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About Stork

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  1. Stork


    im using windows xp
  2. Stork


    after starting the game, my computer freezes around 2 minutes every time. I have a pentium 1.13 gz with a graphics twister hp graphics card with a driver version and have around 492 mg of ram. Is this enough information? Thanks
  3. Stork

    2 cursors and freezes

    ofp starts with 2 cursors (the game and desktop cursors) and freezes either at title screen or shortley into the game. Does anyone know what's wrong or what to do?
  4. Stork


    Im fairly new in the campign and I am on the mission where you have to watch a post by your self at night. I can't get passed it because I can never find the enemy soldiers before they find me. Is there any advice people who dont suck like me can give? Thanks Doug
  5. Stork


    Im fairly new in the campign and I am on the mission where you have to watch a post by your self at night. I can't get passed it because I can never find the enemy soldiers before they find me. Is there any advice people who dont suck like me can give? Thanks Doug