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About Sid_the_Squid

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    Private First Class
  1. Sid_the_Squid

    Script for using choppers to lift tanks

    For anyone whos intrested. Ive figured out how to edit the script to allow tank pick up in game, by you the player not bots. The file CargoRope.sqs that controls the pickup or veicheals needs to be edited at the following place. Under the sub heading '#findcargo' there are a number of lines similar to this one _cargo = nearestObject [_rope, "Jeep"] ? ((_rope Distance _cargo) Â < 3.8 && (_rope Distance _cargo) Â > 3.4) : ActionText = "Attach Jeep"; goto "DetailedPosCheck" Its the [_rope,"jeep"] bit and actiontext = "attach jeep" are the bits that need attention, change the name of the viechel here to what ever you want. I.e. BMP, I tryed it this before but it did not seem to work, however i tyred it again and this time it worked, using BMP. I'm not 100% sure what all the number mean prehapse someone with more scripting knowledge could figure this out. Anyway hope this helps some ppl.
  2. Sid_the_Squid

    Script for using choppers to lift tanks

    Ok to be very clear here. 1) Yes it is possible to pick up jeeps and trucks on-the-fly i.e. in game in a choppper you can fly (any chopper works) using this script i was. 2) I really would like to know how to modify it for lifting tanks, i have e-mailed the author but no responce (i guess he's either tyred of hearing the same thing or too busy). 3) If anyone else wants a copy of teh script i am hosting it here. http://members.lycos.co.uk/tcv0doo/cargo.htm
  3. Sid_the_Squid

    Script for using choppers to lift tanks

    Ok JumpDog sent you an e-mail. Sam Samson also sent you an e-mail.
  4. Sid_the_Squid

    Is fade real ?

    Just wanted to know if fade is real, I do have a proper copy of op flash, but one time a m8 brought his pc over, so i installed in on his machiene (just whilst he was here) so we could have a lan game, when the game was started a message poped up saying 'origional games do not fade' did not seem todo anything else, but i was just wondering if it might 'fade' my game if it would would re-installing fix it.
  5. Sid_the_Squid

    Script for using choppers to lift tanks

    like i said its under 1mb, i could not remember how much under. Ill give that script of yours a go, how would i set it up ? I really dont know much about scrips, this one i was using is quite easy, but its in 3 parts, i would need to post you the zip file as opposed to posting the contense here.
  6. Sid_the_Squid

    Pentium 366?

    If it dose work it will be like 10fps at the lowest deatail. I tryed op flash on a AMD K6-2 500 with a voodoo banshee and it was terrrable. Op flash seems to be very cpu and ram bandwith limited from teh benches ive done. if possible overclock the cpu that will help.
  7. Sid_the_Squid

    Pentium 366?

    If it dose work it will be like 10fps at the lowest deatail. I tryed op flash on a AMD K6-2 500 with a voodoo banshee and it was terrrable. Op flash seems to be very cpu and ram bandwith limited from teh benches ive done. if possible overclock the cpu that will help.
  8. Sid_the_Squid

    Script for using choppers to lift tanks

    "Ummm, why don't you exchange the name of the truck or jeep w the one of the tank? scriptwise there's no " I tyred that, but it did not seem to work, prehapse im doing it wrong, i dont really know much about scrips. i was using the ronaldV cargo lifting script, i cant remember where i got it from, if you contact me on ICQ ill send it to ya its under 1mb. my ICQ no is 100062486 (name Sid_the_Squid)
  9. Dose anyone know where i can get a script like this (i have one script for lifting trucks and jeeps its very good but i really want one that can lift tanks). can any one help ?? thx
  10. Sid_the_Squid

    Is is just me, or does this black-op have a...

    never seen that before, also when ever i use NV i get random noise in the NV screen (i thought it was a feature not a bug) but that screeny dosent have any.
  11. Hello all, I'm new here, I wanted to know if anyone has used this script before, if so is their any way to modify it to allow the lifing (in game) of tanks. I want to make a mission where you can air lift tanks not just jeeps and trucks its part of a grand beachhead mission im working on. I already made one where to defend the beach from attacking soviet forces now i wish to make a reversal of these rolls (but slightly diffrent). thx