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About SomeOFPGuy

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. SomeOFPGuy

    Autocad and ofp

    sweet deal, thx.
  2. SomeOFPGuy

    Autocad and ofp

    Can I use AutoCad to model new vehicles for OFP? (I'm learning it and would like some practical experience.)
  3. SomeOFPGuy

    Mh-6 littlebird

    I've been looking to model this as well, and the ah6j has two platforms for a total of 6 troops that it can transport.(EXTERNALLY) (p.s. I wanna download it)
  4. SomeOFPGuy

    Making add-ons

    I (a modeling nOoB) would like to model the AH-6J Little Bird (like the ones in Blackhawk down) either the 6 troop varient, or the FFAR/MGun varient. I'm learning AutoCad at work and I wanna know if I can use that to model it. Does anyone have any suggestions or a tutorial about modeling now that Oxygen is out?
  5. SomeOFPGuy

    Nuclear explosion

    Yeah, I noticed that it was taken down from the OFPEditingCenter, that's why I came here. I'd love to get my hands on that scrpt if you don't mind.
  6. I'd like to add a large explosion to one of my missions but can't seem to find a script. I did however find this picture. I don't know if it's bogus or not, the plume either is a light source or is in front of the sun. Anybody know where it came from? (the pic is a screenshot from OFP.Gamezone.cz)
  7. SomeOFPGuy

    Moving vehicles

    There's a tutorial on this page The files are in czech I think, but there's a good sample mission included where you can figure out how to do it quite easily.
  8. I though I'd like to share this small script of mine. If anyone else has had a hard time getting guards (on towers, or anywhere) to stay where you place them instead of falling off once someone starts shooting, here you go: ; [unitname]exec "stayput.sqs" ;by SomeOFPGuy _theperson=_this select 0 _xco=getpos _theperson select 0 _yco=getpos _theperson select 1 _zco=getpos _theperson select 2 #theloop ?(!(alive _theperson)):goto "endofloop" ?((getpos _theperson select 0 !=_xco)&&(getpos _theperson select 1 !=_yco)): _theperson setpos[_xco,_yco,_zco] goto "theloop" #endofloop exit *note once the unit dies, their bodies will leave the set spot in the appropriate airborn direction  Just like to say thanks for everyone helping out us noobs with OFP
  9. Is there any performance benifit to using scripts vs. on activation fields of a trigger? (aside from re-useability of code) Does gameplay improve when using scripts, or does the seek and opening of a file lag the game a bit?
  10. I was wondering... (i was gonna post this in a new topic, but i see there's no need to waste space) Can you damage/destroy a chopper to the point where it has to land/crash without killing the crew/passengers? My only thought would be making everyone eject when the chopper's damage gets close to 1; but when shot with a 125mm, there really is no "close" to 1....
  11. SomeOFPGuy

    Jpg pictures!

    UnitName SetFace "FaceName" Put this in the unit's initilization field. You can use any downloaded face packs so long as you know what to call it up as. I also think that SetFace will overide any player's profiles faces.
  12. SomeOFPGuy

    Adding music, please help me

    Just remember to keep you're imported music files (in total) less than 10Mb per mission, otherwise, OFP will crash when you try to convert it to SP or MP missions.
  13. SomeOFPGuy

    Jpg pictures!

    the "2^N" means the width and height must be a power of 2 2 "to the" N 'luck with the mission
  14. I haven't had any problems with some of the new islands, but I would imagine that some of the maps may not have some add-on's included. I find that Add-ons and maps by "MTL" aften don't include required units, thus, making the game crash (although he has done some nice work). I may be wrong though, I'm still an editing NooB
  15. I doubt if anybody remembers the 286 game Gunboat (by Accolade), but I miss those days of being able to take a PBR up-stream and kicking some VC butt. I'll get to the point now, has anybody been able to create a river (that actually functions like a river i.e. you can boat in it, drive across it only with amphibious vehicles, or use a bridge)? I realize it's no small undertaking to modify an island that much, but think of how cool it'd be to be able to use them strategically.