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Everything posted by SGT KAMAI USMC


    Best multiplayer player

    LOL at tex. Cmon bloodhound87 is #1 in OFP. Won all the 1 v1 tourneys, and is generally an pain in the butt when he is enemy. Now ego makes me want to say when it comes to ground pounding, I am the man, or maybe its that I score in the top 3 on all servers with regularity that makes me want to say that...hmmm. Well I will say I am at the top of the heap somewhere. Â Tex your up there with me bro lol. Anyone care to see who is number 1 ground pounder? BIG DM EGO FEST!! Flagfight2small, and PB_Killseville any time. We can get maybe the guys at virtual-wars.com to make it officialy sanctioned. Ohh sounds like fun. 2 DM maps full of egos!!!

    Why does everyone make same equipment

    That cant be right unless someone scripted it wrong. If you shoot an empty vehicle that was last occupied by a friendly, it will score it as killing your own equipment. If you shoot a vehicle that is manned by enemy regardless of wether or not it is an east or west vehicle it will score an enemy kill. If you shoot an "enemy" vehicle that is manned by friendlies you  will be charged a friendly kill. If you shoot a vehicle that has not been maned by either side, it will count as a kill if that vehicle is organic to the side you are fighting against. IE. if it is a west vehicle and you are west, and the vehicle has never been manned, you will be charged a friendly kill. If it is east and never manned, and you are on west it will give you an enemy kill.

    Is ofp  mp dead?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (placebo @ June 20 2002,01:16)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SGT KAMAI USMC @ June 19 2002,23:50)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Your right Placebo I dont play COOP. Cant stand Co OP If I wanted to shoot AI I could just play single player.<span id='postcolor'> Coop isn't about shooting AI, it's about playing as a team with your friends, it's about coordinating tactics, it's about running around a corner to find an enemy having a bead on you, then just as you think you're dead there's a shot from behind and the guy who was about to shoot you is dead himself, you turn around and there's Hil with a daft grin on his face and a smoking gun I've played all the MP types that Opf offers but coop is the only one for me, if I wanted a fragfest I wouldn't pick Opf, Opf for me is a thinking/tactical game and things like CTF, DM, TDM etc. just feel obscene in Opf <span id='postcolor'> So your saying we dont use team work in our games? hmm. LMAO well I can tell you if your used to fragfests when it isnt a coop, then your playing with the wrong people. USMC is all about teamwork. And 90% of our games are exactly what you described except the enemy behind that rifle has a real human brain, and the challenge is there who is better them or us? With AI your playing the computer. Srry no challenge there. AI are predictable, they also seem to be able to see through bushes andsmoke ect. Humans can out smart each other, and adapt the plan on the fly. AI will follow the waypoints the map maker put in there. No contest.

    Is ofp  mp dead?

    Your right Placebo I dont play COOP. Cant stand Co OP If I wanted to shoot AI I could just play single player.

    Is ofp  mp dead?

    LOL that would destroy the game! Also why are people insisting on using the 1.60 beta. It is garbage compared to 1.46 It is like taking us all the way back to 1.10 I understand wanting to help BIS test it, but how long has it been around? It doesnt take more than a few days, and the agonizing death of an unnamed popular server to show that 1.60 is not ready for prime time.

    Is ofp  mp dead?

    FIRST OFF Not everyone can afford to host a good server that can handle more than 20 peolpe, and the picky and high requirements of the game! And less than 20 in a game is boring. If Codemasters hosted servers hint hint, it would probably boost a lot of support for the game. A small investment by them could reap serious benefits. SECONDLY! Thank god there is no JOIN in progress, AND THANK GOD there is no OFP overcrowding! It is great that some of the less skilled, and patient people have gone on to different games. With the exception of the occasional n00bs that truly enjoy and want to learn the game, and the regs on squads and in tourneys, this game was headed down the crapper in mp. Especialy when the impatient CS, SOF, RS rejects come in yelling gogogo, and I hate this game its boring, or I dont want to wait. The lame Counter Strike, and SOF nerds can get bored and leave for all I care. The combat sim element of this game is what I find apealing about it. Not the mindless action games the youngsters with no patience play! Keep on going BIS, more serious gamers will stay with your products if they maintain this originality, and I think with more advertising, and exposure you cant go wrong. This game has pretty much been entirely word of mouth since the start, and look how far it got. Now put commercials on TV lol. Seriosly though, there are 2 cable channels that come to mind, and they seem to avoid talking about good games on thier game review shows. I guess nintendo pays them off a lot of money huh? TECH TV, and DISCOVERY SCIENCES ELECTRIC PLAYGROUND. GET BOOKED ON THE SHOWS!!!

    Is the new net code done yet?

    I dont agree it takes longer to switch between east and west to see who needs more players to even teams up ect. The side by side boxes were much better.

    Is the new net code done yet?

    That interface on 1.46 is aweful!!! I mean where you choose sides. Why do we need a picture of the soldiers there to show us east west ect it makes the game seem more childish or like those other lame FPS's out there. Very bad. The old interface was perfect. 2 Drop boxes side by side east, and west. All they needed to do was fix the scroll issue. Other than that I didnt experience any improvement with the netcode while testing the beta. I dont know what I am supposed to expect but the lag desync all seemed the same on Fraghaus, and Stoners is where I tested it. The server browser was cool though very nice feature. but all in all I am hoping the next upgrade will be more an improvement on gameplay itself then wasted energy trying to change the look, and add features.

    Admin rule of conduct

    lol sounds like a n00b admin lmao. If peeps ask you to kick a guy with high ping it doesnt have a damn thing to do with weather or not they think he is skilled, the problem is his high ping sucks for everyone else in the game. Having to wait for his loading, and then the lag kills in the game will just be rediculous. So whats your answer? Kick the players who just want a good lag free game? LAME! You reassign 10 minutes into a game? What the hell? 10 minutes is a lot of gametime in OFP, so your willing to screw the other people on the server for one guy? lol I think you should at leaST ASK FIRST IF THEY ALL WANT TO RESTART. Hell in most servers a guy commin in 10 minutes after the start knows he has 20 minutes to wait, and accepts it. Or he should. This is not a game for the impatient if your late to a server. You warn a guy doing tks 3 times? lol boot is excessive? lol but you'll kick a guy for asking you to boot high pingers? Thats not excessive? ROTFLMAO Man TKers are the worst when they are doing it on purpose. I cant see how anyone has patience for a guy who is in the spawn shooting everyone on his team to try and get back the one guy who tkd him. Screw that. There is no excuse for a TK in the spawn. Boot those clowns asap. No warnings. As a voted admin your duty is to do what the majority of players ask. Not go on some OFP admin morals crusade. LMAO fun read though thanks for sharing...

    Help with ctf mission

    you need to go to: http://www.ofpeditingcenter.com/ Check the forums. More ( "idiot terms" ) info than you can shake a fish at.

    Online gaming ip room

    VON is garbage! Use a 3rd party, disable VON on your servers and save yourself the trouble of peeps who dont realize that if they would just STFU we could hear the games sounds, and hear enemy moving!

    Ctf and c_h map making!

    Please stop adding the text messages like: "SO AND SO HAS THE FLAG" If you think about it this is not a good way to make a CTF. Reason being that when you as a flagrunner do a good job of sneaking up and stealing the flag, it sucks that it is announced to all, so the defenders dont have to use any real skill in catching you. This causes a common problem with people "CAMPING the FLAGS", or Satcheling Flags. I believe that satchels on the flag is not a bad thing to do. But I also think that the person satcheling it should be in view of the flag, so he can set it off. The text announcements allow him to hide somewhere else on the map, and detonate the satchel from anywhere! Anyway my point is more CTF games are needed out there, but the text messages need to go! So lets vote on it!

    Ctf and c_h map making!

    Karr BIS should pay you man. You make this game advance faster, and better on a regular basis! Thanks

    Ctf and c_h map making!

    If anyone will figure that out I am sure you will lol. Anyways KaRR I totaly understand about removing text messages causing confusion. I say good though. When the score gets bumped they might just say Damn I shoulda used better tactics to stop those guys lol. But the problem for me has really been the tournament side of the game. We USMC play in tourneys. CTF can be fun, but we play a very organized game, and the messages really screw our flag runners over. Anyway, thanks for the reply guys. glad to see some support, and ideas on the subject.

    Anyone who plays in mp should read this

    SGT KAMAI USMC hmmm must be a conspiracy!

    Ctf and c_h map making!

    I am simply stating the facts guys. Sometimes i camp, sometimes i run flags. But with the usual game being only 30 minutes, whos got time to hunt the flag campers, who are really just waiting for a text message to alert them, and not relying on skill! Any way Tacts suggestion is by far the best so far. I think the delay message isnt too bad either, except as soon as the enemy sees it, they know where your headed!

    The new mp missions (v1.46)

    lol coop, WTF lol why play online if your just gonna shoot at AI? Plenty of that in single player mode

    Ctf and c_h map making!

    Jap I agree with you, but Satchels have more uses than just setting them up on flags. Taking them out of the maps as opposed to having some message tell everyone in the game that someone has the flag, and you now thanks to this message, know his general location...now go get him, or wait for him by his flag pole. lol Thats just lame man. TCZ maps, which I have played arent that good IMHO. And in one of the ones I played there were satchels, but the rules say no using satchels. Now the enemy has an armour vehicle decimating my guys, we dont have anyone with an AT weapon, but I cant use the satchel on it? And you think that makes more sense then just getting rid of the text messaging. You obviously never run flags cherry picker

    Custom faces

    thats all in the tutorial. But since you didnt get it. I use Photoshop. Make sure you use the template, and the image is the same size! Save the image as "face.jpg" and place it in: your user folder

    Lookin for somewhere to play..

    Ed I dont know what the arguing here is for. Frag has a good server , but with a more arcade feel to the maps. Quick action, and killing. If your lookin for some instant action, and fun thats the server for you. If that is not what your in the mood for, and you want more stratigic realism maps, then dont go there. I dont see how you can complain about something you get free! Frag isnt charging you to play there. Now as far as the admins at frag, well lol we been there already, lets not go back. Outside of the game we get along, but inside ...lol. And if you think I am a frag fan well your wrong. I am and have been banned from their server for a long time. I would say that frag is hookin up a free place to play OFP, and you cant really complain about the maps they play since you arent paying for the server. And before it comes up. Yes I criticised frag, but it wasnt about the server or the maps, it was a difference of opinion between myself and the admins.

    Respawn killing/base raping/camping...

    I agree minor threat. I bitch to when I am getting spawn raped and camped, but I know it is my own fault for not Playing smarter.

    Respawn killing/base raping/camping...

    I dont condone it, what I am saying is it is a reality you need to be prepared to defend against! And in the context of OFP, you need to be prepared to defend yourself against "guerilla" tactics. The european colonists when fighting the native Americans used to view the indians use of camoflauge, ambush, and and general guerilla tactics, the same way you view the tactics of spawn camping, raping ect. Think about how every warrior felt who had to face an army with a machine gun for the first time in history. I am sure they thought it wasnt fair lol. Anyway tactics and technology of different enemies have changed the way wars are fought. This is why we dont just get online and pound at each other toe to toe anymore. But as far as my own actions in rl. You are absolutely correct! If it came down to it, I would have to say given a choice between dying or living to fight another day. I am number one, and I will do what ever it takes to protect myself, my fellow Marines, and come home to my wife and daughter safe. I dont know how low I would go though. I can say we would only know when pushed to that point. Everything said out of the context of the moment of truth is merely speculation. Screw the politics. I wish it didnt have to be that way, but to ask for a man to surrender his chances of survival just to serve some political, or idealogical agenda is crazy. Â It is exactly what terrorist recruiters ask of those they recruit. We just try to make it seem more ethical. I will do my job, and follow orders, for my beliefs, and for the ideals, I personaly hold true. But to unreasonably fight in a manner that knowingly leaves the enemy room to kill me is asking a lot. Lol man diplomacy interferes with the laws of nature and natural selection anyway. Damn we gotta kill this thread, its getting to philisophical for me.

    Would you all like to play opflash like an rts?

    Sounds cool man. You got talent bro.


    Lol because Bad net code or not this game kicks ass over all others. You guys are rocks. No arguement here.


    Damn Get off the nuts. You guys got me there (friggin geeks lmao) You know damn well what I am talkin about. Why get so defensive? Afraid the suck ass club will kick you out if you speak your mind? lol lets have a poll. Who does not think that the net code for this game is screwed up? Ok and then lets see a show of hands who as a paying customer think fixing it for free is the right thing for BIS to do. Who thinks BIS should say "screw us" and not fix it? There is no grey line here. It is cut and dried. Now of course there is no LEGAL obligation, but there is consumers choice. And when consumers get fed up with a company, that company loses money. Unless of course all you fan boys start donating your money like old women to evangelists, for a pipe dream! BIS is taking steps I said I admit that. What I dont want to see is: "Buy our new improved product, so you can enjoy the game the way it was meant to be played." I dont think BIS will do that to us at this point. i just think it would be screwed if they did. If you disagree with that you either got money to throw away, your retarded, and not capable of independant thought, or you stole your copy. There is no arguement here.