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About SirKillAlot

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. SirKillAlot

    SquadServers.com any Good?

    gamingdeluxe.co.uk appear to actually be using server-level hardware (64Bit Xeons, etc) and will provide better performance. The Q6700 is a desktop processor and should only be used as such.
  2. SirKillAlot


    Gbit internet connectivity isn't uncommon when in a server environment... If your after a UK server give me a PM. Can provide fully dedicated servers from £55 per month (can run as many instances as you like)... SirKillAlot
  3. SirKillAlot

    Dedicated Server Beta available

    Problem is master.gamespy.com resolves to so that wont make any difference.
  4. SirKillAlot

    Dedicated Server Beta available

    Hi, I've got a problem where the server drops of the server list after the server is busy for a period of time. Only fix I've found is to restart the server. Here is my config file: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">passwordAdmin = foobar; hostname = "Whatever"; voteThreshold=0.3; voteMissionPlayers=1; reportingIP=; This happens with and without the reportingIP specified. I've noticed this happens more with user made maps. Any Ideas?
  5. SirKillAlot

    Is BIS of to fix online lag

    While your thashing about the person next to you will only receive data about your position and will only need to render your animations and not what you are seeing. If you are generating so much data that his internet connection can't keep up (or the servers with x amount of players), the player next to you, will see you warping about. SirKillAlot
  6. SirKillAlot

    Is BIS of to fix online lag

    So far most of the servers running aren't dedicated servers, they'll be running of peoples home connections. Once 'stable' dedicated software is available I'm sure some providers with decent bandwidth will start hosting large games. SirKillAlot
  7. SirKillAlot

    Info for Multiplayer Newbies

    While you may have 100Mbit connection, this is more than likely shared between your neighbors or local area. Also, its unlikely you'll fully push 100Mbit on an international level. The ability to ready up before other players has little to do with bandwidth but more to do with your computer speed. Most of this is waiting for the server to load the map and then your computer. Anyway, I can play on my 1.2Gbit connection if I goto London SirKillAlot
  8. SirKillAlot

    Where to buy ??

    They took the website down this morning. Its just come backup and I can now finally purchase and download the game...
  9. SirKillAlot

    Where to buy ??

    Me 2. Seems no matter what I enter on the form all I get is a blank page. SirKillAlot
  10. SirKillAlot

    Who will Host ArmA Dedicated Servers

    What about a Linux dedicated server though?
  11. SirKillAlot

    Who will Host ArmA Dedicated Servers

    I work for a London based ISP and will probably stick up a few servers. Might be able to arrange cheap colocation / dedicated servers if anyone is interested... SirKillAlot