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Posts posted by SGT KAMAI USMC

  1. Harbinger[TG] I am glad you have  had only good experiences with the admins where you play. But the test is when you get wrongfully accused. Being banned from a server isnt so bad, but being run into the dirt in public, and wrongfully attacked in public might change the way you feel about it. For instance, have you ever heard of me, or seen any type of negative posting from me until I was accused of cheating by drak?

    I think you need to put yourself in my shoes.

    Ed please man. I sent you emails, I tried to talk to you personally, and in private. You didnt want it that way. Lets not argue. Try to refrain from playing the BIG BOSS anywhere other than Fraghaus. You got a great server, but that doesnt make you the supreme being of the whole OFP community. So we will post replys here regarding whatever the topic, or issues that intrest us may be. Thank you for your understanding.

  2. We were soldiers once and young. is the name of the excellent book, that the movie is based on.

    The movie was very good, and includes some small segments of french involvement in Vietnam.

    However for me it hit too close to home. My wife and I took our 10 month old daughter to her moms, and then off to the movie we went.

    I am a machine gunner in the Marine Corps, and we leave to go wherever they are going to send us in late April. We left the movie very depressed and identifying with the underlying theme of the movie, and that was the seperation of family during war times.

    great film. 4 stars from me.

  3. Hey I got an idea of who your talking about. And something tells me its not Drak.

    Define flaming? Because this thread is a flame towards flamers right?

    Anyways is trying to defend yourself flaming?

    Is asking the moderators here to enforce the rules against someone who constantly leaves rude, abusive and inflamatory posts, flaming?

    Hell Rev your too funny. How many times did you drop into the thread to post how much you hate having to read it. Lmao does your mouse take over, and force you to click on a thread? Do your eyes force you to read a post? No they dont.

    You want to, you choose to. So stop acting like your above it all ok?

    Anyway. Moderators. I understand locking the thread, but really no one hast to click on a thread if they dont want to read it. If you have to lock my thread, well thats not facist, its your job I guess.. But if you ignore the other guy abusing his posting privelidges. Well thats not good either. And as far as me defending myself? I wish I didnt have too, and I shouldnt have too.

  4. Your explanation is a wash. Provide Date time and proof! no more accusations without proof will solve this Drak!

    And by the way thanks for another example of your lack of simple humility you were wrong and corrected yourself but...

    But nothing. If USMC DIDNT IGNORE YOU? Why shouldnt we! You accused us of something we didnt do, and we owed you an explanation? You got a lot of nerve man.

    Nice! you keep on with the antogonistic posts. I am sure they help your case.

  5. You countinue to show your ass Drak. You know your wrong just admit it. No one believes you anymore after you showed your ass when you falsely accused my squad of cheating, AND WERE PROVEN A LIAR. You are incompetent and not much of a man. A true man admits when he is wrong. A true man would have addressed me with this issue when we had a voice chat. Instead you mumbled and acted like a worm on a hook. Wouldnt even come right out and say what was on your mind. Instead its, glad we talked man cya, and you run strait to the nearest forum to accuse me of cheating!

    Quit trying to make me pay cause of your inability to be a man.

    I am sorry to all who read this post in this forum. This childish behavior from drak has got to stop. He is instigating, and perpetuating the flames in the forums. I feel the need to respond because he is tarnishing my reputation, and my real name with his incompetance.

    Again Drak it is on you. Provide proof or STFU. This isnt your house. I dont play your server, and I am not in your forum. So dont tell me what to do.

    As for the topic. How long would it take for a server to transfer its config? I mean it might be worth it for high speed users. Especially so we can keep peeps like drak cool.

  6. Remember posting this Drak? WTF man your not sure about anything are you. Are we thanking Mod and Map makers or are we saying they have no rights to Mod?

    Look I am just yanking your chain. I wish there were no 3rd party add ons. It just rouses suspicion and gets us where you and I have been the past few days. I remember the first addon I had to Download just to play on a server when OFP was relatively new. It was the winter Kolkegev Addon. I kept saying, why do we need snow? Lets just play. The admin said, look if you dont want to play here then leave.

    I think that says it all. People keep makin addons, and if you want to play on the servers, (even yours) you better download them. I say we all go back to just a clean OFP install with the latest approved upgrades only!

    "5thSFG Drak


    Group: Members

    Posts: 62

    Joined: Nov. 2001

    Posted: Mar. 02 2002,05:35


    It's Thrash FragHaus Month !!!!!

    Map's , Admins ,Addons Whats next ?

    We have a Server that will be soon be able to host 64 people . And we work hard to give gamers a fun , lag and cheat free server .

    But I see some people Just wana dis all of that ! How many ISP's that you know would even give free server on a Triple OC3? NONE !

    I just wana thk 1st.net for what they have provided for us OFP Gamer's , And would like to also thk BIS for one kick ass game ! And all the mod and map makers who make the game Even better !

    Do I have to name all the mod and map makers? "

