now it´s out of the box, no more speculations about oxygen and who will get it.
strictly nobody, except:
- people who pay license fees
- people who don´t bother BI´s further projects and/or interests
- people, who are willing to sell their souls to BI
who won´t get it:
- people who want to do 1 or 2 models for themselves or friends
- people who can´t show off websites or are in mod-teams
yes, yes, they want to support the modders and so they just are able to deal with a small number of people.
yes, yes, there was never unsupported software in this whole, wide universe, which did not result in millions of questions for the distributer.
hell, make it "as is" and "unsupported" and give it to the people, who want it... (for non-commercial usage) or better let them get it from a website.
commercial usage = license fees... no problem.
non-commercial = large community = free of charge and EVERYBODY interested should be able to get it.
and PLEASE dont anybody tell me, the reason is just to make sure, that only high-quality mods will be built.
let the people decide, what they want to download.
crap will never survive in a that large community.
so good models will be used, bad ones won´t.
no need for BI to judge, what people wanna have.