gotcha. Sorry. THought you were insinuating that i missed some AI or was slow to react. here is the situation: four soldiers appear...I react, and mow them all down. SUV moves forward (after stopping because I fired) straight into the house in front of us. then backs up, turns the wheel to correct, then drives forward....only problem is it hasn't backed up far enough to make the turn, so it keeps on backing up, and rolling forward into the house (or wall on the other occasion) multiple times...until I am killed. The AI knows enough to back up, but not far enough.
In any event, I restarted the mission the fourth time, and almost got caught with yet another save game right in front of the HIND loop, however I was able to eject from the SUV; the Hind fired at the SUV, I let it pass, then I re-boarded and moved on--taking out the Hind on its second pass. Just glad its over with, and hoping that was the only poorly scripted (IMHO) mission. No way to at least command the vehicle? I recall even the first ARMA and OFP both had the ability to command HALT; which would have made this much more enjoyable.