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Everything posted by Stingeragent

  1. Stingeragent

    Tomahawk nearly complete

    Any news?
  2. I'm trying to make a plane fly really low. Using flyinheight, the lowest the plane will fly is 10, even if u tell it to fly at 2. Back in the stunting thread, I remember people talking about using waypoints and game logics to do it. Heres what else I tried. I tried doing the setpos,getpos thing and the plane will start out at the correct height, but immediately will climb out. I've placed 2 waypoints, both telling the plane the correct height using setpos, but the plane still climbs out soon after starting. Anyone know what to do? Thanks.
  3. Stingeragent

    Making plane fly at certain height?

    Yea I've tried that. The helis always fly how high you tell them, but the planes never wanna go below 10 using that command.
  4. Hey, in a screen on the BAS website, it shows bikes driving out the back for a quick insertion it says or somethign similar. Well, Everytime I unload the cargo it just gets placed outside the heli without me on it. Is there no way to drive out after you land?
  5. Stingeragent

    Best lod setting

    Hi, what number should I change my lod to, to get the best quality?
  6. Stingeragent

    Question about bas mh-47

    Hey, in a screen on the BAS website, it shows bikes driving out the back for a quick insertion it says or somethign similar. Well, Everytime I unload the cargo it just gets placed outside the heli without me on it. Is there no way to drive out after you land?
  7. Stingeragent

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Scope, What island is that in  your 3rd buggy picture? Also, is that meekong island available for dl somewhere? Looks really nice.
  8. Hi, How do you make soldiers sit on top of a tank? I've seen it done before and I used to have the directions on how to do it but can't seem to find them anymore. And yes I did search but only found out how to make ppl sit on "chair x" or whatever.
  9. Stingeragent

    How to make soldiers sit on tank

    The soldiers sitting on top of the tank aren't an addon. The tank is I know, i was just showing that as an example to what I meant.
  10. Stingeragent

    How to make soldiers sit on tank

    Well Im not 100% sure you know what I mean so here is an example. http://www.imgstudio.com/IMGphot....736.jpg
  11. Stingeragent

    Civic request

    Hey, would someone be willing to make a 93-2003 Civic Ex 2dr with a body kit? That BMW M3 some guy made is making me really want a civic to drive in game. I can provide pictures if anyone is willing. Not 100% sure where to get a 3 view at.
  12. Ok. I have a mission with a helicopter, rope, and jeep all named. I have a trigger that activates the 1st script. It tells the rope to go to the position of the helo and it keeps looping so it stays with it. Now I have another script activated by helo that tells the jeep to go to the position of rope but 10 ft down (so that it doesn't hit helo). This works, it follows around the rope. Now I have a 3rd script that creates a parachute and tells it to go to the position of jeep and this also loops. Now it works fine and the para goes to jeep and attaches but the jeep doesn't come down it stays on rope. So I couldn't think of any way to make that 2nd script end when the para gets attached to jeep. So I tried the distance thing..something like.... ? (jeep1 distance chute1 <5) : goto exit .... So what I figured was, when I activated the 3rd script to attach parachute, that 1st looping script would realize the para is within 5m of jeep and it would exit, thereby releasing the jeep to fall with para, but for some reason the jeep doesn't fall. It still keeps going with rope. Any ideas?
  13. Hey, I tried telling the script to add the para to the tank while falling and have it loop, and tried adding tank to para while falling and have it loop. Both times the tank just hits ground instantly and the parachute falls down and opens shortly after. How do you go about getting the para to actually attach to a tank?
  14. ROFL, They gave you the hardest things to do. All you gotta do is put in an empty vehicle, and then a soldier, and tell him this moveingunner vehiclename ..he don't need a commander or driver, he will still shoot, lol...