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Skunk Monkey

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Everything posted by Skunk Monkey

  1. Skunk Monkey

    MP Mission name standard

    I'd like to see the old OFP naming convention carried forward to ArmA - it just makes sense, type first, max players second, name third. This is what the admins need, it just makes it easier.
  2. Skunk Monkey

    DVD dont run!

    I had a problem when patching, which forced me to reinstall, however towards the end of the install the data on the DVD must have been currupt, it kept erroring out. Now its a long way back to prague to swap the disk, so I borrowed a DVD installed from that, and luckily the copy protection on my original is fine so it plays fine. I also made an image if I need to re-install again.
  3. Skunk Monkey

    Arma sound: question ..

    I've heard about the hardware acceleration letting you hear choppers in the far corner of the map. The sounds are a little buggy generally, especially in multiplayer. I have faith that BIS will sort it
  4. Skunk Monkey

    ArmA and FRAPS

    Fraps works fine for me, XP user.
  5. Skunk Monkey

    Dedicated Server Crashes

    Over at SES we are pretty sure the server crashes have been down to user-made missions. There seems to be some secret we havent yet worked out. The BIS missions are very stable, try running just the original missions and see if you still have a problem. We have purchased a slimline DVD for our rack-mount backbone sever, should be up in a few days.
  6. Skunk Monkey

    Dedicated Server Crashes

    Over at SES we are pretty sure the server crashes have been down to user-made missions. There seems to be some secret we havent yet worked out. The BIS missions are very stable, try running just the original missions and see if you still have a problem. We have purchased a slimline DVD for our rack-mount backbone sever, should be up in a few days.
  7. Skunk Monkey

    To the people who are playing ArmA, how is it?

    Or maybe make the grass shorter so noone can hide in it... If you wanted this for a player Vs player map then there is a "grass cutter" you can place in the editior which does exactly that. Great for around bases you create on grasslands, adds realism, reduces graphics needs and equalizers players.
  8. Skunk Monkey

    Performance Tweaking Experiences

    P4 2.4Ghz 400FSB - ie old 1Gb PC133 SDram - again old X1600 Pro 512Mb - compartivley new Everything on low, bar shadows which are off, and blood which is on high. 1024*768*32 @ 75Mhz runs mainly ~25FPS and looks great, highest 37FPs lowest 15FPS, all on-line coop missions as thats all I play. Tried it on 800*600 but I gianed maybe 2-3FPS and lost a chunk of quality. Very playable
  9. Skunk Monkey

    To the people who are playing ArmA, how is it?

    Well, I changed my mind. The 5700 card ran ArmA at 1FPS, so I ordered a X1600 Pro 512Mb. Now the rest of the computer isnt up to much, still on SDram, although I have a Gb of it, old motherboard with a 2.4Ghz P4. Runs sweet, even with all the setting on low its looks superb, lots better than OFP-Resistance. Player/enemy models are superb, everything is good, runs on average at 25FPS, lowest 15, but also need high 30's. MP wise (I dont play SP) there are some bugs, as reported elsewhere, the most annoying are the sounds bugs, not hearing shooting, just dieing or seeing dust shoot up from the ground near you. JIP seems to work well, although connecting times can be long. Nothing that cant be sorted, and no worse than early versions of OFP-CWC. I'm certainly hoping for a patch for Xmas though Have to say I'm impressed, and glad I bought a new card rather than a new PC. Its a good base to build on, one of guns is absolute shite (Aimpoint I think) and generally there arent enough units but it wont be long before the mods start coming out and we have been spoiled in the latter days of resistance with a vast selection of addons. User missions seem a little unstable, some worse than others, not 100% sure why but the mission makers have been making missions for ages that work aqre coming accross bugs which seem to cause cilent side crashes. That said the BIS made missions seem fine. Crashes are happening, but thats to be expected from a effective beta release Ver.1.00, some "Arma has encountered an error" type, which write the casues to a log file, some crash-2-desktop type, and some full-on system restart which invoke the "Windows has recovered from a serious error" start up procedure with disk scans. I'm sure this will all get sorted, and hasnt stopped me playing. The SES dedicated 100Mbit COOP server is due on-line anyday (we had to order a slim-line DVD for our 1AU rack-mounted server) but everything is more or less sorted now. Sickboy deserves a big for the English conversion work, well done Anyone with any coop maps feel free to mail them to maps@skunkmonkey.net and we'll try them on our dedicated server to pass feedback your way. There is a shortage of maps, but its getting better by the day, I've done 3 but non of them are as yet realeasable
  10. Skunk Monkey

    Beach Assault

    Worked well on the server, although respawn is not to my taste.
  11. Skunk Monkey

    Dedicated Server Software

    That's nonsense, 6thSense.eu, Dragon's Den(or sth similair) and now also SES are up, non stop. And that's next to those 5 minutes on/off servers SES dedicated server is NOT up. We are running one from a home connection for now. The problem that we have is our dedicated server can only use a USB-DVD, no good for starforoce. We have a spare copy of ArmA for the server, we have a server sat in a datacenter ready, we just need a suitable release from BIS Would be a shame to have to buy a German version and non-bis realeased no-DVD.exe but this will require some fast action from BIS. PLEASE give us a release date for a dedicated server, or some other solution to no needing the DVD in a dedicated server
  12. Skunk Monkey

    ArmA posters

    I thought you meant the poster you get with ArmA ...
  13. Skunk Monkey

    To the people who are playing ArmA, how is it?

    I wont be buying a new GFx card, no point, rest of the PC isnt up to it. I was thinking of a new machine next spring. I wasnt expecting to be able to get ArmA, but then got offered a copy earlier in the week, so just said yes without proper research - if you skim-read the specs (2Mhz processor, 128mb graphics card 512Mb ram then I'm above min spec - would have done for a few months) I've been offered use of a 5700 which has the shader 2.0 but will be next week before its in the post. New system next year. I know it will be slow but it will run it and I'll manage.
  14. Skunk Monkey

    To the people who are playing ArmA, how is it?

    Well, my experiance of ArmA is limited, I knew my PC would be slow, but I thought it would run it ....... no pixel shader 2.0 Â
  15. Skunk Monkey

    How to play CZ/GER version completely in English

    Odered my copy Arrives weekend - thanks for all the help here 3 years since i logged in here
  16. Skunk Monkey

    No hosted games?

    OFP CWC 1.46 or OFP Resistance 1.91/1.94
  17. Skunk Monkey

    Coop original maps or coop mp missions?

    Or check our download section (Website back by 8th November, maybe even 6th) about 370missions, 95% coop to download.
  18. Skunk Monkey

    1.94beta is out

    There is a Bullet Camera script .. bet you could search this forum for it. Fire your first shot with cannon or mortar .. look where it lands and adjust ... but really its cheating
  19. Skunk Monkey

    1.94beta is out

    1.94 is very good, the Hotfixed server hasnt crashed on either of my 2 servers for 2 weeks. I'd say its stable.
  20. Skunk Monkey

    Nogova... virus

    He is in my Clan ...
  21. Skunk Monkey

    Bas tonal-tango pack

    A Fair collection of addons it must be said. BUT You have to reduce the view distance so much on the main Island when playing in MP that it looks like a PS1 Game. Most of our newer missions include the Auto-View distance script and depending on what Clients are connected to the server the view distance is set 1000-3000Meters ... this make online coop fecking awesome, yes on Tonal its has to be less than 1000 .... whats the point in having a really huge Island if you cant see past your nose ?? Its fine in the jungle with fog + mist but on the open you just dont get to see anything .... Anyway .. my 2pence btw .. its not my settings in MP everything defaults to low and I have a 2.4Ghz/1024RAM/G4-4400Ti ....
  22. Skunk Monkey

    Nogova... virus

    We Finished it .. it was fun Now .... Part 3 ??
  23. Skunk Monkey

    Nogova... virus

    Tried it ... its cool If the mapmaker will allow it I'll publish a link to the file with the zombies replaced by Dogs ;) Doggy Edited Nogova Virus map .. by Bigus Dickus The Doggy Addon
  24. Skunk Monkey

    Put sniper on roof in bas urban rescue mission?

    I have not played the mission .. but can you kill him with a silenced pistol and remain undetected ??
  25. Skunk Monkey

    1.94beta is out

    We love BIS ... they listen and react