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Everything posted by ShadowY

  1. ShadowY

    Vilas' addons

    I dare you to post natural shots then besides the edited ones.. When I reverse your edited screenies it takes a bit longer as slightly a bit of contrast Anyway the rest I dont go into because I am only talking about your screenshots and how they kinda should promote the project edit* Can you take for my pleasure the screenshots between 11:59am and 3:30pm?
  2. ShadowY

    Vilas' addons

    It is hard to tell that the textures are updated Stop overediting the screenshots so much? The weapons are so dark that you can`t see that much  I suggest natural screenshots is the best way to promote the project.
  3. Saw that but that doesn`t answer my question. Can`t go over all the pages to find out if he gave it to someone else or that he uploaded a alpha/beta somewhere. I was away for 7 months after a crappy patch, so I missed a few things during that period edit* tried search on his name but the search is sooooooooooooo slowwwwwwww here atm that I stopped waiting for it
  4. Whatever happend to this ? First time I actually see the first page, thnx to nephilim
  5. ShadowY

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    Nice anims  Need to figure out why the sniper wont work with the anims addons: QG, ICP anims.
  6. ShadowY

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    It`s still nice to see that some people around here posting natural(looking) screenshots
  7. ShadowY

    New g-36k pack

    give it a rest for once vilas? go do something usefull... like making addons less depending on alot of useless crapp that almost nobody wants or likes. now I`m the bad guy inhere because I could hold it in for weeks(years counting OFP)
  8. ShadowY

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    okeeee..now only work with the sun/weather so the screenshots will not be so boring
  9. ShadowY

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    use a trigger with radio activation (example)alpha, so u can use it ingame whenever you want hitting 0-0-1(alpha) Getting out of the camview is using control V if I`m right
  10. ShadowY

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    too bad I can`t use it in the CWRdemo...other retex vehicles(BRDM2(ATGM) BMP2 etcetera...don't work properly with CWR v0.36. Found a way to use CWR v0.80 without v0.36, only some error messages this is only to try and push the retex artist to hurry up before winter is over addons: CWRaddon v0.80, RHS(retex)vehicles and Soviet Marines
  11. ShadowY

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    Surtenly without gloves ....but it`s only textured snow Â
  12. ShadowY

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    Installed CWR today....Waits for RHS or/and others with their winter stuff   Addons: CWR v0.36, v0.80 and RHS Soviet Marines(quickly edited), just fooling around to c what looks crap and what not.
  13. ShadowY

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    Never heard of antialiasing!? anyway it`s silly to have the look of one pic per reply so close at one at the other and getting away with it I vote for a WL+2, PR 48hours or something like that j/k
  14. ShadowY

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    addons: Sakakah Isl.; McNools desert vehicles.
  15. ShadowY

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    addon: (edited)SD Aatruck, Sakakah Isl and [sLU]sh*tty looking units.
  16. usefull d/l would be bice
  17. ShadowY

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    All the clean units, weapons and vehicles around here makes me....: addons: STAR AA-truck.. I know I used a KAMAZ kabin
  18. ShadowY

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    Had a few hours of fun doing this, It`s looking crappy on that crappy btr, the end result is blowing it up and throwing it in the trashcan Some gamers know where the textures came from addons: SD_btr80
  19. ShadowY

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.09

    using a 7800 agp.. it`s if 1.05 is released again. That will be another 7 months away from this game, I can`t be bothered to look at no/crapppy textures and deformed units/vehicles again. I was back because of a friend that want to play Arma again ..I found out that 1.08 was playable again. noticed a bit lost with QG but 1.09b does it for me *shows middlefinger to this beta. ------------------------------------------ 1.05 impression thread "Posted: Mar. 04 2007,02:07 ------------------------------------------------------------ I have put the game into its box and I`ll wait till game2 demo. It must be a pretty good demo if I will buy that game... hows that for an impression......cya"
  20. Not that I want to submit anything but to view screenies can be nice or simply visiting the site. Only problem is this: "IPS Driver Error There appears to be an error with the database. You can try to refresh the page by clicking here". So what is the problem at ArmedAssault.info? it cant be the tons of submits
  21. ShadowY


    I agree...(*eric cartman voice) all kick manberries in tha nuts
  22. ShadowY

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    very nice wazzzaa Addons: rhs hind/vehicles; rlk desert soldiers/vehicles; rh ak-pack; (edited stuff) and Sakakah Isl.
  23. ShadowY

    WIP-M1911 A1 v0.9

    "1)There's a wrong plate in the back side of the slide *only noticeable when the slide is backwards. 2)The empty spitted shells, don't stay in the ground for 30secs as they did in the OFP. 3)The empty shells are spitted to hiperspace instead 1 or two meters to the right and up. 4)*Shadow LOD fixed, thanks to Martin BM." This is what I see and it goes high up but it`s not the shell. Also the flame out of the barrel( when I can see it) is meters infront of the weapon. I can`t see any shells coming out of the weapon, not even in slowmotion Dunno if I have a total screwd (older)version...downloaded it yesterday ..somewhere, ArmA.info I think. I use the original PBO out of the rar with QG or normal 1.08.