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Everything posted by AdmiralKarlDonuts

  1. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Gunner Palace

    They didn't look like Huey's but then again I aint seen it for some time, though i might tomorrow. Huh? They were definitely Black Hawks...
  2. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    LSR Addons

    In real life, when firing an SMG on burst, or auto, that's HOW you hit someone in the head. The first rounds hit the chest, and muzle rise puts the following rounds into the face and forehead. Of course, if you are only firing semi-auto, and the round are still that off-bore, there is a problem. Even on semi-auto, even at ten paces. I know what recoil is Seriously, every round is high, pre-recoil.
  3. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    LSR Addons

    Niiiice... But while you're tinkering with the weapons pack, can you please re-zero the two MP-5s? The bullets impact above your aiming point - you need to aim for the stomach to hit somebody in the head
  4. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    A New AH-64 Pack

    Yep, apparantly each ammo bay door on a Cobra can seat two soldiers in a pinch. I read a book written by a Vietnam gunship pilot who used this feature on a couple of occasions.
  5. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    A New AH-64 Pack

    I saw a grey AH-64A on tv this morning...I'll try to find a piccy. It looked like the light grey scheme used on the A-10, but without the darker spots the A-10 scheme has.
  6. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    FlashFX replacement Units

    Sigustank.pbo - which is already among the downloads - already has an M-1A1 Abrams Just take out the M1A2 and replace it with the -A1. Also, the Bradley pack already has the M2A1 and M2A2. Same for the M113 - an A2 is already in that pack. So really there's no need to download anything to fix those little problems. However the M16A4 an M4A1 weren't in service at that time either. You can give the US soldiers M16A2s which are already in the Marines addon - "c8xm16a2" - but I suggest making Laser's US Weapons Pack a requirement since it has an updated M9 Beretta and an M16A2/M203 grenade launcher that the MARPAT addon doesn't have. Again, that's just my two cents
  7. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    FlashFX replacement Units

    I noticed some things about this mod that I figured I'd post... - I assume that this is a 1985 mod, since there are 1985 US and Soviet infantry. If that's the case, the M113A3, M1A2, and M2A2 ODS do not belong in this mod. If you want to keep it accurate, you should use the M113A2, the M2A2 or A1 (not ODS) and the M1A1. - I just don't think a Marine AH-1 fits in with all the other Army addons. The Black Hawk was left as the BIS model...why not the Cobra? - The Camo PBR crew uses 2004 Army crewmen...again, wrong time period. Ditto for the M113A3, M2A2ODS and M1A2. - US weapons sounds were not changed? Please change them for the E&S sounds. Also I thought INQ's grenades had the sound of the spoon flipping off the grenade...would be nice to have them in there if I'm thinking of the right addon. - The AH-64 carries 1200 rounds of 30mm ammo....this needs to be fixed as well. - Replace the Carl Gustav launcher with the M47 Dragon contained in one of the Combat files. The Dragon was the primary antitank missile in the 1980s...I used to work with a guy who carried a Dragon when he was in the Army, and in the course of several years with the 1st Armored Division, he never once saw a Carl Gustav. - Why did you pick the Humvee model that you did? I think you should have left it as the M998 model. I like FlashFX itself, but the replacement mod needs some fine-tuning IMO.
  8. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Usmc uh-1n

    BAS has a shell casing script for the Blackhawks...give them a yell and see if you can use it.
  9. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    Any plans to include INQ's M-60A1 and King Homer's M-1A2 in the next update? The detail level on those tanks is extremely nice. There's also a new AH-64 pack out there with an Apache Longbow model, which will be updated again very soon.
  10. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Updated Falcon

    Indeed....did you ever finish updating the F-15E? Very nice job on the Falcon, btw. The ejection seat in particular is awesome
  11. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Vietnam:Death Valley mission????

    The Battles of LZs X-Ray and Albany were in the Ia Drang Valley, which is the terrain used for the island in the SEB Nam Pack. Nobody has recreated it per se, but there are plenty of Air Cav missions available if you look for them - OFPEC's Missions Depot has plenty to pick through.
  12. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Helicopter powerup sound???

    inside the CfgVehicles definition of your unit, yep? And the CfgSounds outside? Oooof...that was it. the eventhandlers were not in the right place. That's fixed it - thanks footmunch BTW how's the Mudhen coming? hehehe...
  13. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Helicopter powerup sound???

    How do I add that powerup sound to a helicopter? I pulled apart the USMC AH-1W Beta and the BAS Black Hawks - which both have it - and tried adding the relevant parts to my config, but no dice. Can someone post an example of how I might do this from scratch, without cutting up other people's scripts and configs? Many thanks. PS here's what I'm trying to make work: essentially copy/pasted from those aforementioned configs. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class EventHandlers { engine ="if (_this select 1) then {[_this select 0] exec ""\s84_uh1h\scripts\powerup.sqs""}"; }; class CfgSounds { class Powerup { sound[]={"\s84_uh1h\powerup.ogg",db-30,1}; name = "powerup"; titles[] = {}; }; }; Now to powerup.sqs... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_huey = _this select 0 ? (getpos _huey select 2) <2:_huey say "powerup" exit powerup.ogg is located in the root \s84_uh1h directory. It looks to me like this should all work, so I'm clueless.
  14. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Helicopter powerup sound???

    Hmmm, I tried the syntax CSJ suggested and added a debug globalchat....it seems that the script isn't being called at all. No error messages, but no sound and no globalchat. The investigation continues
  15. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Charlie Mike - Vietnam '65

    Sorry for the delay in testing...I wrote this review up a couple of days ago, so some of the points have been covered already, but I haven't had internet access, so here's a copy/paste: Intro - I find long shots of troops running kind of tedious after a while. Otherwise it was good. Briefing: Not much to say here, it does the job I guess. There sure is a massive weapons selection though...I don't see why you've included NVA weapons in there. Mission: The shots of the airbase and the ride in are very nice. We land at FB Falcon and I have my men scan the horizon and engage at will - I climb one of the towers with my Remington 700 and start looking. Sure enough I find a whole mess of bad guys coming at us along the road from the SF Camp. I open up with the Remington and think that this can't be all that bad, since I'm picking them off at a respectable distance - but there are LOTS of them. Everybody in the camp opens fire as we get attacked from the hills north and the road south. I call a 105 fire mission on the road and take out a sizeable chunk of them, and the mines go off - the mine error happened to me too. I liked how the enemy was calling arty on us, too....everybody in my team except 7 was killed by what looked like mortars. But then enemy T-55s come racing into our camp - I think our fixed mortars were firing on them at long range because they stopped shooting about 100m from the perimeter and just drove into the base and sat there. Their gun barrels were drooping so I assume it was our mortars that had pounded them. I LAW'd one of them as it sat on the perimeter and killed a couple of guys with the explosion...oops. The other sat in our base right next to the helipads. I didn't want to LAW him because there was at least a platoon of guys crawling around all around him. More infantry coming at us...I notice that niether of those nice M60s have moved, so I run up and jump in one - I was never fired on by any rockets in that tank...I merrily drove around running them over and firing point-blank HEAT rounds into whole squads (some survivors were also just standing around). Yeehah! Eventually it looked like we had killed just about everybody...I drove back into the base and used my tank as a bulldozer to get that T55 outside our perimeter - I ran over a couple of Air Cav guys in the process...sorry again fellas. It took me about five minutes to ram it down to the edge of the jungle and then I destroyed it with sabots. Silence. Hmmm...I drive down to the SF camp and find the place empty, I drive into the hills to the North and they're clean...I go back into Falcon, park the tank and jump out, and immediately get a titletext saying that the remaining NVA are retreating. Seemed like a pretty anticlimactic ending to the mission. Regarding lag, I'm running a laptop with a an Athalon 1.5 processor, 512 Ram and 64 megs of shared video memory. My viewdistance was at 900 and land detail was on very low. The mission was laggy, but obviously not unplayable - sniping for example was no problem - and the lag was consistant throughout. It got no better and no worse as I played. I called two ary strikes - one on the road as I mentioned and another on the hills behind us. I didn't use any of the other support available, mainly because I didn't see it immediately when I wanted it, but backing up a few menus led me to them. By then I didn't need them. Suggestions: those A-1s sitting at the airbase look very nice, but I hope you delete most of them as you near FB Falcon - one of the things I do constantly in my missions (granted, which are never finished, but...) is delete ANYTHING I don't need to use or see for the rest of the mission immediately after I'm done with it. I figure you can't possibly call in all those Skyraiders, so deleting most of them would be fine. Same for the Chinooks - I'd just clean that whole airfield out after you've left. If you've already done this, well...good :P Overall: good mission. I think it would have been nice to get some generic radio chatter in the background (there are sites with generic Nam radio traffic online). Also, it would be nice to make the player in constant contact with HQ via the radio...let the player know when more waves are due in, have chatter from the pilots, etc. I thought the lone titletext at the end of the mission was a big letdown, as I already mentioned. Hopefully another version is in the works...
  16. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    First imported model from pc halo

    Wow, that's awesome! Hopefully you'll enlighten us all with the knowledge of how to do that...
  17. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Requesting a mod

    IBM = Instant Battle Mod. The author said that he made some changes to Goldmember's mod and included it with his mission. *edit* here you go: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=41692
  18. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Charlie Mike - Vietnam '65

    Sums up my words exactly (FINALS SUCK!!! ) Hah, I ran out of printer paper while printing the LAST assignment for this semester...and I had three pages left to print Looks like I'll be up early tomorrow foraging for paper... Anyhow, just wanted to warn you that if Silent Pro's computer had trouble with this mission, mine is going to have a coronary [and therefore might not be the best judge of its lagginess, considering it's hardly a gaming rig]...but plans to test tomorrow are a GO!
  19. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Charlie Mike - Vietnam '65

    Grabbing...testing tomorrow afternoon, after I hand in the last of my finals papers Looks like it's going to be a glorious end to a week of pain and anguish
  20. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    M1A2 Abrams SEP

    He posted some pics about halfway down page 1.
  21. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    HBO's Band of Brothers: Pacific War

    On their site they say it's in no way connected with Ambrose's Band of Brothers...the only similiarity is that one of the writers from BoB will be leading this project, which is just "The Pacific War." So basically it has nothing whatsoever to do with BoB...very misleading topic title, you had me going for a minute there Hellfish.
  22. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Long live the Huey!

    Ooh ooh ooh! Huey! I started a thread on Hueys a while back... http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....hl=huey Take a look at the pics I posted in there - what we NEED is a Huey in those very dark green colors that they paint them in nowadays. Painting them up with that more contemporary look would absolutely rule. A National Guard unit near my old house flew them up until about 3 years ago, and I've never seen one in camo colors - they were always that dark green color. And I see that you made these models yourself...might I make a request that you also edit STT's Spec Ops Huey model? I think his model is the best Huey ingame right now...maybe you could release another addon that includes all the birds you have right now, but based off his model? Edit: I see it was already mentioned...hehehe
  23. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    ZEUS CTI v1.2 released

    heh, basically we had the same problems, but your post is a lot easier to read I didn't get that mortar error, but I experienced everything else that you listed.
  24. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    ZEUS CTI v1.2 released

    Well, I fired up the regular -Z Everon map (non-coop) and tested it solo... No enemy choppers at all this time, but something even funnier happened...only pics will convey how strange this is. I played as Alpha team leader this time and let the AI run the show - he elected to keep Foxtrot and Bravo in our base for defense and let most of the other squads run free...so the following pics could only be Bravo and Foxtrot. Charlie squad spent the whole game in Le Moule. First pic: this is what I saw upon returning to my base after like an hour in the field kicking ass. (101 kb!) http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v422/seal84/parkinglot.jpg Second pic: this was what I saw about half an hour later. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v422/seal84/parkinglot2.jpg It got even worse...in the last 15 minutes of the game, I was back there. I didn't take a screenie but I jotted down the numbers I saw.... 5x M1s 6x M60s 1 Kiowa 1 Black Hawk 6x Vulcans 5x M113s 1 Salvager..... All just sitting there. None of them ever moved. Let me see if I can remember what squads had what gear... Alpha: me Bravo: sat in the base the whole time, must have had half of those tanks in the pictures. Charlie: 7 or 8 infantrymen standing around in Le Moule Delta: not sure, they spent most of the game wandering around in circles out in the wilderness with a few infantrymen. Echo: just the team leader Foxtrot: also in the base with some of that armor Golf: Golf took the initiative and bought some M60s, M1s and Vulcans. They were actually out getting shit done. Hotel: Same as Golf. They bought some armor and APCs later in the game. As for the Russians, I saw 5 or 6 Shilkas, 3 T-80s and a couple of BMPs. They started just south of the Airport and didn't take much ground - we started east of Le Moule. I took Montingac from the resistance, and some AIs took Tyrone and Gravette, though I don't know from who. One time I was returning to Montingac with a Bradley and an Abrams when one of my men spotted a Russian - the Abrams gunned him down, but he was by himself. We headed North towards Tyrone, and halfway there a squad of Spetznaz and snipers tried to ambush us. They didn't last long. We then took Tyrone and Meaux with no opposition before we ran into their base defenses, which killed us all. I went to their base in an A-10 and carpet-bombed it with LGBs....I'm not sure but it looked to me like there were lots of vehicles sitting around in their base too. Eventually only Golf and Hotel teams were attacking, so I grabbed an M21, went to a forest near their base and started picking off the guys manning MGs. My commander bombarded it with our only mortar (no errors seen) and Hotel tried to attack...I had blown up half the buildings in my suicidal A-10 strike, so they went to work on a few before their Vulcan got RPG'd and the Abrams was lit up by their only remaining Shilka. I LAWed their MHQ, made sure none of the guns were manned, ran in and grabbed their 25mm HE cannon. I blew up the rest of their buildings and won. As I was attacking their base though, some of their infantry got very far south...they took Provins, Figari and Morton. Before I attacked their base I was snooping around in an Apache, and when they took Figari I found and killed two Shilkas there. I took it back, went to Provins, took that back, and then saw that East had taken Figari again! I looked around and didn't see anyone. Must have been one Russian running around capturing the undefended towns behind our lines. Speaking of towns and capturing, any time I take and East town I get the action "take flag" when I approach it. Never happend to me in MFCTI. Also our salvagers were working fine early on, but then they strayed into a combat zone, got destroyed, and I never saw any out in the field again. The replacement just sat in the base like I mentioned previously. So basically there were no script errors or chopper armadas this time, but my AI colleagues built enough armor to blow up the world and just sat in our base. I'll try testing the same map with my friend soon.
  25. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    ZEUS CTI v1.2 released

    Will do...dunno exactly when we'll have another go at it, but we'll try it. BTW forgive me for being stupid but what's the difference between the "m" maps and the "z" maps?