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About Sl@sh

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Sl@sh

    Lan game, 1 cd

  2. Sl@sh

    Lan game, 1 cd

    I just got a new computer and i wanted to play ofp with my brother, but only have 1 copy of ofp:resistance. Do I have to buy another copy to play a multiplayer game?
  3. flaregunner fire ["m203muzzle", "flare"]; flaregunner AddMagazine "flare"; flaregunner fire ["m203muzzle", "flare"]; flaregunner AddMagazine "flare"
  4. How can i make a trigger follow a unit?
  5. Create a waypoint for the first car, (behavior = safe; speed = limited). Give all of the cars a name like car1, car2, car3,...... and type in each units init field "this commandfollow carX" (replace the X with the number of the car you want him to follow). All of the cars have to be grouped.
  6. Sl@sh

    Who can do some missions for new islands?

    you'll find some in this packs: OPFP cz
  7. maybe this 'll work place a waypoint for the heli near you and a trigger between you and the heli. In the on activation field type heliname land "LAND". Now create another waypoint where you want the heli to go. In the on Condition field type: soldiername in heliname AND soldier2 in heliname etc. To make the units get in create a waypoint (get in), place it on the heli's 1st waypoint and synchronize them.
  8. i just created 9 triggers (for 9 soldiers) and set the delay for each unit. In the on activation field i wrote: unitname action ["EJECT",heliname]; OrderGetOut true
  9. Sl@sh

    Editing players

    Can you use it in multiplayer games to?
  10. Sl@sh

    Kind of like the matrix?

    I don't think that would be so handy.....when youre on a mission where you really need a heli or a tank and a pilot dies, you cant't go on. I think this is the best thing of the game.
  11. Sl@sh

    Oh no ..... is down

    when i play a multiplayer game and only one player is alive (co-op) he keeps saying "Oh no..... .... is down , ..... is down, Oh no ...." . Can i fix this?