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About Sadus

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    Private First Class
  1. Sadus

    Guess the name of the game

    'Two Crude Dudes' The MegaDrive/Genesis version?
  2. Sadus

    Guess the name of the game

    Without looking at the picture... ... 'Rescue on Fractalus!' ?
  3. Sadus

    Guess the name of the game

    Another classic, SSI's 'The Summoning'...
  4. Sadus

    Guess the name of the game

    Yeah, 'Speedball 2'
  5. Sadus

    Guess the name of the game

    This site offers lots of Gameboy emulators: http://www.zophar.net/gb.html or you could try the Multiple Emulator Super System: http://www.mess.org
  6. Sadus

    Guess the name of the game

    Looks like one of the 'Incredible Machine's Another variant: Hilarious!
  7. Sadus

    Guess the name of the game

    Excellent link! Finally no more 'Our system has been shocked!' errors for me. Thanks!
  8. Sadus

    Guess the name of the game

    'Custer's Revenge' And don't call me old!
  9. Sadus

    Guess the name of the game

    Correct! The only reason why i am keeping my old P2/350 around is for playing this fine classic...
  10. Sadus

    Guess the name of the game

    Correct! I fondly remember the night missions where i started in 'central europe', fly to 'Kola Peninsula' (?) and photograph the sub-pen. The hardest part for me was the landing though.
  11. Sadus

    Guess the name of the game

    That's 'DOS in a BOX' Or was it 'Descend' ?
  12. Sadus

    Guess the name of the game

    We have a winner!!! Not. Anyway, nice try!
  13. Sadus

    Guess the name of the game

    No. Hint: one tactic stated in the manual was called 'threading the needle' Hmm, probably not helpful at all... Ok, the developer was Microprose...
  14. Sadus

    Guess the name of the game

    Yep! Battle Isle 2 Well done!
  15. Sadus

    Guess the name of the game

    Same thing here... Here are some of my favorites: C64 Amiga ('F19 Stealth Fighter', correctly identified by vektorboson) Amiga/PC ('Battle Isle 2', solved by Sanctuary) PC ('System Shock', well done Kegetys)