you nothing about the status of the addon and the features. "Those who only want to give a little should not ask for much" Relese date is set... thats all i can say
  22. Shadow NX

    Red Hammer Studios

    1.No 2.True
  23. Shadow NX

    Red Hammer Studios

    Well i dont know how its made im a noob on scripts. We tested it with a new M60 model, Frontal it needed 2RPGs in the back one killed it.