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Everything posted by AdmiralKarlDonuts

  1. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Inq a10

    Suggestions for the next version.... - Shorten the burst for the gun, or have a mode selection for it to toggle between burst and regular modes. - Please please make a really detailed HUD like the DKM Bronco has! - Add some mirrors to the cockpit frame. - Hopefully you're cooking up some nice CBUs for us to use - Change Betty back to an American voice - ECM, flares, real ejection seat - Maybe change the optics view to a close-up of the HUD? - CCIP for the bombs? (if it's possible) GJ on the plane dude.
  2. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    big.freett.com/type100/HYK_USsol_102.rar Buried on the previous page...copy/paste and you're good to go.
  3. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Lol man, I know that they're oriented that way. I meant that he pointed them the proper way in the latest update
  4. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Awesome, simply awesome. (flags are pointed the [edit]proper[edit] way too!) I've rearmed a squad in the editor and saved them as a template so I'm all set for mission-making goodness now GJ dude!
  5. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Artillery in the works

    M-30 = Smerch? That thing wallops the hell out of the MLRS...the Soviets will definitely have the firepower edge with that thing
  6. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Woodland hummers

    Very nice pack, didn't notice any problems
  7. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Bas delta/ranger update

    *yet another edit* Upon further investigation, none of my "20rd 7.62x51 Sniper Mag" reload sounds are playing. Even stranger, I dug up the M21 sniper that came with JAM and his reload sounds are fine. I'm guessing the problem is on my end....what's going on? *insert Homer Simpson scream* Â My Colt 1911 has 8 rounds! Â Â Just checked the official Colt website and the 1991 holds 8....but.....
  8. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Thankee, good sir. *investigates their weapons*
  9. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    I didn't say I didn't have the Assault Pack... "Not everybody" is not the same as "nobody." It's a huge pack, and those poor suckers on AOL or whatnot will be having fits waiting for the dl to finish. Anyway, pardon my ignorance, but who is WGL?
  10. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Shooting-range 1.0

    Yep, definitely take the lane between the flags. I agree that the targets should be a little easier to spot though....had to hunt for a couple of them. 12,409...couldn't find one, but all the others caught one round dead center. I take my time and line 'em up nicely
  11. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Marine assault pack

    Sweet sights! Will you be redoing more of these and releasing them? As far as the Marine sniper, I'd definitely try Jackal, though he's working on a big SEAL pack at the moment.
  12. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    The texure work on these units blew my mind. I think these soldiers make a fine replacement for the BIS troops since they're line soldiers instead of SF troops. the only problem is the weapons, since not everyone has the luxury of the MARPAT troops to steal the weapons from. If you could bundle the appropriate weapons into another release, this would be a mandatory download.
  13. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Stoner rilfe sr-25

    AFAIK the SEALs are the only users of this weapon...I've never seen it documented that any other US troops do. Then again, BAS always does their homework, so it might be a recent addition to the Ranger arsenal
  14. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    New bas thread

    *drool* excellent, simply excellent I think in this case, pushing back the release date would be more than justified, though there are some ACOGs in the Assault Pack. Â Since you're pushing back the Littlebirds because you guys want them "just right," I say do the same with the Delta/Ranger pack. I for one am willing to wait for the fully customized weapons, even if it is only a matter of updating the weapons file later.
  15. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Bas russian opfor vehicles

    A Mk84 iron bomb weighs in at 2000 pounds and contains 945 pounds of high-explosive....that bomb packs a hell of a wallop. This Scud warhead doesn't look that powerful.
  16. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Bas russian opfor vehicles

    Since the Scud doesnt actually travel across the map (a-la the bug kegetys pointed out) the best way to have the AI "fire" the scud is to have it scripted into your mission. In the real world, Scuds have to be set up on pre-surveyed firing locations, and then have all the relevant target and source data programmed into them. Unlike artillery such as the M109, the Scud is NOT a "shoot and scoot" weapon, and for this reason we haven't enabled the AI's use of the weapon. Oh yeah, I'm aware of the RL use of the Scud. I just figured that since I'm never going to use it myself (I don't play as the Russians...ever...) it was worth asking. Just a thought.
  17. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Bas russian opfor vehicles

    Or VX... That's probably a bit too psychotic...but hopefully someone can get the AI firing it.
  18. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Bas russian opfor vehicles

    lol mwaahahahahaha nice! Granted it's no CoC arty, but it's got a uniquely Russian flavor, which is fine Now you just need to tell us how to beef up the warhead (and get AI to drop Scuds on my Marines' heads)
  19. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Some more ideas

    Here are a couple of ideas... 1. Better vehicle mounting and dismounting. It takes forever to unass a chopper in an LZ, and conversely it takes just as long to jump aboard. Most of the time I use the eject command once the vehicle has stopped - that gets them out in one big tangled mess, but it's better than waiting for them to get shot to hell as they neatly get out. Somehow BIS needs to speed this whole process up. 2. Default RTOs and ammo bearers. RTOs were probably mentioned already, but obviously it would be great if they came standard. Also, ammo bearers/assistant gunners would be excellent to have, like the I44 Demo. Bigger weapons like the M240 (hope to see this too) would need an assistant gunner to lug around some extra ammo, as well as mortars and ATGMs. 3. This last one has probably been put up before but I have some details to add. Rucksacks, something along the lines of what Andersson made a few months ago. Obviously it is carried on the soldier's back like a secondary weapon and can be picked up or dropped whenever you need it (so it's not just more slots to carry stuff - it's a seperate object). You could fill the ruck with gear like an E-tool for digging in, a small deployable tent, smoke grenades, Claymores, or whatever else BIS can come up with that you don't need to carry on your webbing at all times. You should also be able to take gear from your webbing and put it in the pack, and vice versa, to suit different situations. Ideally, this pack should made you tire more quickly or otherwise encumbered you (takes longer to change stances and slows your movement speed). Sorry if these have been mentioned before
  20. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Unscripted war

    I think it would be a better idea to concentrate on killing all the bugs and making the mission run smoothly, rather than starting on whole new versions of it. See the previous page for a list of bugs I've run into. I'm once again stuck because of some bug with the reinforcement choppers (they never show and the group I requested is added to the casualty total). Such a great idea, so problematic
  21. AdmiralKarlDonuts


    Yeah, God's Children was good. I've just finished Flyboys by James Bradley (who wrote Flags of our Fathers), and The Cat From Hue by John Laurence (CBS TV reporter in Vietnam). Â I'd recommend both for historical value. Has anyone else read The Last Ship by William Brinkley? Â It's set in the late 80's just prior to and then following a global nuclear war. Â A US Navy destroyer and a Russian boomer are the only two groups of healthy humans left alive - they try to find anyone who survived and eventually try to start a settlement on a remote island. Â It's incredibly well written and a very good read.
  22. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Bush vietnam service record released

    *facepalm* And they still can't produce someone who actually flew with him during any of the days in question. Watching McLellan was like bashing my head against a brick wall...he replied in the exact same fashion to every question and just kept waving that damn paper around - and none of the reporters even knew how to interperet the sheet. More importantly, did anyone catch in inconsistancy in his story? Â In the beginning of the briefing he said that the records people "acted on their own" or something to that effect and dug up the data. Â Later on he said something along the lines of "after the weekend's comments, we called them...." - that answers question #1. LOL, now we real conservatives are in a bind - we don't want a Dem in office as they're our sworn enemies ( ), but how can we, in good faith and keeping with our real principles, vote this guy in again in '04? Â *mutters and smashes things....takes up drinking*
  23. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    The Iraq thread 3

    Woah there, sir....I ask you to think about that statement for a second. I'm a conservative, and I was all for this war back when it started, but I willingly and readily concede that it's been FUBAR'd and is looking extremely sketchy. Â You have no idea how many times I've seen statements like that made against conservatives at large, and I find it ironic that you then portray us as naive hypocrites - the very thing you're talking about in that statement is exactly what you're doing by saying it. But whatever - they're just words, after all. Â The point I want to make is that both sides of these arguments generalize the opposition far too much. Â It is quite possible to be a conservative and a Republican and be very skeptical of the way things have been and are currently going. Â I'm also sure it is possible to be a liberal and not be a a nutjob pot-smoking treehugger [<--- example]. JP226 happens to be one of the people you're talking about, that much is clear, and I'm not defending this guy who obviously has no idea what the hell he's talking about. Â To be brief, his views aren't indicative of the way the rest of us conservatives think, and not all of us are corporate lapdog lackeys under the control of our Neo-conservative masters. Politicians on both sides of the spectrum are just as laughable, I'm sure we can all agree on that. So to sort of keep this on topic, I agree that our case for going to war is almost nonexsistant months after the commencement of hostilities. I rule out the theory that Dubya is "finishing off" Hussein because of what happened the first time, and I really don't think he went charging in there for the oil, it would be far too obvious to the public to get away with. So, I don't think this was deliberate on POTUS's part (you can use the "he's too dumb to cook up a plot like this" argument if you want. ) Â I doubt Bush is sitting in the Oval Office thinking up ways to f*ck over the world, and more importantly, his own people. Â So....who did? Â Evidence that it was deliberate is nothing short of overwhelming, and from the looks of the stuff you guys have been digging up as sources, some shady characters within the administration are behind this but are so far dodging the spotlight. Any theories? *I bet it was that damn Dick Cheney....seriously, I've never trusted that guy * *EDIT2* Now, I admit I believed all the stuff that Powell presented, and therein lies the problem. Ideally, all that would have been true and THEN we go in and kick Saddam's ass, but it wasn't true, from the looks of things. Did Bush know it was distorted intel? I don't think so. He doesn't strike me as the type since he really seems to believe in the legitimacy of what he's doing. I think it's more possible that those shady characters pulled the proverbial wool over his eyes too. I may be wrong, but it's a theory - whaddya make of it?
  24. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Military Humor

    A friend of mine was in the US Army (1st Armored) in the mid-eighties, and was stationed over in Germany.  During the time I've known the guy he's told some pretty good stories so I'll pass them along... Discovery #1 - MOPP gear doesn't protect against farts.  He was on an exercise that took place during a simulated chemical attack.  He and is buddies were in the back of a buttoned-up M113, clad in full MOPP gear.  One guy let one rip, and it was one of those absolutely horrific ones.  Of course, they couldn't open up the hatches or they'd all be "dead," so thinking quickly they quickly donned their gas masks and hoods - the filters on the masks only trapped the stench and they almost became chemical-warfare casualties after all. Later on, while still attached to that M113 unit, they pulled a stunt on their CO as he came around to inspect the APCs.  The vehicles would all be parked in line with all doors and hatches open and the crew at attention next to it.  One guy in my buddy's squad bought and assembled a scale model M113 - painted and detailed exactly like the real one - and they parked their real one out of the way somewhere.  The CO walked along the line of M113s and got to these guys, standing at attention, perfectly straight-faced, next to a tiny APC.  The result was....interesting. They took part in a Reforger exercise and his M113 team was sent on a scout patrol early one morning.  They came within sight of a tiny little German town full of troops and vehicles, but weren't sure exactly whose side they were on - they called it in and nobody had any idea - no "enemy" forces were supposed to be in the area.  Eventually it was decided that they were "bad guys."  So, they were feeling exceedingly bored and decided to have some fun.  Everybody piled onto the roof of the M113 and they turned onto the main road around a bend, out of sight.  The driver floored it and they drove into this town at top speed, hanging off the sides and spraying every weapon they had at the surprised troops in the town, who were mostly asleep and not expecting to run into any enemies.  So they tore down main street, screaming and firing hundreds of rounds in every direction, then turned a corner and found themselves looking down the barrel of an M60 Patton.  The commander had the hatch open and just gave them a little wave - end of the road for Paul and friends. Later, they had the platoon up on top of a hill securing a microwave transmitter.  It was a little after midnight and they knew the OPFOR would be attacking sometime soon, so they're all dug in and looking downhill.  Soon enough, near the base of the hill they see something - a bunch of lights poking around in the darkness.  Nobody knows what the hell this is and they wait for a second - it turns out that this was a unit  from the French Foreign Leigon that was supposed to attack their position, and they're stumbling around in the dark with their flashlights on.  Up on top of the hill they're giggling to each other and still holding fire.  They let these guys walk up to within a few yards of their positions and let 'em have it, then spent the rest of the night laughing at and otherwise humiliating the tied-up French "KIAs."
  25. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Unscripted war

    *goes back to play some more before watching the NHL All-Star game later* I'd volunteer to help with this project if I could, but unfortunately I don't know my ass from my elbow when scripting (at least with regard to the kind of stuff in this mission) Perhaps someone who knows this stuff inside and out could contact TYS and offer him a hand....