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Everything posted by Storm

  1. Storm

    Constructive criticism

    First of the just like to say Resistance definitely rocks and is a welcome addition to the OFP universe. But the main point for me is after reading about how you have to keep your weapons/ammo/men for the next mission on all the previews and notes around I decided to stock pile the Ural at the start of the game near your house for a good 20 minutes with everything I could find around that would fit in it, and how long did I get to keep that vehicle for. One more mission. Oh well. It seems you can only keep your stuff when the campaign decides you can which could get a bit annoying.
  2. Storm

    About the motorcycle

    Not really that important and nobody probably cares but the motorbike has blue smoke which gives me the impression that it is a diesel like the rest of the vehicles in the game. I think there has ever only been one diesel bike ever produced and the performance is not up to the one in Resistance.