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Everything posted by AdmiralKarlDonuts

  1. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    What is...

    Asked it what SEAL is.... SEAL is About to be Rescued. - ? SEAL is a significant player in the Southern California manufacturing scene. - Look out Trump... SEAL is the official device of the municipal government. - Â I always liked civics. SEAL is found only in the Caspian Sea. - Wait, I thought I was a Captain of Industry in Southern California?? SEAL is an enabling technology for high performance systems. - Booyah! SEAL is university property and under the law enjoys protection from use by unauthorized groups. - Hmm, Angela won't like that... SEAL is designed to deter individual piracy and aid in prosecuting piracy rings. - I'm the PO-LICE! Â King Kong ain't got shit on me! SEAL is included free-of-charge with a VeriSign SSL certificate. - I see... SEAL is extremely strong. - Â SEAL is in the custody of the Secretary of State. - Colin and I go way back. SEAL is on a mission of mindless revenge. - Mwahahahahahaha! SEAL is optional. - Damn SEAL is listed as critically endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. - Â
  2. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    a few new mfcti 1.16 maps

    Ditto all the above...no heavy units or aircraft factories. Actually, no ammo depot, no heavy factory, no repair depot...nothing. This sure makes taking over a town guarded by a pair of T-80s fun Played a bit on Treah and Trinity, didn't see one Russian, but plenty of Resistance guys.
  3. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Ofp moments in gameplay

    Ah what the hell, might as well dig it up again Playing MFCTI 1.16 Everon....had taken Montingnac and set up some defenses there. Â For a few hours we held off disorganized Soviet attacks until they finally overran the town...so I headed back to base to round up some more troops and armor, and within ten minutes the Badass Brigade was headed back to Montingnac with 4 M-1A1s. We roll in there with some metal playing on the old CD player, looking around angrily for those little AI bastards...sure enough there's a squad made up of mostly Spetznaz with a couple of snipers - no heavy AT weapons to speak of. Â They're prone near the flag, and for just a second they stare at us with looks of disbelief (if AI could have looks of disbelief ), then they jump up and decide to re-enact part of Monty Python's "French Taunter" scene.... Me: Â "Ah-ha, there you are! Â Mwahahahahaha!" Â *selects Ma Deuce* Them: Â "RUN AWAY!!!!! Â RUN AWAY!!!!!" Me: Â "AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!" Â *.50 cal thunders* (more maniacal laughter) You had to have been there
  4. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    A good Vietnam book

    One of the best Nam books I've read is "Pathfinder" by Richard Burns - at the time of publication it was the only book written about Nam Pathfinders IIRC. "Steel My Soldier's Hearts" and "The Cat from Hue" were also good reads.
  5. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    a few new mfcti 1.16 maps

    Which scripts do I have to change - and how exactly - to get my ammo crates back? Â I've never had any ammo bugs and I'd like to keep that capability for the repair trucks. Oh yes, the other thing...how do you change the AI difficulty? I don't see that option in any of the MP setup screens and I'd like to have a choice other than "insane" for the time being
  6. AdmiralKarlDonuts


    Iroquois = Huey Captain Moore made some UH-1Cs in Marine colors a while back - check ofp.info for them - though the -C is the shorter version. SelectThis also has a Special Ops UH-1H which I think is pretty much the same model as the Nam Pack Hueys but is a standalone addon - can also be found at ofp.info. Be sure you get the Resistance fix for it too.
  7. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Morale script

    So I talked about a stamina script a while ago and Spinor managed to whip up something that altered a unit's skill based on loadout, speed and posture. I got to thinking...how about a morale script? My idea (I can't script this but someone might find it really useful) is to weigh a bunch of factors and derive an overall "morale" rating for the individual soldiers. Â As OFP stands now, a soldier will always perform the same way no matter what the circumstances. Â This script would alter his skill and the collective courage of the squad. Â For example, a soldier with good morale would be at his normal skill, whatever that is. Â If all the soldiers in a squad are at good morale, the overall morale of the squad would be high, thus meaning that the group's courage would be high. Â Anyway, here are some factors that could be used in a basic version of this script - for the individual soldiers: - ammo: Â if the soldier is low on ammo (however OFP determines this), then his morale goes down a bit. - stamina: spinor's script already calculates this, but for this script it would not affect the skill on its own - this result would be another factor. [here's a link to the stamina script so that it can be incorporated here:] http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=36657 So take a look at Spinor's script, then see if you can apply the same idea to this morale script. Â Obviously the rate of fatigue in his script would be made much lower so that the AI wouldn't be sitting down and having a rest. Basically take the results from the computation of the factors you choose to include, then use the combination of the factors to arrive at a morale modifier. Simple, right? I dunno, maybe this is impossible, but I figured I'd throw the idea out there in case someone was interested
  8. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    No jump

    I'm in favor of being able to hurdle over low fences and stuff, as long as when you're jumping, you've got your weapon close to your chest and you need to get a running start. If you needed to be moving forward already to jump, and if you had to take a few steps after to recover, that would eliminate a hopping problem. In other words jumping in place should be totally impossible. Though if we're going to add more gear and rucksacks to OFP2, it should definitely depend on weight, too. A guy lugging an M60 and a rucksack is going to be sucking wind a lot faster than a guy with just his M16 and webbing. So maybe the guys carrying more weight have less of a chance to actually clear obstacles... *tries to jump fence and trips... rest of squad has to go haul him to his feet*
  9. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Terrorism or "Modern" war?

    Terrorism is what we like to call "war," boiled down to its most base elements. Â It's what we call war fought using the most basic elements - fear and death. Â If you stripped away all the things that have been added to war over thousands of years, the point is to either kill every last one of the enemy or scare them into giving up. Â That's what war is all about. Â We western nations have put a lot more time and energy into trying to make war more palatable in the current era. Â We've introduced the idea that civillian casualties are a thing to be avoided and we try to fight our wars in a neat-and-clean fashion. On one hand, that's good - random people going about their business in Iraq or anyplace else shouldn't be getting bombed or shot up - but in a way it's bad, because we're trying to make war into something that it isn't - nice. I think many people forget that war is war, and war is hell, no matter what kinds of ROEs, technology, or ideology you throw behind it. I'm not trying to excuse or justify terrorism, but I think we're glossing over the fact that it's not as foreign and unthinkable as we consider it to be. Â It's one of the core principles behind the art of warfare. At the moment we're taking a big step back in time and coming face to face with the fact that other people hate us and want to kill us, but they don't have a prayer of taking us head-on (would that be more "civilized"?) so they make do with what they've got. Â When you really, really want somebody dead, you'll find a way to make it happen. Reactions?
  10. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Fischkopp's hmmwv pack

    *drools* Yes yes use Sigma's M2 sounds! Very nice Humvees, I can't wait till they're released
  11. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Ofp moments in gameplay

    Hehehe yep....just as you're about to take the most incredible sniper shot in the universe, one of your buddies runs right in front of you Happens to me all the time...and the rifle grenadiers in the I44 demo are always hitting me in the back with the M7 '"Oops, sorry sarge..."
  12. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    True crime: streets of l.a.

    Lol you should work in marketing...I might buy it just for that feature alone
  13. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    AHHHHHHH! Â William Fitchner!!!! Â
  14. AdmiralKarlDonuts


    How about a getviewdistance command that would return the player's exact settings rather than relying on benchmark? I can think of at least one case where this would be useful.
  15. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    No-lag script?

    Hi all, I was wondering if anybody knew of a script I could use to remove units too far away for the player to see in a single player mission. The idea is that you put all the units you want in the editor and the script will remove them if they're too far away and replace them when you get closer. Â Hopefully this will cut down lag because I want to not only have enemy troops but civvies running around all over Malden. Â I saw one over at OFPEC that claimed to do this ("trigger enemy spawn" by Dootlittle), but it came with no documentation whatsoever and obviously that doesn't help at all. Anybody have any ideas? Â I'm in no way capable of writing one myself, so.....help me out here guys
  16. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    No-lag script?

    Cool, I'll give it a shot. Thx man.
  17. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    No-lag script?

    Okay well I think I've got the creation part down to the point where I can implement it, but I've realized that this only works one way - it deletes initially, re-creates when you get close, and that's that. Â There seems to be no way to delete again if you move too far away, re-re-create, etc. Here's what I've pared it down to: init.sqs - going to check if this really needs to be in the init file. the slimmed-down unitcreate.sqf... units.sqs - this is what's executed by the pair of triggers (one covering the units you want deleted, one detecting when you're close enough). Â I still need to sift through this and yank some of the superflous parts. and the grand finale, delete.sqs Anyway, I've tried to rig this up to work repeatedly - no dice so far. Â Setting the default triggers to "repeatedly" and adding another pair seems to delete them, re-create them, and promptly delete them again. Does anyone see a way to make this delete them when the player moves AWAY? Not necessarily in the script itself, but maybe another snippet/trigger combo I can throw in to match up with what's already here. As it stands it's just going to keep adding more units, and by the end of the mission things are going to be just as laggy as they would be without the script I'll keep working on it but if anyone has any suggestions, I'm definitely open to them
  18. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    I've searched to no avail, cant find marine helos

    If I remember correctly I think NZXShadows dropped the project because there were a few other AH-1Ws in creation.
  19. AdmiralKarlDonuts


    Hehehehehe nationstates...I "played" that for a while, but eventually decided I was wasting my life (moreso than I do with OFP ) Actually I used to run a kickass weapons store in the International Incidents boards....if someone wants to dig it up, it's all yours
  20. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    No-lag script?

    Well, I'm messing around with this and trimming the fat myself, so....it looks like I might be okay after all. So much of this is specific to his demo mission (parachutes, custom loadouts, eye-candy surrending and sitting down animations) - it would have been nice to get the bare-bones scripts and add to them if need be instead of having to rip out whole parts because I don't need them
  21. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Operation dragon horn

    I didn't add terrorist reinforcements at the house because I figured that the player would lose enough men while trying to enter the compound. Lol how perceptive of you I have a massive paper to finish but I plan on wrapping up this mission soon. I think that it would be a good idea to add silenced sidearms though, that way you could carry a primary and use the sidearm for when you need to quickly dispose of a couple of guys.
  22. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Hunt the intruder - out-flank him

    Heya Footmuch, I was wondering if you could give your Strike Eagles a new paintjob so they look something like this: http://www.globalsecurity.org/militar....29b.jpg IMO the grey is too light and the black is...well, black...these are a very dark grey as you can see. Â Another thing about the Strike Eagles that I saw was that all the munitions seem to appear in the exact center of the plane for just a second as I drop them...strange. If you could take care of that and maybe improve the ground handling a wee bit, that would be mint. Â They're already great planes.
  23. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Scripting real life

    I tested it...it works as I had it
  24. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Bradley pack by rudedog

    Well, what do you have the M60 for? Â Its gun is also 105mm... Â AFAIK, we don't anymore... Last time I heard of the Patton seeing combat was Desert Storm with the Marines. I'm pretty sure that when everyone got the Abrams, the Patton went the way of the Dodo as far as combat deployment goes.
  25. AdmiralKarlDonuts

    Your ofp skills

    Marksman, I guess....not sniper, mind you - what I mean by that is I'm a regular grunt with good aim. I can command troops well enough to get the job done but I've got no problem with letting someone else do it. Though I've always wanted to play multi as a medic - I just think that would be sweet. I suck at CQB - I tend to panic and blast widly at people if they get too close to me. Favorite weapon: M4A1/ACOG/M203 from the USMC MARPAT units, or failing that, a regular old M16.