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Everything posted by Shark111

  1. Shark111


    Don't know, maybe better uses are possible, bat I use them as rapidly moveable targets for "ShootToNoOne" animations, centres of areas which act in some way if someone gets close, waypoints to move units or groups to and so on... till now I only used those custom GLogics of the game editor
  2. Shark111

    Mix your perfect game

    Falcon 4 of course... did you notice how funny it is when you can do in multiplayer everything you can do in singleplayer? (I mean dynamic campaigns) yes, F4 is the only Flight Sim I know which does not limit the MP in a never ending clash of infinite aircrafts in an empty scenario.
  3. Hi. I need some HEAT to explode before they actually reach the target. Previously I camCreated them (with their variable names), but each attempt to make them detonate before hitting the ground was failure. How can I do this? Thx
  4. Shark111

    Dealing with shells

    As already specified the command SetDammage doesn't affect the shells (I had tried it weeks ago, maybe I should have advised you before... sorry). The idea to make 2 shells collide looks fine. I'll try it as soon as possible. See you.
  5. This question deals with the mission's final result. I have a mission with 2 possible endings, victory and defeat, corresponding with 2 different triggers named end_victory (type end1) and end_defeat (type end2). When the mission ends they are regularly activated (I know that thanks to the different debriefings they call), but, after that, the wrong outro cutscene is shown. I expected this bug, because my cutscenes are made with the official mission editor, which uses the default outro - victory and outro - defeat. My problem is how to tell the editor that end1 is a victory and end2 a defeat, so that it can show the correct cutscene? After playing an awful mission I want to see the bad ending, not the congratulations! Ehm... another one. Anyone knows informations (or where exactly to find them) about the file format supported by OFP for sounds (I know it's .ogg, but how to make .ogg files? Stereo or Mono? Which bitrate and similar). I tried to unpbo a mission but couldn't get these informations. Bye
  6. Shark111

    About nearestobject

    Yes, I tried the script suggested by RED, and it works, but it takes a lot of time to individuate a soldier at about 5mt away from the player’s position. Is there something in the code that could be faster or is NearestObject a command which significantly slows down the execution? My code was this: _i = 0 #search ;starts searching from the player's position, then will ;shift along player’s direction _xc = GetPos Player Select 0 _yc = GetPos Player Select 1 _dir = GetDir Player _pos = [_xc + _i * (Cos _dir), _yc + _i * (Sin _dir), 0] _near = NearestObject _pos _i = _i + 0.1 ~0.1 ;executes some tests to establish wether _nearest is an ;enemy healthy soldier or not. If a test fails, searches ;again from another position ?(_near == Player) : GoTo "search" ?(Side (_near) == Side (Player)) : GoTo "search" ?(!(CanStand _near)) : GoTo "search" ;if there's nothing interesting within 20.1mt. stops the ;script ?(_i > 20) : GoTo "end" ;this should give the debug output TitleText [Format ["Found: %1", _near], "plain down"] [_near] Exec "surrender.sqs" #end Exit Would it be faster if the range from player’s position is incremented by 1mt instead of 0.1 each time? I hope so… …continues ...somewhere a shark hopes to meet ya...
  7. Now it’s time for nearestobject. How do I use this? I want to put in a variable the object of a specific type that is nearest to the player. My scripts did not work, here’s what I used: _near = nearestobject [player, “manâ€] _near = nearestobject [player, man] _near = nearestobject [getpos player, “manâ€] _near = nearestobject [getpos player, man] These all gave ObjNull as value of _near. _near = nearestobject getpos(player) This, instead, gave always and only West Bravo Black: 1, i.e. the player’s unit. What have I to do, if I want _near to be the nearest man, for example, or Scud Launcher, or any other accident?!? Thx ...somewhere a shark hopes to meet ya...
  8. First mission finally completed and released. Now I have a question, for the second, about using custom actions with AI units. I explain: it’s dark, and you must find some Scud launchers located somewhere in the island, without being spotted by the enemy, elsewise they will start a massive ballistic attack. It would be hard to do, if the Scud launchers had the lights off! But every time a soldier gets in one of them, he turns lights on. I tried scripting this: _scuddriver action [“lightoffâ€] where _scuddriver refers, obviously, to the scud driver. Did this too: _scuddriver action [“lightoffâ€, vehicle(_scuddriver)] both without result. I think my tutorial about action strings is not very reliable. Could someone tell me what is wrong or another way to turn off those lights? Thx. ...somewhere a shark hopes to meet ya...
  9. Shark111

    Question about actions

    Tried. It works . No more to discuss about this topic. Thanks.
  10. Shark111

    Question about actions

    Thx I'll try it as soon as I can.
  11. Shark111

    Ai thread

    A new stuff about AI units. Would it be possible to see them surrender if there is no chance to win and/or survive (for example I scripted something similar which makes soldiers lay down the weapons if in front of a tank and no means to blow it up ) . I don't like shooting on people that can do nothing to stop me. Hope not to be alone... Thx.
  12. Shark111

    Vehicle movement

    Something more about tanks. Let it be bug, but in an M113 who gives the movement orders if the gunner does not?
  13. Shark111

    Vehicle movement

    A little question about something noticed in different mission: why the vehicle's driver simply ignores any movement command given directly in the 3d world when it comes from the gunner (and there is no commander)? I've spotted this trouble on M113s (where gunner is commander) and in commanderless tanks. Thx for any interest. ... somewhere a shark hopes to meet ya...
  14. Shark111


    Did I understand? .wav working in OFP? Really?
  15. Shark111

    A bridge too far

    Try this: put a game logic in the bridge's position and when you want to blow it up (I mean the activation of a trigger for example): "Laserguidedbomb" camcreate getpos glogic This should give you the big explosion you want. Bye ...somewhere a shark hopes to meet ya...
  16. Check it out, if you want... Can anyone explain me how to link the debriefing of defeat to a Loose trigger. I tried this in the debriefing.htm: <hr> <br> <h2><p><a name="Debriefing:Loose"></a> ...Text I want to be shown... </p></h2> <br> but it just gave me the empty notepad. If someone notices something missing or wrong, please, give the right code I should put there to have the debriefing text related to a Loose trigger. For more informations about this problem (if you are interested) search for "victrory" and see "victory, defeat and somthing else...". I'm sorry for the new post, but this is my last problem before releasing the first mission. Please, PLEASE let's solve it now! ...somewhere a shark hopes to meet ya...
  17. anyone? There is still a problem here.
  18. Ok, I did it and the outro is now working. Thanks. Now can anyone explain me how to make up the debriefing. I tried this in the debriefing.htm: <hr> <br> <h2><p><a name="Debriefing:Loose"></a> ...Text I want to be shown... </p></h2> <br> but it just gave me the empty notepad. If someone notices something missing or wrong, please, give the right code I should put there to have the debriefing text related to a Loose trigger. ...somewhere a shark hopes to meet ya...
  19. Let's stop now. I've understood why the M113 was not moving. That was because of some wounded soldiers, who cannot stand up. The M113 waits for them. What a hero! But if there are 4 T72s inbound I'd like him to be a bit more realistic and run! So I made a script which cuts off those soldiers who are too far away. I know its not kind, but I think that's more realistic. Thanks for collaburation.
  20. Thanks,Iknow that. My problem is that the M113 and the soldiers have no waypoint. They are lost in a forest, sieged by the enemy. Suddenly an allied tank patrol (the player and is mates) find them. This activates the trigger "lostfound" which has in the activation field: units(lostgroup) assignascargo m113; units(lostgroup) ordergetin true They get correctly in, but the M113 does no longer move. WhY?
  21. An answer and a question. If you want the tanks to stay back put a trigger or write a script which calls them back when they go too far. Try this for example: put a game logic at the beginning of the mine field, name it tanksback, then another one named patrolside where you want them to stay, finally script: ?(tank1 distance tanksback < whatdoyouwant) : tankgroup move getpos patrolside the same for the other tanks (...yes, you could do better but if we start talking about groups I'll get ). Now my question. The stupid tank is an M113, which, after loading troops in a danger zone does not run away, so that some T72s blow it up into pieces. Any idea on how to solve that? Thanks
  22. Shark111

    Waypoints and watch towers

    Yeah, it would be useful a full list of object names with a description of what they actually are. Is there any? Bye
  23. Shark111


    ... and a command to make soldiers surrender? Now I'm using to remove their weapons and setcaptive true, but I believe they could put their hands above the head... how?
  24. Hello all, I have a simple trigger, set as switch and activated by the west inside the trigger area. It simply plays the alarm of a base, but something is going wrong. I want it to play the alarm sound for 30 seconds at the mission beginning (the player starts inside its area) and then stay quiet for ever, so I put 30 in the max, min and middle camps, then choose Timeout. Well, it waits 30 seconds than starts playng the alarm (no way to stop it! I know it is not logic, but I tried also with the countdown, and the result was the same! What's up now? Furthermore, if I get out the trigger's area, is it deactivated or not?
  25. Shark111

    radio problems!

    Simply try to put a game logic unit where you want the group to go, name it and use this code on the activation trigger: groupname move(getpos gamelogicname) If you want you can change the position of that unit with a setpos instruction... That's all Bye