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Everything posted by AdmiralKarlDonuts

  1. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Unscripted war

    I've noticed that...roughly 3 LZs set up and it's "all quiet on the western front." Sometimes it can take a good day or two before the enemy markers update...I'll send my boys in and clear the place out, then patrol it for a while without contact, and only after quite a bit of time does the game seem to remember "oh that's right I have scripts to run." Â Strange. Â I noticed the same thing with music....nothing for a while, then suddenly it kicks in again. For example, I took a town and even a full day later it was still marked "heavy enemy activity" though when I cleared it all I found were three infantrymen and a mortar. Â Almost two game days of peace and quiet later, the front lines suddenly updated. Then, out of the blue, a whole mess of bad guys will attack me after one of those long dead periods. Â It happend to me just yesterday, in fact. The command bug usually doesn't bother me but it would be nice to have it killed - there are some occasions where I'd like to use that feature though I usually don't. Some other things I've noticed: 1. Â Frequently guys are missed when you select "clear corpses." 2. Â Had some instances in which my loons were refusing to take stuff from ammo boxes when ordered. 3. Â MGs at the LZs aren't very alert....had some baddies pop up nearby and I offed half of them with my trusty carbine before the gunner even noticed them. 4. Â I found one single pair of NVGs in one of the ammo boxes....I'm not complaining but are those supposed to be available at all? 5. Â Get crazy script errors when I place an LZ and it rotates to face the enemy positions (watch when you set one up - it actually repositions the stuff). This didn't cause any problems but it's all splayed out across the top of the screen. 6. Â Had played this with v 1.96 and there were script failures in it (didn't calculate reinforcement points at all - gave me "string scalar variable loop" nonsense instead) - had to revert to 1.91. 7. Â No Nam weapons in the trucks at your main base - they're pointless without Nam gear. 8. Â There were a bunch of empty civvie planes on the Ia Drang map - get rid of them. Â Nobody's going to use those for anything. 9. Â You need to implement a script in the next version that alerts you if one of your teams is getting it's ass kicked in a firefight - on occasion I've accidentally left a team or two out to dry and before I got around to checking up on them, they were getting hammered. Â Sometimes they make contact with lots of baddies while I'm busy. 10. Â AI and pistols....damn, that's irritating. Â I can't tell you how many times some jerk with a Tokarev has been blasting away at me - though it made me smile when I introduced him to the business end of a CAR15. Â Not really your problem, I know, but it's irritating all the same. 11. Â Sometimes the AI squads tell you that they know of enemy positions but refuse to actually engage those enemies - usually happens with the emplaced weapons or stragglers. 12. Â The randomly placed heavy weapons are a good idea, but more often than not they're just sitting out in the open with no support at all. Â Even stranger, I once found LZ columbus defended by an empty machinegun - not another soul in sight. 13. Â What do the black exclamation points mean? Â I thought it had something to do with emplaced weapons but it doesn't seem to have any discernable pattern... 14. Â Sometimes defended and secured LZs don't accrue any points for hours. 15. Â AI squads reach their waypoints and sometimes they patrol randomly, sometimes they just stand there - what's the catch? 16. Â In the tutorial, it sounded like you could alt-click or something to select units on the map with your mouse - that's never worked for me. Â I select them via the radio menu. Now, that's a rather long list, but most of them are small problems that don't seriously f*ck up gameplay - I can live with the small bugs if the big picture works right. Problem is, those bigger bugs tends to manifest themselves after a while and make everything grind to a halt. I still think this is the best idea for OFP that I've ever seen and even with it's problems it's a crapload of fun...please find a way to iron this mission out and re-release it.
  2. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Unscripted war

    No... Think of it as a huge capture the island mission....the enemy will react dynamically to your movements and you can call in reinforcements and stuff... So there are no specific objectives or things that will always happen a certain way - it most definitely does not suck (when it works right :P)
  3. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Unscripted war

    Lol man...a Tonal version of this would make my computer explode
  4. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Lets talk usmc

    er... wile you at it why dont you greet osama... Â sigh what cave are you in? Lol...funny because Frandsen made the first Marines I can remember for OFP - and the first ammo-bearer units too. Ah, that was a kickass addon..... Take a look over at ofp.info....it seems there's some competition in the AH-1W market Keep up the good work gents, I can't wait for your stuff to get released
  5. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Unscripted war

    Yes, I'm definitely calling them the right way. I've done it half a dozen other times and there weren't any problems, but suddenly they refuse to show up and it looks as if they've been killed somehow...
  6. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Unscripted war

    I've run into a bug.... For some reason I can't call reinforcements anymore. The points are deducted and I'm told they're on the way, but I check my score and find that 8 more men have been added to the list of friendly KIAs. Anybody else had this problem? The scripting really needs an overhaul in the next version - it's killing what would otherwise be the greatest mission ever.
  7. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Footmunch gear

    Strange thing with his planes is that the gear aren't really down....what I mean is that your action menu considers them up, so you have to lower them, then raise them again in order to get it to look right. Wierd....
  8. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Unscripted war

    *EDIT* Save problem solved...even though I wasn't using the GMR mod at the time, it was still somehow interfering with the save process. Ripped it out by the roots and the game reloads as it should
  9. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Unscripted war

    This mission is really awesome....it's like Close Combat for OFP. I do have a question though - the only place you can rearm your men seems to be new LZs...my troops have sometimes run out of ammo in the field far from an ammo-stocked LZ. Is there any way to solve the logistics problem? It would be better if all those ammo trucks in the main base had Nam weapons in them (they seem not to). Also, it would be awesome to have a supply team to start (rather than crewing up the ammo trucks with reinforcements and driving them around). Just my two cents
  10. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Ofp moments in gameplay

    I was playing that coop mission where you have to rescue the US hostages from Entre Deux, I think, with a buddy of mine... He wasn't very good and rushed down into the town - all hell breaks loose. Â I start picking people off with my trusty M16 and we manage to secure the town. Â We get ready for the assault on the Soviet base, and he jumps in a tractor to get there quicker - he barely makes it out of the town before an entire squad goes prone in the road and lights him up from about 50 feet. Â I was following in our jeep and I bail out, putting the jeep between me and a 9-man Russian squad barely fifty feet from me - I'm lobbing grenades and taking headshots on the guys who stand up to dodge the frags. Meanwhile, my buddy is a seagull and is screaming over the globalchat channel "where r u dood???" Â He quits the game just as I walk over to the dead Russkies (I got em all!) to examine my Rambo handiwork. We restart.... We take the town again, only this time a UAZ full of loons comes flying towards us and my genius partner busts out his LAW and puts a round into the side of the UAZ (as it zooms by him), incinerating himself and sending the burning, twisted wreckage flying through the air, straight at me.... Â Â SPLAT Again, we restart... We take the town and this time exercise a bit more caution heading for the base...we're running alongside the road and there are some pretty thick trees providing cover. Â I've got the rifle grenade on the end of my M16, thinking that I'll blow away anyone I see at close range - well, I come out of this stand of trees looking eyeball to eyeball with a full squad of Russians - way too close to use that mortar. Â I stop, backpedal, and manage to type "oh shit!" to alert my buddy before I'm gunned down. Â "What?" he asks, just as a machinegunner finds him. D'oh Good times, good times
  11. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Bang bang your dead

    I don't think taunts belong in OFP...if you want to include them in your cutscenes (taunting a prisoner or something) it's easy enough to record your own and package them up. There's just too much going on on the battlefield to be taunting people.
  12. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    No "pistol holstered" pose

    Even if you only have a pistol, you walk around like you have an invisible rifle on your back. That stance gives you away and makes it impossible to conceal a pistol. I don't think there should be any pose for "pistol holstered" - you should just stand there completely normally. While I'm thinking about it, please make sure the Beretta gets the right mag capacity if it appears in OFP2.
  13. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Oh-58d kiowa warrior and m109a6 paladin.

    Nope, they were laser-guided artillery rounds - some poor sap on the ground with a laser designator had to illuminate the target for the incoming rounds. Supposedly it was accurate, but cumbersome - I'm pretty sure they dropped it after a few years.
  14. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Stamina script

    Yeah, that was the first thing that came to mind, actually
  15. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Stamina script

    I haven't noticed any impact on the player...I think any skill settings are overridden by your natural OFP talent It seems at the moment that AI-controlled groups are affected by the script, but the loon in charge won't know enough to rest his buddies. Maybe there's a way around that, but hey, you know me....I was never a scripter Perhaps Spinor can pull something out of his big bag of tricks
  16. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Suicide pill addon?

    If you were really lazy, you could use a trigger set to Radio Alpha that does setdammage 1 to the player. No addon, no scripting, no nothing
  17. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Uss nimitz by hawk & dasquade

    OMFG this thing is awesome! I just trapped on my favorite aircraft carrier in H&D's Hornet - easy as pie EDIT - just did a cat launch - oh man this thing kicks my ass! This is the addon we've all been waiting for! *dies*
  18. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Stamina script

    Damn, I haven't checked this thread in a couple of days...I'm going to have to check this out and report back. Thanks!
  19. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Shorts skyvan released

    Same here
  20. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    I'm a little bit irritated ...

    Now now Mezzy, be nice When are we coming back up over there anyway???
  21. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Stamina script

    Yes, they will only regain strength if they're put in SAFE mode. Â I think it's agreed that the best way to do that is with an action menu command labeled "Rest" or something. Â That would put everyone in SAFE and have them sit. Â At that point they begin recharging. I suppose that for every length of time "X" that they remain resting, they regain Y stamina points. Â Of course, when they're rested, they'll get up and go AWARE again. Â Plus if you get them up prematurely they'll do the same, but only with as many points as they were able to accrue during that time. As for vehicle detection, yeah, I'll save that for later I have a feeling this could take me a while
  22. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Stamina script

    Good point about the skill - hadn't thought of that. The behaviour should definitely play a part in the script. Â Regarding the speed, Spinor suggested checking the unit's average speed over the last 30 seconds and using that to determine the stamina decrease. Â Makes sense - using the values you just gave, the script could include a speed range of sorts - if the guy's average speed fell between X and Y, he takes this decuction, if it fell between A and B, he'd take that deduction... Sounds better and better every time
  23. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Shorts skyvan released

    Looks good...grabbing now. *wonders if a Sherpa is next*
  24. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Stamina script

    Couple of things... First, wow, that was fast Counting the actual gear would make it much more realistic, I agree, but I think it might be better to see if someone can whip up a basic script first...if that works, the actual gear counting part can be added. About the action command - I think it would be a little easier for the player (who is the squad leader BTW) to just select an action and have everyone put in SAFE and sit. Â This way it's clear to the player what he needs to do to solve his men's problem, rather than have to guess and put them in SAFE manually. Â Maybe it would be easier, maybe not Skill levels - what about manually setting them in the INIT file so you already know what the "base" skill level is? Â Then in the script you just punch in that number again and you're set. I'll play around with that a bit later and see if I can fill in the blanks (probably not; I'm no scripter )
  25. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Improved u.s soldiers?

    Definitely. We need regular US Army soldiers with Kevlar vests and their cpp armor setting raised just a little bit. The Army cap and the Marine "cover" are worn differently. But I'd really like to see a soldier with ALL his gear. I was a little confused as to why BIS gave them bedrolls, but not rucsacks, gas masks, vests, or any of the stuff they use now. Even an old flak jacket like they used in Nam would have been good. Right now all we have are these skinny dudes in camo with a rifle...hell, I look like that when I play paintball! If you're working on a soldier, PLEASE make sure he has ALL his gear