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    www.virtual-wars.com is the best so far. combat zone is big, but sucks. Bad maps little support, and too many scheduling problems.

    Custon voice saying?

    LOL for christ sakes what a thread!! Ok first for US players: 56k get real! Its old news. Quit buyin games and start saving for a broadband connection lol. 56ks are like outhouses. Now we have indoor plumbing so get with the times and get broad band. If you cant, then sucks to be you. Get out of the sticks and move somewhere normal lol. For outside the US: Not sure what the situation is as far as broadband for most of you but please get it if you can. In general: Dont be a cheap skate. If cost is the only reason you dont have broadbaned then screw you. It is about 40.00 compared to the average 56k ISP at 20.00. I mean 40.00 a month? Hell thats a cheap date, a carton of smokes. lol only 20.00 more a month to have the great benefits of DSL, cable ect.! Buy the game Lan with your freinds, or just enjoy single player, but doent expect everyone who is willing to pay for broadband to wait for you.


    Well lol Although many would protest this, I am one of the top 10 players in this game. And I have been playing it with my squad since the first demmo. And out of the 1,000s of games, and many different servers I have played on. I have only seen 1 cheat 100% no doubt about it. I have seen suspicious players, but this was the first undeniable cheat. Unlimited ammo. There is no doubt in my mind that OFP has the least amount of cheating going on than any other FPS. If you dont want cheaters, than do something about it. Yes BIS cant stop them but we can. When you see someone who cheats undeniably, with proof. Than post the Player ID# cause thats what BIS did give us. Unique ID's. Get the ID by typing #userlist in game. Then pass the ID along to the server admins and owners. Soon cheaters will have to go back to what they do best...play with themselves. Now those of you who have a lot to learn in this game cant go accusing people of cheating, cause they get the best of you, or are just plain good. The way I know the guy I saw was cheating. Not because he beat me, but because I drove strait at him in a fresh T80, he missed 2 times with a law, and he is no where near ammo or dead bodies, so I intend to run him over, when to my surprise 8 more laws come out of his Law launcher rapid fire. Smoke trails and all. Then he tried to say I was running over mines, when I accused him lol. Then he shot tows like it was a machinegun from the bradley at another player. So after two regulars on the server verified it, he gets banned. For anyone runing a server out there here is the info: player ID 534585. was going by the name [7th]_gary_bam_owens using unlimited ammo cheat BTW modified vet mode does not allow targeting. Also poor map making for tournaments if you ask me.

    Ov-10 bronco released

    Nope I am wrong. Like I said good job.

    Ov-10 bronco released

    Good work man. but doesnt look like an ov-10. Werent OV10s, just modified Cessna skymasters with a twin push/pull engine set up? Anyways regardless it is an outstanding job.

    Stats on mp servers are being tracked!

    http://marik.emperors.net/index.htm This is really good stuff. Marik created this and it tracks stats on fraghaus, Mariks server, SHoP, and will be tracking the stats on the New USMC public servers. Since he unveiled it, I have seen a major surge in the number of players back to play somemore, Even 1.46.

    Ofp is dead?

    Here is something that has seemed to breathe life back into the game. MP server STAT tracking. Currently Marik USMC has created a program, and website, that tracks, and updates your stats from multiplayer games on these servers. http://marik.emperors.net/index.htm

    1.46 revived

    1.75 sucks but it is now the standard, fighting it only makes me more pissed. So i guess I will suffer the ills of 1.75, so the LAMERS can have their bus to drive!

    Landing a helo vs. jumping

    Thats Bullshoot man. I am a pilot and the view isnt always that good most of the time is spent scanning the instrument panel anyway. buy a good joy stick...Use that hat switch to look around. 3rd person is not a good answer to narrow field of view. A set of eyes outside your helo or tank is a lot less realistic, than cockpit only narrow view. usually people dont like 1st person, cause it humbles them, but there are quite a few good pilots like TEX who do 1st person landings better than all you 3rd person ACES. Now to answer the main topic. I thing that Para drops are a legit way of inserting troops. However it is sad that BIS made the pilot have the eject option. I think only the passangers should be able to para drop. Now the real problem comes when you play a PUBLIC multi player game like stoners. I personally do not trust pilots I dont know, and will not fly with them. If the pilot isnt USMC, or someone I know who can handle the bird, I dont want to fly with em. Now if the policy was not to bail and let the helos respawn you would have too many wanna be pilots who suck crashin and killin your team over and over. And every game would start out with an all hands race to get to the pilot seat of the helos. In tournament play I support the landing only scripts that have been incorperated into their maps. Even Stoners is now incorporating some NO CHUTE scripts. Should be interesting. If you are truely interested in no chutes, and hard core realism settings go to www.virtual-wars.com tournament site. There arte some dloads of their maps there. And if you have a squad, enter the tourney.

    Friend or foe

    Head gear is another way to ID enemy. Hats, and cammo helmets= NATO plain, or shiny green helmets, black berets, and bandanas=russians. The best way to ID friend or foe, is situational awarness. Simple things like: Have a plan, or pay attention to what others are saying. Many times you will see people saying, "I am headed for 2 from east" or stuff like "Dont shoot me I am in the enemy UAZ" Direction of targets! If he is running away from you, this is a perfect opportunity for you to use discipline, and judgement, He isnt a danger to you, so if you cant tell if he is good or bad let him go, or move in closer! If he is running toward you...let him come...eventually you will be able to see weather he is friend or foe. Use voice comm software like roger wilco, or team sound if possible, and ask people ," hey is that you over by the......" If its CTF and you cant tell if he is friendly or enemy, but he has the enemy's flag in his hands...DONT SHOOT!! this is a freindly who is stealing the enemy flag! Enemies dont generally carry thier own flag in CTF. In C&H objectives that are owned by your team, are probably crawling with friendlies, or have friendlies near by. BE EXTRA caredul, and dont shoot unless you absolutely can be sure, or you have to shoot to save yourself! Always be considerate, and appologize. No matter how it happened, or what the guy you tked says to you, if you TK someone, you are wrong, and owe an appology!!


    6--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Stoner @ July 28 2002,106)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Hello Suma, I would agree with Suchey, at SHoP we are experiencing the same issues. Â Below is a post I made in the buglist under the Resistance area. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Concerns dedicated server and ghosting. Â I define ghosting as when a player gets disconnected from the server yet the server does not actually recognize the player has disconnected, and according to the server it will show the player having a 0(zero) ping. When a player has ghosted, and the server admin boots the ghosted player, after a few moments the player pool updates and removes the player from the pool. Â However, for some reason the server code does not recognize the player as being gone and does not update the available player positions when a player is trying to get into the server. Example:Connections gets up to about 250 since last boot. Â During this time the admins have had to boot several players for ghosting. Â When ppl try to connect using the ingame browser, the browser will show 21 of 30 ppl connected, but will not allow anyone else to connect saying the server is full. Â This bug does not happen after a fresh boot. Â If this error happens I have to shut the dedicated down and restart it. Â And then 30 ppl can connect again. As a side note..I have had several crashes and have forgotten where to send the .rpt to for BIS to look at. Â Can anyone direct me to that address. Â Thanks in advance. <span id='postcolor'> Disconnects in this version do not always update correctly, I would assume due to the values you guys have assigned for updating. Â I have instructed all my admins to boot zero pingers to clear connections, I don't see how keeping the zero pingers allows them to reconnect. Â Most of the time they log on to TeamSpeak and say they can't reconnect. Disconnects are a way of life for online games, some more than others. Â I do not believe a high disconnect time is beneficial to the game. Â I play on servers around the world and I do not get disconnected. Â It is my opinion the conditions of the players pc and the players connection is the main cause for disconnects from OFP or OFP:R. Â Anything can cause a disconnect, from video, audio, network, and even mouse drivers. Â I have found that Directx can also cause issues, regardless if the game is using Sockets or DX. Â All we can do is make sure the OS and the drivers are current and are compatible with the game we play. Â The majority of cases I have tried to work on are connection related, in both OFP and OFP:R. Â Which I assume you guys already know. My point to all of this is... Â I can handle the disconnects, it is the server not refreshing that stops ppl from reconnecting to the server that concerns me. Â I know you guys are working things out, and for that I appreciate it. Â OFP:R is an upgrade and a good one at that. Â I recognize that ALL games that come out will not be perfect for ALL players. Â Just make this one good for most of the players. Â Thanks for your time. Stoner http://www.stone-keep.com<span id='postcolor'> Man Stoner is right on! Well except for the part about it being a good upgrade! Maybe some good ideas, but bad upgrade. But there are even more multi player problems for some of us. My host.txt file is working in OFPR, barely though. I am guessing that OFPR refreshes the active servers on my host.txt in the games server browser. It seems that it refreshes about ever 5-10 seconds, cause every 5-10 seconds the servers play musical chairs, and Stoners server plays hide and seek! And during the refresh period my mouse pointer is frozen, for up to 30 seconds! WHY? For me it takes more skill to get on the SHoP server than it does to play the game!

    Denoir censor!

    Why? So the public doesnt find out? I want to see this dealt with in public. Not ignored in PM! I have noticed many complaints about resistance get hidden deleted or locked. WHY?

    Denoir censor!

    .double posted srry

    Denoir censor!

    I am a paying customer. This is a BIS official forum right? Where do you get off locking a topic that seems a valid complaint? BIS got my money, now I got somethin to say. If you dont like it fix it. Dont try to sweep it away! The only thing you get when you moderate things you disagree with is angry customers!

    Ofpr multi play

    I am not getting anything from you. email me your ICQ #.