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Everything posted by AdmiralKarlDonuts

  1. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Alt-tab problems

    As the topic says, Alt-Tabbing out of OFP has gotten to be a pain in the ass recently. I'm on a Compaq Presario 2100 laptop with an Athalon 1.5ghz mobile processor, 448MB RAM, a Radeon AGP 320 video card with 64mb memory, Windows XP, and ofp 1.96 beta. Â Screen resolution for the game and my desktop is 1024x768. The strange part is that this is a recent problem...I've had OFP on this little laptop for over a year and have never had this problem until recently when it started becoming almost impossible to switch tasks. Sometimes when I first start OFP, I still have the default mouse pointer on the screen, which disappears after I alt-tab out and back into OFP. Then, if I'm in the editor working on something and have notepad open (or nothing at all, for that matter), I can't reliably switch tasks. Â Sometimes it works, other times I get the mouse cursor on a nonresponsive OFP screen, BUT, then I tab back into OFP and the windows desktop flashes, OFP comes up, and OFP works fine. It's almost like the computer is switching tasks, but my display refuses to change what it's showing. I think this has something to do with 1.96....I'm going to investigate that a little further and see what I find. Any ideas? *EDIT - hmmm, nope, must have been introduced with 1.91...still does it under this version.*
  2. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Alt-tab problems

    Well I'll be damned...it worked. I had just deduced that this had nothing to do with the OFP version and was gathering up all my settings to post....you've saved me the time and embarrasment. Thanks dude
  3. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Real war campaign

    Mmmmmmm, that's good mission idea A few quick things: - if you don't want to put up with killing time (ie beer party at 7), there's always guard duty - relationship-building is fine if you keep it to a very small group of people. Â In my experience (which is pretty substantial when it comes to stories and plots), over-dependence on interpersonal relations in OFP just doesn't pan out. Â Often there's too much going on to keep things straight, or people just don't want to sit through idle banter with a guard. Â While having those relationships with your squaddies often increases the immersion factor and gives the player a real sense of belonging in the story, guys have a tendency to randomly get their heads blown off and so as I said it should be confined to a small group of people. Â Okay, so now on to the more complex suggestions 1. Â Ideally the missions should last from 0:00:01 to 23:59:59. Â If it's humanly possible, the whole day should be simulated. 2. Â However, I know that this will be a pain in the ass for some people, so what you can do is include a feature I saw in the "unscripted war" mission - accelerated time, sort of like Grand Theft Auto. Â This way each day wouldn't be a full 24 hours - you could speed it up so that it's shorter. Â It's really a neat effect that was implemented in a Vietnam setting - I started offensive operations or patrols at first light, continued through the day, and then consolidated my positions at sunset in preparation for the long night. Â I don't remember exectly how long the "day" lasted but it wasn't long. Â I'm sure you can find a reasonable time. 3. Â Spawning enemies are almost vital to this campaign, in my opinion. Â As in the "unscripted war" mission, enemies would randomly roam the territory and if several groups were in relatively close proximity, they'd attack any fixed positions you held. Â Naturally you'll want to depend on set-piece engagements for the "meat and potatoes" of the missions but in order to liven things up a little, random enemy patrols of a few men or recon teams probing your lines would be great. Â They wouldn't be large groups and certainly wouldn't attack in force, but if they spotted isolated convoys or small groups of soldiers, they'd attack of their own volition. 4. Â Organization is going to be a bitch. Â It will be very difficult to plan things out beforehand, ie Russian attack defeated + enough US troops in the area = US counterattack. Â What I mean is that getting a "flow," or making it seem like things are happening on the spur of the moment, will be very hard. Â Then there is the question of adequately populating the islands to make it seem like there's a war on - I mean that if you destroy an attack and then set out into enemy territory, you should encounter plenty of other guys still out there. Â This entails hundreds of units, including all the really detailed stuff like MASH units, HQs, supply columns, etc. Â Spawning guys should be easy enough - with a distance condition or something - but setting up defenses or objects in each town to get the right atmosphere will be tough. 5. Â Missions. Â It's pretty much assumed that the main action will be set-piece battles, and as long as you can time them properly so that things occur when you want them to there should be no problem here. Â The problem might come in when the battle is over and there's nothing to do. Â How will you be able to set up mini-missions like escorting a convoy from point A to point B (though I'll point out that most of these will be dull and uneventful)? Â What about recon missions? Â What will set these off? 6. Â Autosaves - again, something used in the "unscripted war" mission. Â It will be absolutely necessary to make the game save every so often (30 mins game time, 60 mins game time, 10 mins real time, whatever). Â You can't expect people to die at 10pm and have to start the whole day over again, so this feature will have to be included. So basically what concerns me the most is how you'll populate the islands and make it so that things will occur as you want them to. Â We all know that controlling the OFP environment is a daunting task and that some unforseen event can ruin a whole mission that hinges on some small detail. Â I think it's doable - at least in the most basic form - but polishing it to near-perfection is going to be a hell of a feat. If you want a hand with any writing aspects of the campaign, give me a shout and I'll be glad to help where I can *edit - I'm already thinking up missions you can throw in...hehehehe*
  4. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Urban warfare/mout

    Hey gang, I'm writing a paper (25 pages - the real deal) on urban warfare for one of my classes, and I thought to myself: "self, so many who play OFP are current or former military, why not see what they have to say?" I'll set it up for you - as we all know, the wide-open Cold War tank battles that the US expected in Europe are no longer what the future of warfare looks like. We're in an era that is focusing on urban war as we saw in Mogadishu and are seeing right now all across Iraq. The rules have changed. So the topic I plan to explore is this - what are the United States Army/Marines doing to win? Have we learned from our past experiences in urban environments? I think this is especially relevant because of what's going on in Fallujah, Baghdad, and everywhere else in Iraq. Hopefully this thread can be a discussion (not just for me, but for everyone's benefit) on it. But if you're a current or former soldier (any country) with experience in this area (training, deployment, whatever), and don't mind being leaned on as a quoted source, please shoot me an e-mail at... nremies1@ithaca.edu Either way, let's kick the idea around a bit here, eh? Thanks folks
  5. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Urban warfare/mout

    Yes. We used MILES with G3 and early G36 and then switched to AGDUS system, a similar system. The MILES system is a bit flawed imo. We had a MG MILES and it never worked properly. Could you elaborate a little on what about it was flawed? Just reliability issues with the gear or something else? @NavyEEL - I'll look into that....so far nothing from West Point. They probably just blew me off @johnnylump - I'll check it out, thanks for the tip. I remember seeing some story on that a while back.
  6. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Urban warfare/mout

    Doing some more work on this.... Anybody out there trained with MILES? Anybody been to the Shughart-Gordon "MOUT city" in Louisiana? I'd like to hear some stories about this topic to liven the paper up a bit - might get a bit boring with facts, figures, and suchlike
  7. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Urban warfare/mout

    Oh I plan to...I don't think I really need any specifics regarding that particular operation but any info on current UK training would be great. I've contacted West Point to see if anybody there would discuss what if anything they teach regarding UW...should make for a good comparison.
  8. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Urban warfare/mout

    Lol nope Anyway I think the comparison between the US and UK's treatment of the subject is definitely noteworthy. Just the fact that US troops aren't getting any MOUT training goes a long way towards answering the question I'm posing in the paper...hmmm. So what about the role of vehicles? The Abrams, for example, is not at all suited to support friendly infantry or operate in tight quarters like city streets. Would something like the Sheridan or the cancelled M-8 AGS be good for urban environments? How about the Stryker? It's supposedly going to be very useful in cities. Should or can vehicles play much of a role? @Baron - you're in the British military? If so, shoot me an e-mail
  9. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Combat! discussion thread

    *cough*Stryker*cough* Everything looks werry werry nice
  10. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Actually some of them are. He made some Woodland 1985 soldiers kitted out with PASGT gear and old web gear. @Silent Pro: How are you handling the grenade launcher issue? The M4 unfortunately wasn't around (officially that is) in 1985 - mental lapse on my part as I thought you were throwing the present-day guys in there. Did Earl in fact make a 16A2/203?
  11. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Tears of the sun seals

    New face from liquid snake...this guy is the man! Check A&M:C "Custom Faces" topic.
  12. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Rgr rgr Hope you get the kinks worked out.
  13. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Maybe this will help...official commented configs from the official site. http://www.flashpoint1985.com/breathe....191.zip *EDIT* I hope I don't sound like an ass for asking, but you have asked permission from the other guys to do this, right? I'd hate to see you release this and have them jump down your throat for doing this without telling them
  14. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Can't help you with the .cpp, but if you can get those bugs worked out, I'd be very interested in getting my hands on it My only tiny little suggestion would be to give the grenadiers M4/M203s because the Army doesn't use the M16A4 - only the Marines.
  15. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    F-14 vs mig-23

    LOL! - "Shoot him! Shoot him! Fox Two!" - "I can't! I don't have a f*cking tone!" Radio discipline went right out the window there
  16. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Desert 5t truck pack.

    Yep, last I remember he's at PUKF...haven't heard anything from Abuu in a loooooooong time... (they used to work wth me on a big project that flopped ) *edit: email* Jonno@project-ukf.com
  17. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Desert 5t truck pack.

    Looks good, looks very good *hopes you get permission*
  18. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    Well, my comp isn't going to yield spectacular pics, but here are a few anyway Modern US Army troops getting shot up by Russian Marines + BTR (blur intentional, spontaneous) Force Recon taking a prisoner (posed) Street fight on Tonal with new Modern US troops (spontaneous) My apologies for making you suffer through those
  19. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Just drop a pic into the mission folder and you can use it on the units? (never used that feature on the DeRas) Hell, if you can do that, that simplifies everything...a lot Everybody making addons ought to do that, IMO
  20. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Exactly like that, only I think you might run into a problem because there's no limit to the number of unit patches people will want. Â Even after it's released, people will want more added to represent some unit in their native country. Obviously there would have to be some limits placed....maybe the only the most requested or highest-profile (most well-known?) divisions would be represented. Question though: Â have any non-footmunch addons made use of those roundels?
  21. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    yep, I know
  22. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Would be sweet to see.... 82nd Airborne 101st Airborne 173rd Airborne 1st Infantry 3rd Infantry 4th Infantry 1st Armored 10th Mountain Subdued and full-color patch options would be neat too : P Actually.....I just had an idea.... Maybe there should be a "patch pack" made up of all kinds of unit patches, and every new addon has the ability to use them....ambitious I know but it would be killer.
  23. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    You know when you have played too much ofp when:

    You know you've played too much OFP when... - you come across a closed door and notice that the index finger on your mouse hand is instinctively scrolling to "open door." - You see a car wreck on the road and think "wow, somebody finally improved those crappy 'destroyed' models!" - You're in a car with your OFP player friends and you all start swaying back and forth in unison, making strange motions with your hands. - You're about to go to sleep and you realize that you didn't come with a "sleeping" animation, so you'll have to download an anims pack before bed. - You want your friend to help you with a package so you say "2, take package from POSTAL WORKER, 12 o'clock" - You crash your car and grumble that you need to edit the armor values in the config.cpp file, then you start looking for a repair truck.
  24. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Sure, there are a couple of little things that should be tweaked, but even so, this addon is just fantastic.
  25. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Inq a10

    Why would its age have anything to do with mirrors? As for the other features....I don't think it's radar is A-A capable, is it? Would there be a way to model that?