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Everything posted by Shark111

  1. Hey, I would like to know the possible moves of a soldier in OFP 1.46 (without Resistance)... if it's too much, I'd like to know how a soldier is forced to surrender (I mean to put his hands up)...
  2. Hi! This time I noticed this problem: I have a group of tanks (leader "armor1") and want them to move somewhere on the map, when they are called by radio. I put a radio trigger with this code on activation: armor1 move(getpos patrol1) The tanks do not move! I give them a waypoint "Move here" just in front of the leader and synchronize it with the trigger. Now they move and go where I wanted them to go. But I'm now supposing "Does move(x,y,z) work only with already movin' vehicles?" P.S.: I tried to use this code in the trigger: [group(armor1),1] setWPpos(getpos patrol1) but the tanks did not move in both cases.
  3. Shark111

    Getting vehicles on the move

    All right. The instruction domove[x,y,z] gives no problems, and it needs no starting waypoint to be synchronized with the trigger. Good job! Now the mission grows up properly. Thanks for the M113... it seems to be a good idea...
  4. Shark111

    Getting vehicles on the move

    Thanks for the help. I will check out your suggestions as soon as possible and keep you updated. Just to be more explicit I said that armor1 was the name of the group leader (and patrol1 too), not of the group. I would like to tell you that my doubts were due also to another similar problem: just create a new mission, with a player and a soldier in his group, then put an M113 near them. When I try the mission I order the soldier to get in the M113 as driver, then I move in as gunner. If i try to order him to move with the mouse pointer somewhere on the ground or by map, he does not move! If I thell him "Forward!" (up arrow) and then give him a destination he moves there. Strange, isn't it? Bye!
  5. Hello everyone. First of all I'll tell you that I am new to mission editing in OFP, also if I have some experience about editing and programming. In my first serious mission (in development) I encountered these problems: 1) I didn't understand how to deal with groups and distinguish them from single objects. For example I created an infantry squadron, named the leader "patrol1". Then I wrote in the init of one of his men: team=group this; elem=count[team]; titletext[format["the number of elements in the group is %1", elem],"plain down"] The preview of the mission answered: "the number of elements in group is 1". Why? They were 9 at least! 2) I tried to use setgroupid in the init camp of the group leader, but the group resulted to be "Alpha Black" whatever I wrote. Is there any good guy who can explain me how to define groups and get their properties (number of elems, name etc.)? Thank you (me setbehavoiour "Grateful!")