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About squeeler

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  1. squeeler

    2017mod - full conversion mod

    This looks fantastic, i'm very much looking forward to it. The map itself looks brilliant and is something i've been looking for in ARMA for some time. I really hope it is made available for mission makers as well. I'm constantly amazed at how much effort mod makers put into projects like this.
  2. squeeler


    @ Sengir: Thanks, I had tried putting them on the map (all over the place in fact) but they still kept on going... it took me a while to realise that it was the solitary commissar i had put on and forgotten all about that was making the racket oh well you live and you learn i guess
  3. squeeler


    You guys really are doing a great job! As this mod has single handedly got me to reinstall ofp after years in the wilderness could someone tell me how to use the game logics that stop the IG etc voices? Is it simply a matter of placing them on the map? I am working on a mission to remind myself of all the vagaries of the editor and can't drag up the memory of how they work!!
  4. squeeler


    @ Ladie are you still looking for 40k names? The Dark Heresy site (40k pnp roleplaying game that has just been released) has a name generator... dunno how good it will be but maybe worth a look. http://www.blackindustries.com/?template=40k&content=dh-gamingaids
  5. squeeler


    Wow, I had assumed this project was dead and buried a while back, not really sure why but I decided to have a look at this thread again a couple of days ago and was amazed to see the progress you guys have made. @ Ladie from hell: I think (think! the blood pack started purely as a result of Dan Abnett writing about them in his Gaunt Ghosts books and they took off from there, mainly thanks to him being one of the only black library writers who really does justice to the universe.So the best bet to find out about them is his books. There are quite a few though and the pact don't make an appearance until 4 or 5 books in. @ Barns: fluff is basically referring to the games official background i.e in the tabletop game a landspeeder would only have 1 heavy bolter and 1 assault cannon Keep up the good work guys!