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About Sevled

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  • Interests
    Skateboarding, computer harware, modeling images through lightwave.
  1. Sevled

    Realism or not?

    cheers dudes, thx 4 the replies, supprised that i could get that 2 let alonme 21 repiles thx again, hope 2 play online mayb, cu, delves xxx
  2. Sevled

    Realism or not?

    i hate to be bothering, but my friend said OFP was also boring, andcomplex, but ihavent yet seen agame that competes with OFP? if im wrong please give me an examlpe... he was also sayibg he was annoyed about being sniped by my friend across the map, but u actually can do that. one more thing:) wen u run he hayes the way u cant fire, and hates to see the white trail-dot of the cross hair. "it doesent do that in cs" im like god all mighty. is there anymore arguments to bring up? please fill free. craig "opul/sevled" delves PS : imite have to reply in the morning, sorry if its an inconvenience
  3. Sevled

    Realism or not?

    my friend is saying opflash and mohaa, are just as realistic as CS? and are boring, he says that they are both no more realistic than CS, he complains wot man can jump in any military vehicle and drive/fly it, and i say but not every one can drive or handle them properly, and confidently... he says MOHAA is slow, and if u jump off a building u dnt die apparently, ukeep running may iask for your opinions and hope this topic is worth while:) dont get me wrong CS and all HL mods are great, but im just wondering what every ones verdict is, thx for your time craig "sevled/opul" delves
  4. can someone pleaze giv me a home made tutorial or something for lightwave to help me create characters n vehicles, im finding it hard... plz help, thx for ur time Craig "sevled/opul" delves
  5. Sevled

    Making models

    hello fellow friends, im new 2 the modelling industry, and iwant to learn how to actually make half-decent models, ive got lightwave but ineed advice or good tutorials to help me say modeling cars, jeeps, planes, helicopters etc. hope u can help, Craig "Sevled/Opul" Delves.