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Everything posted by AdmiralKarlDonuts

  1. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    ArmA Disappointing

    Played a copy a while ago and had mixed feelings about it, but finally bought it today because I know BIS will eventually squash the bugs. I agree that the weapon recoil looks and feels odd, especially the M4s and M16s. There are also some things that aren't bugs but should have been addressed: the burst fire speed of the M-series rifles is way off like in OFP and disembarking vehicles still takes far too long for a whole squad. I'm also not that thrilled about Sahrani or the fact that we have a couple of half-complete armies w/o half the equipment you'd expect them to have. That also has to do with the choice of setting, since the story makes it impossible to have Brads, Avengers, etc. That said I'm REALLY looking forward to Cold War Rearmed...all the classic units, weapons and missions with all the new engine improvements will be well worth the cost of the game IMO.
  2. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Tips for firing the M136 AT-4 in ArmA

    For what it's worth here's what the US Army has to say about using light antiarmor weapons effectively (FM 3-23.25): I left out the method that has one gunner firing multiple rounds because we all know it doesn't work in ArmA. You could probably pull pair firing off if the first shooter follows the instructions in the first post and immediately takes cover and runs, leaving the second guy to adjust and shoot. If you've got more than one AT guy, volley fire seems like the safe bet.
  3. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    ACU Problems...?

    I interviewed a couple of ROTC officers a few months back and asked a Major what he thought of the ACU. His answer was "well, when I stand in front of a computer screen, you can't see me." Doesn't seem that anybody really likes it. You'd think everybody would start wearing MARPAT if the idea was to save money, rather than having every branch of the military start designing its own new uniforms. Throw some velcro panels on there and you're all set.
  4. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Need help with mission editor

    I've actually had a group riding in another group's vehicle get out and respond to an attack without any scripting/triggers/whatnot, but the ambushers had a good twenty or more seconds' time to shoot up the Ural before the guys in the back hopped out. I bet if you used a "detected" trigger covering the ambush area and then used the trigger to fire a short script that unassigned the soldiers from cargo it would work. I'll check it out tonight or tomorow and see what I find out.
  5. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    OFP Addon request thread

    Does anybody have the Tales of War static M60 pack from several years ago?
  6. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    campaign: take weapons to next mission

    Vektorboson put together a weaponpool tutorial and demo campaign. I thought they had it at OFPEC but I can't find it there...I do have it on my HD, so PM me an email address and I'll send it to you.
  7. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Weapon on back

    I've found that the player can't holster a sidearm either. AIs in safe mode will put the pistol away and run around as if they're unarmed - unlike OFP where you could always tell if someone was concealing a pistol. Make yourself a US officer and no matter what behaviour you're in you'll have the M9 in your hand. I put setbehaviour safe in the init field and made 2 playable characters - start as the officer with gun in hand, then switch to the other guy: he'll put the gun away when you switch players and then if you switch back, you'll immediately whip it out again. Very annoying. What you can do is use the action command to put the pistol away, but then you look as if you're holding an invisible rifle.
  8. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    About the US military in ArmA

    Well as I said, you're going to see these mixes and matches in the actual military...seems to me that your expectation that the equipment is either type A or type B is unrealistic itself. And if, as we've read, most of the US units on the island were being withdrawn when the war broke out, you're going to have a sort of hodgepodge force left over defending the place. I still think this is perfectly acceptable and I don't really see the reason you think these units can't operate side by side in the middle of a surprise invasion. On the other hand I can't understand why they INSIST on putting the G36 in this game. Has not been used by the US military. Ever. Meanwhile we still have this giant community hard-on for Littlebirds, Delta operators, SCARs and all that other nonsense...take a look at the Addons and Mods boards and you'll notice that people care far more for shiny new high-speed stuff that sees relatively little action than for better (or any) versions of stuff that sees loads of combat time. The point is that we all say we want realism, but then we seem to have warped expectations of what realism actually means. Realism here is not using only the newest stuff and preventing any cross-contamination between branches of the service; realism should be representing a small mixed force which might find itself in the middle of a fight on this island. Provided the US gear in the game is actually still in use in the US military and properly identified vis-a-vis correct name and service branch, I'm fine with it.
  9. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    About the US military in ArmA

    ACUs aren't indicitive of just the Stryker Brigade anymore. I've seen pics of soldiers from the 101st, 82nd, 1st Cav, 10th Mountain, 1st Armored, 4th Infantry, and even some ANG/Reserve units with ACUs. But remember that not every piece of gear that gets "replaced" is removed from service...the ANG and Reserves have 113s and M1A1s, and it's pretty much a given that if the US military deploys in force somewhere, you're going to see ANG and Reserves. I'd also point out that the Rhode Island Army National Guard operates AH-1 Cobras and has a couple of Special Forces/LRRP units, and plenty of M113s sitting around. I think we still have a couple of OH-6 Loaches somewhere too...there's some wiggle room in who uses what, after all.
  10. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Marine Expeditionary force

    Hmmm. I got the savegame bug trying to load it up this afternoon.
  11. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Marine Expeditionary force

    Nearly 100 views and no replies...well, I haven't finished yet but it looks nice so far. Moved NW from the LUP and used the southern edge of the forest to close in on the westernmost objective, then slinking through it until we were at the NE edge in sight of the objective. Took stock of the defenses, patrols and the lay of the land and decided not to risk attacking it directly, so I called in a precision strike and watched with great satisfaction as the A-10 did his handiwork. Beat feet back through the forest quickly in case the guards went nuts and didn't encounter anybody. I wanted to cross directly E to attack the easternmost objective but noticed that the position we just bombed had a good line of sight to the South...risked it as best I could by putting the men in a staggered column and crossing the open ground as best I could, making use of the slight waves in the terrain. I think they got a glimpse of us because a squad started running in our general direction in "combat" mode but we hauled ass and got to some concealment, and weren't pursued. Then it was down to the coastline and a quick jog around the little fishing village SE of Cancon, I believe. Noticed a squad running back towards the tower we'd just bombed, but they were a long way off and didn't notice us. Took a quick break in the weeds by the shore to check the map again and one of the guys spotted a Ural on the road headed our way. He stopped in the little village, then turned around and left as quickly as he'd come, without deploying any troops. Hmm. Decided not to hang around any longer and headed NE towards the forest just S of the next objective...got into the forest and had a look around, noticing another squad heading towards OBJ1 at a decent speed. One other Russian squad in combat mode further E of the tower, but the guys garrisoning the tower itself were still "safe." With all the activity I decided to A-10 this tower as well, and it sounded like he got some vehicles although my LOS was obscured by trees. Moved towards the edge of that forest but didn't emerge for a few minutes as I waited to see what reaction this would draw. Another squad came into view and we moved SE out of the forest towards some healthy stands of trees, then swung NE up the coast towards the main East-West road. About halfway there we timed a break across open ground badly, attracting the attention of an infantry squad, but we made it to cover on higher ground before they reached the spot where we were when spotted. They didn't pursue, although we did watch for a few minutes more as another truck pulled up at that spot, waited a moment, then left again. Crossed the road going N and climbed hill 406, saved when we reached the top. The rain and fog are now very bad so my next move is to try to assault the third tower via end-around, coming in from their NW. I haven't found the supply dump but obviously I haven't been looking for it yet. No direct contact yet, which is a good thing and a bad thing...I know how nasty GL2 gets when you're on the wrong end of it. Looks good so far, should be interesting to have all hell break loose when I finally make contact at the third tower.
  12. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    DMA CoIn Coop Engine

    Might as well put this in another post to keep things neat... Tried it again on my own and here are a few observations: 1) We went out on a convoy escort mission to Petrovice and got massacred. Upon getting back to base, two BMPs show up on their own and get killed. No idea where they came from or what they're doing there. Did they follow us from the combat zone? 2) We then get a "defend the base" mission and we're firing away at some infantry, then in the heat of battle I get an order to RTB for debrief. We haven't even made a dent in the attacking force and it's time to pack it in? It took another five minutes before they were all dead.
  13. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    DMA CoIn Coop Engine

    I confirm this...2-man coop, using addon-free CCE exported immediately to MPMissions and run on a dedicated server. We got the same resting bug: the CO tells us to rest, so we run over and try to do so but are told we don't need to at the ammo crate. Obviously we're going nowhere at that point. I also noticed that there are *NO* binoculars to be had anywhere. Not even on the resistance KIAs. Not good. Also, the ammo crate back at base was empty...I had a look at the code and there should be quite a bit of stuff in it, no? As I said I exported it immediately so if I had to drag and drop any files before it would function properly, I missed that part. And the last thing: when the CO is killed and respawns, he's still in the "dead" animation. When we realized the mission wasn't working properly we had some fun killing him, then waiting for him to be respawned and shooting him some more...he'd glare up at us from the ground as we killed him over and over again *edit* almost forgot that we got an error when loading the mission, something about missing a player marker. I don't see anything in the .sqm about USMC symbols or anything, so I'm at a loss as to what this is all about.
  14. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    William Porter's Blog

    Har har har... I'm gonna tell my friends Vinny and Rocco you said that...they'll take you for a little ride on Federal Hill and introduce your knees to a baseball bat...
  15. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    wss file converter

    Thanks gents.
  16. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    wss file converter

    Hey gang, does anybody know where I can find a particular .wss convertor for OFP? I had one a while back that worked great but have since deleted it. I tried searching for it all over the web and couldn't track it down. It was a Windows app which created a start menu entry and had an icon which looked like a little mushroom cloud...anybody know the one I'm talking about? I've tried Stoppelhopser's utility and it's not decoding files properly, hence my interest in finding this other one. If anybody knows the program I'm talking about, please link me, although I have a vague suspicion I got it from OFPEC...
  17. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    ArmA Progress Updates

    I really hope that's an old version of the game, because I tend to agee with Hellfish. The rifle we saw the most of was labelled xm-177e2 but it was defnitely an M4A1/M203 with an ACOG scope, which is current gear. There was an M72, although I did spot an AT4 on one guy. I'd only add that I saw a documentary recently where a member of the 82nd Airborne was carrying an M72 in Iraq. Unfortunately the AI behavior looks exactly like OFP and I think we could have shot that video today with a bunch of addons and ECP. Thankfully the radio voices sound a LOT better
  18. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    the character models

    Either way, they'd better get the armor thing straightened out because I've seen shots of modern ArmAs guys with LC-2 suspenders over a modern plate carrier like this: http://ofp.gamepark.cz/news/pics3/ArmA_Progress_07.jpg I can't get a decent read on exactly what time period AA is set in because of the random grab-bag of gear they've slapped on the soldiers in the screenies we've seen. LC-2 + random plate carrier = bad. IBA + MOLLE gear = good.
  19. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Battle Tank/APC Preference

    Meanwhile.................... The BIS M113, although hideously out of scale, has endeared itself to me in many a CTI match as a faithful little mule - it's fast, mobile, and usually Johnny on the spot with the fifty-cal. Once I was holding Provins for about an hour - me, a rifle squad, a truck to spawn ammo crates and our M113 - against what amounted to at least a company of infantry and some armor. That M113 was mowing dudes down left and right from the hidey-hole I parked him in to avoid the tanks...but they finally got him.
  20. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Hurricane Katrina!

    From the New York Times today: Thankfully (read: pfft, yeah right) the governor is happily announcing the arrival of some 300 more National Guard troops, giddily describing how "locked and loaded" they are with their M-16s. What a goddamn embarassment.
  21. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    ECP 1.085 Released!

    Been playing since the "leak" yesterday, and the only word to describe it is un-fecking-believable.
  22. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    WOOSAA, look what me find

    Gah, can't.....take....the waiting.... Turning into......William Shatner..... Checked OFPEC for hidden links and suchlike....nothing. The installer must be hidden in there somewhere...*gets flashlight and .45 pistol* I'm going in!
  23. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Shatterpoint 1986 Campaign

    *testing Road to Chotain....stay tuned for feedback* "Rescue" Briefing: The US Army abbreviates Major as Maj., not Mjr. Clarify via markers where I begin the mission - for some reason I thought I was leaving from Morton. Also be sure to mark all friendly Observation Posts on the map, as the campfire to the West attracted my attention when I started heading that way. To my surprise they were Americans; I was prepared for the worst. Also include some hard data on what sort of enemy forces I should expect in the area. Saying "they're all on the front line" is rather weak here as it gives me no idea what to really expect. I took the HK with 6 mags, one LAW and a satchel charge, because you never know when those magical satchels will come in handy :P Mission: Let me say first of all that I generally dislike black-ops missions, especially lone wolf ones. I don't have the patience for all this sneaking around stuff and I'm usually terrible at them as a result. Start off at a shoddy-looking gas station with a fire burning and the M2 light on. Even after a long and bloody campaign our sentries don't seem to know much about sentry-ing *sigh*. Jog west and find that OP I mentioned earlier...didn't avail myself of their ammo but instead turned North and strolled through the front lines. Headed uphill along a line of bushes and trees, spotted an enemy OP. I crawled by it by ducking a few yards into the woods and slinking by. On the other side of the forest I run from bush to bush without seeing anything. I spot the Russian M2 with his light on in a stand of trees and notice that several vehicles are patrolling the area...I give him a berth of about 100m and cross the road within what was - for me anyway - plain sight. He didn't see me. I go uphill a bit and scope out the area around Gravette from another clump of bushes, taking note of the enemy patrols. Some had no NVGs at all and one big squad had all NVGs, plus a sniper. Snipers shouldn't be running around with a rifle squad, by the way...it just looks silly when a guy covered in twigs and grass is jogging along next to the guy with the PK. Anyhow, I take note of their routes and crawl into some bushes about 100m from the town, which is nicely lit up for me, allowing me to make them out without use of my NVGs. After a few minutes I was convinced they didn't see me - I could have reached out and tripped one guy - I wait for them to cycle through the patrol routes again, but as they approach I HK them. Within about ten minutes I have 2 dozen bodies on the ground all around my little bush without a single shot fired back at me. More infantry seem to come running - at least it looked like there were more than had been there before - and I kill them too. Satisfied that the patrolling infantry are killed, I move into the town, where two Russians are running back and forth like idiots along the main road. I shoot them, as well as the AT soldier in front of the gate and the guy up on the hillside. An alarm is sounded briefly but nothing seems to happen as a result. I crawl through the town carefully and shoot a couple more men with my last HK rounds, rearm with an AK74 and the AT4, and make plans to take out the roving T-80. I watch from another bush as he drives through the town...I plant a satchel at the spot where he crossed the road, prep the At4, and wait. He cycles through again a few minutes later and I detonate it - the satchel alone is enough to destroy him. Meanwhile, a few infantry stragglers have run through the town, only to be shot by my AK74. I wait a little longer to see if any others show up. When it seems that I've gotten them all, I free the prisoners, arm them and heal the Major. We jog towards the M2 outpost and the BMP arrives there, pausing briefly. I put the AT4 into him from about 150m and take out the gunner on the M2. We move towards the road, then shoot up a three-man squad that seemed to come and investigate. Then it's a brisk jog back to the Russian observation post near Montingnac. I put the men in hold fire and column mode and we slip by, then jog back home. Simple. Kills: T80, BMP, 6 crew, 2 officers, 3 night officers, 3 snipers, AT soldier, 2 RPG soldiers, 4 medics, 3 machinegunners, 3 grenadiers and 22 soldiers. Casualties: none. Summary: sneak by two outposts, crawl into a bush and shoot guys for several hours, blow up tank, free prisoners, shoot a couple more guys, leave. Not a bad mission but certainly the limits of OFPs AI were on display here. KeyCat's Grouplink II script would have probably made things much more difficult. Rainy Day Briefing: The link to Le Moule was broken, but otherwise things were fine. It confuses me, though, why you keep arming soldiers with Steyr Augs...this weapon has never been used by the US Army; same for the MM-1, which I armed #11 with anyway. I attempted to switch them out for regular rifles and found that there's not enough M16 ammo provided, and there's a spare M60 with no extra ammunition for it. Hmmm...I grab an M21, which is the weapon I ALWAYS use to take Lamentin. From much CTI experience I know this town as a graveyard. Mission: Run to outpost, shoot a few guys. It appeared that the guy you wanted in the tower had fallen out since I found a guy laying at the bottom of it. I grenade two guys standing by a telephone pole about 50m away; they seemed not to notice the brief firefight so I fed them a hand grenade and onward we ran. I play in veteran mode, so I had no idea where my "last waypoint before the town" was, so I guessed by running up to the other squads and apparantly I guessed right. Meanwhile the Apaches are fighting with the Hinds already and the Abrams tanks are getting hit...finally the infantry jumps off and within seconds 90% of them are dead. Magical PK headshots are plentiful, only further reinforcing my belief that any assault on Lamentin is futile if it fails to involve a tactical nuclear weapon. I retry a few times and finally the Apaches shoot down the Hinds quickly enough that the M-1s aren't destroyed, so they drive into the town and make mincemeat of the Russian infantry. I shoot a few guys, content to let the tanks do all the work. I was just about to run in and start sweeping the town when the last Russian is shot and the mission is over. Suggestions: remove the music! I ended up turning my OFP music setting all the way down just to hear the battle. Also add a delay between killing the last guy and ending the mission. Pulling Together Briefing: Gah, another black ops mission...I wish you'd tell me what time it is, though, so I can plan accordingly. I just assume it's night. Notes were interesting, I liked that you called the resistance guys loons...made me chuckle. I did wonder though, why we couldn't use a boat and be inserted much closer to the objective. The gear selection was nonexistant; I can't imagine why anyone would end up taking the G3A4 anyway. HK and lots of spare mags - get rid of those satchel charges yourself since you won't use them in this mission - and off we go. Mission: Start next to one GI standing at a wire fence...give him a wave and run off towards the forest east of Entre Deux. I put #2 in column and hold fire mode...he spots three guys very close to us and I HK them quickly. We continue, wait for the truck to pass on the road, and run into the forest. We crawl through part of it because I expect the absolute worst in forests at night, but we see nothing so we get up and do the F-key shuffle until we approach a house along the road near which I can see a campfire. I put 2 in a bush in the forest and tell him to stay there while I crawl up to the house and kill the three idiots standing by the campfire. 2 tells me there are two soldiers about to leave bootprints on his face, so I hold my breath for a moment and sure enough 2 soldiers soon walk by the bush in which I'm hinding, about ten feet from the fire. I shoot them both before they can unsling their rifles, then call 2 to me. We jog from there to the forest and the resistance camp, where we find a few guys standing around a fire. I wonder why they don't have some sort of security out since they're leaders, but I keep my gun trained on them until we get the cutscene. Talking talking talking, lots of text with no voices...they agree to help and time skips forward...7 HOURS! What the hell happened? Wasn't it just 10:30? I run back to the house, through the forest, across the road, and walk right into a rifle squad standing in perfect wedge formation at the spot where I killed the first three guys. I shoot a couple of them and the rest start running around like drunken midgets, so I shoot them too and saunter into Provins. I rule. Summary: A rather tedious jog to the resistance camp, a bunch of reading, then a tedious jog back, punctuated only by shooting a dozen inept Russians. Technically nothing wrong here, but rather boring IMO. "Return" Intro of a truck driving from Morton...yep, we're on the move all right...simple and to the point. Briefing: I can't really make out any detail in that little picture you've given us, although it is a nice touch...I can sorta see the wall but have no idea of the overall layout of the town. Better to tell us that there is an M2 on the South side of town and another on the West side than try to mark them on the map, since the scale isn't right to really do it properly. This time the gear selection is OK, so I take 2 LAWs and 2 extra M16 mags in lieu of grenades. Mission: We get to the little checkpoint and I track down the Sergeant...we talk a little and then the APC driver butts in...couldn't tell who was talking to who because he was standing behind me the whole time so I didn't even see him until I turned around. Suddenly the sergeant mounts up...he jumps in the Bradley and when I realize I've got an M113 sitting in front of me and 8 men in my squad I realize that I'm meant to ride in the M113. I don't like the idea of sitting in our APCs waiting for the word to go. I'd much rather mount up and go when the word is given, since APCs are little more than RPG magnets in this game and it would be just my luck if some Russian conscript fried my entire squad as we sat here. Finally we get the word to go and the little armada starts off - a jeep? What the hell is he going to do? We ram him with the M113 by accident but we all get to the dismount point. We pile out of the M113 and I survey the town...I lob a LAW at the BMP2 and kill it, only to get headshotted by the M2 as I put the launcher away. Reload and do it properly this time, then move in on the town. Shoot a bunch of guys - including the guy who fell out of the tower and was on top of the wall - and clear the town mostly by myself as fences confuse the hell out of the AI. We kill all the visable enemies, then run around for a few minutes looking for more. A jog over to the Resistance ambush site revleals that they haven't killed the Ural, so I LAW it but nothing happens. We go to the armory and find that one of the tanks is not quite dead, so I drive it out of the base and blow it up, but nothing happens. Also no sign of Major O'Neill. We return to Chotain and I FINALLY discover the one guy prone inside the sandbag bunker - I give him the good news in the head and the mission ends. However, the APCs didn't move from the dismount point...they should have followed us into the town and covered us as we cleared it. That last guy should probably have run away or been setunitpos'ed up so that you can see him without a lot of silly knees-bent running about when the mission won't end. Kills: T72, BMP2, 2 officers, 2 machinegunners, 2 grenadiers, Ural, 3 crew, 2 East M2s. A few little niggles here and there, no voice acting as you are well aware, but overall not a bad set of missions.
  24. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Chinese Navy could surpass size of USN

    http://nytimes.com/2005/02/18/politics/18military.html Hmmm....what do we make of this? I remember rumblings on these boards about how China will eventually start wanting oil and make a play for the Middle East, and some months ago a Chinese sub was snooping around in Japanese waters... I doubt that China would actually start campaigning - especially against Taiwan - since they seem to have fairly decent relations with their neighbors...seems to me that they'd have too much to loose if they started getting ornery. So should we be worried?
  25. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    LSR Deltas/Rangers/Weapons 2.0 Released

    Small gripe with new weapons pack...the AT4 is not a guided weapon, yet it seems that it inherits from the Carl Gustav. I don't think the CG is guided (or propelled in flight) either.