The Aiming point can be removed Just look at Inquisitors pack the M24's Aiming reticule is not there.
Notice the Ground, the Sky, the blood.
This Mod has been here for a long time just not much news. And if you would check the WWIIEC Forums (Mostlikely the old one) you wouldve noticed that this pic turned up and I said it was from this mod but it was an old pic. So they did not steal ur mod name btw you stole theres)
A mod that started along time ago... Couldnt they have achieved this. Alls they did was redesign the game ;) and your sitting here saying its fake. Praise them.
Upon further inspection of the Picture Bratz posted thelink to..... I took it out into a picture viewer and zooming in on the jap getting hit. You can see theres a new Death animation ;)
And for the Zero... O2 pic. All that work??? They could've just imported the model into O2 and rushed it into game for a pic.
Please stop saying bad stuff about this mod, Atleast wait till your positive its a fake. Im sorry some people actually have talent, Looking at thier work and yours....I see we cant all have the talent you do Bratz