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Everything posted by SoloZone

  1. Hi All, I am creating a MP sandbox. I have a SQF that creates 6 Land Towers. Which will be destroyed later once a trigger is satisfied. Below is how I set the towers Handle Damage to indestructible. It works, no issue there. for [{_x=1},{_x<=_z},{_x=_x+1}] do { _tower = createVehicle ["Land_Cargo_Tower_V1_F", getpos start, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _tower addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {false}]; _tower SetVehicleVarName (towerarray select _y); _tower call compile format["%1 = _this ; PublicVariable ""%1""",towerarray select _y]; alltowers = alltowers + [_tower];publicvariable "alltowers"; _y=_y+1; sleep 1; }; Later in the game I have a player Addaction when they find an object, which allows them to remove the HandleDamage. Well it does that too...in another script tied to the addaction. _matchtower addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {_this select 2}]; _matchtower setdamage .75; Here is where its getting fishy and doesn't work. The building is now @ .75, in the below section I hint the damage and its .75 until I shoot a rocket at the building. Once I hit the building it gets reset to 0 and becomes indestructible again????? while {alive _matchtower} do { _tdamage = getdammage _matchtower; FOCK_GHint = parseText format ["%1 Damage %2",_matchtower,_tdamage];publicVariable "FOCK_GHint";hint FOCK_GHint; sleep 1; }; some background, the first code, only Dedicated is creating the buildings, not sure if this matters.. by thought I'd add. Any help in my concept would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Gents. thanks this is working. I understand that the action script is a local event, but adding the BIS_MP and only allowing Server to action the call does it. Wow. Learning everyday. Thanks again.
  3. when I create the towers(6) and assigning allowdamage to false, im using if (!IsServer) exitWith {}; so I am assuming only the Server initiates it. When the player uses the action and it kicks off the script, it too is if (!IsServer) exitWith {}; so only the server would be executing the cancel damage... I have always struggled with this (ie Server vs dedicated vs local).. so bear with me.
  4. exactly.. its the weirdest. The only difference is the addaction runs a script. This script determines the tower is nearest to the player and then does the allow damage true; setdamage 0.75 I know the script is kicking off cause the action will reduce the damage to .75 (I hint it to see) and I take a shot at it and it brings it back to 0 and won't allow damage.
  5. Thanks jshock, tried that and its still the same? I thought I did try that before..
  6. I have read and looked for an answer but I think I am just doing something simply wrong. I keep getting this in the RPT and my hint is not showing. Error underfined variable in expression: _towerobj this code is in an SQF executed via a trigger [player] exeVM "closebase.sqf". I know the sqf is executing as the first setmarkerpos is occurring. I am using this in MP and I am expecting the hint to provide the damage # of the tower near the player and broadcast it until he destroys it. Any help with second eye's would be greatly appreciated.:o <closebase.sqf> private ["_towerobj","_tdamage","_wreck","_player"]; _player = _this Select 0; _towerobj = []; "XMarker1" setmarkerpos (getpos dropZone); _towerobj = nearestObjects [getpos _player,["Land_Cargo_Tower_V1_F"], 150] select 0; while {alive _towerobj} do { "XMarker1" setmarkerpos (getpos _towerobj); _tdamage = getdammage _towerobj; FOCK_GHint = parseText format ["<t size='1.5' align='center'>%1</t>",_tdamage]; publicVariable "FOCK_GHint"; hint FOCK_GHint;sleep 1; }; "ModuleExplosive_IEDUrbanBig_F" createVehicle position _towerobj; _wreck = getPos _towerobj nearestObject "Land_Cargo_Tower_V1_ruins_F"; missionNamespace setVariable ["basewreck",_wreck]; publicVariable "basewreck"; deletevehicle baseWreck; "XMarker1" setmarkerpos (getpos _towerobj);
  7. SoloZone

    neasrestObjects issue

    @10bag I did test Alive function with this object and was working, I got back a true and false once it was destroyed. Thanks again @das Attorney. aw man your right. I had the trigger in testing @ 175 but the nearestobjects @ 150, so it would toss me the []. See that, your catchnet led me to the code issue.. TANKS. Its working once I changed the trigger to 95 and left the nearestobjects to 100. I did use your code anyway as a double check.
  8. Hi there. How would I get this script to do world objects like itemsLoot= ["Land_BottlePlastic_V1_F","Land_BakedBeans_F"]; I see this may be reserved for objects that are added to the player, but I would like to add just non-usable objects. If you ask why, well I am customizing a Wasteland game and I want the Food and Water to be part of the loot. We are going to put armed civies into houses that you must battle to get food and water. The current wasteland spawn objects only put the objects outside. I feel using this feature I can kill two birds wth one stone. So is it possible? I did add the above but they do not spawn. **Update** I got it working. Added to lootinit.sqf this new variable. this to objLoot=["Land_BottlePlastic_V1_F","Land_BakedBeans_F"]; Changed this line to reflect "6" in spawnloot.sqf --- > _type=floor (random 6); Added this to bottom of "Types" // Spawn Objects if (_type == 5) then { _objects= objloot call bis_fnc_selectRandom; _wobjects = createVehicle [_objects,[_pos0,_pos1,(getposATL _BARREL select 2)], [], 0, "can_Collide"]; deletevehicle _BARREL; };
  9. Ok, I think I got it for a two player game....well this will work. In the description file set respawn to base and time to 30. (assuming you know the code for that). Put a marker on the map, preferably off and out of the way called P1M & P2M (make it a 'dot' and name it whatever). Hide each marker from each side in the INIT.SQS file. Create the two players, and put in there Init field: P1 = this; [] exec "charmarkerP1.sqs" P2 = this; [] exec "charmarkerP2.sqs" In the sqs file(s): #start ?(!(Alive player)): goto "deadplayer" ~1 "P1M" setmarkerpos [(getpos player select 0),(getpos player select1)]; goto "start" #deadplayer ;the below time should be more than the time set for respawn in Description.sqs ~32 goto "start" This will not work if you have more than player on your side. It will work if you have 2 player game with one on each side. Thanks all for your combine info, it truely helped...
  10. hoz, thanks, but you may want to check your script.That wont work..... how are you identifying which player is assigned the names of W1...W4? BN880. You gave me some ideas and I went to go implement them. My script got a lot worse and I went back to scratch....this was my original script that worked fine in non-MP mission and for MP before you die and respawn. Can you do me a favor and recode based on your input? I am on my 4th day...and I will give you all the credit on the start page of my MP map called WMD+Everon..... Each East player has init : EastCommander=this; [this] exec "EastMarkers.sqs" ....AlphaLeader=this... ... EastMarkers.SQS #PlayerEastMarkers "EastCommanderMarker" setmarkerpos getpos EastCommander "EastAlphaMarker" setmarkerpos getpos EastAlphaLeader "EastBravoMarker" setmarkerpos getpos EastBravoLeader "EastCharlieMarker" setmarkerpos getpos EastCharlieLeader "EastDeltaMarker" setmarkerpos getpos EastBravoLeader "EastEchoMarker" setmarkerpos getpos EastEchoLeader "EastFoxTrotMarker" setmarkerpos getpos EastFoxTrotLeader goto "PlayerEastMarkers"
  11. iNeo, we had it in a Flag unit (under Init) but same issue. After looking at the script again, we realized that once the player dies and respawned, it does not retain the player name variable that was assigned in its init (ie EastCommander = this), the body stays on the map with the name. Thus the script will not move the marker over the newly respawned player. I think we have narrowed it down to that, so the question is now how do you assign the same name or move the name to the new respawned player? We are going to test deleting the man (deletevehicle _player) : #Deadplayer ~35 deletevehicle _player ~0.5 player = EastCommander ~1 _Marker setmarkerpos [(getpos player select 0), (getpos player select 1)] ~1 _player = player
  12. Ok all, this was the only area of the forum that was talking about realtime markers. I created a script that does this same function in a MP mission I am designing (WMD+Everon). content of my EastMarker.SQS #PlayerEastMarkers "EastCommanderMarker" setmarkerpos getpos EastCommander ~0.5 goto "PlayerEastMarkers" Player Init [player]exec "EastMArker.SQS" This works in MP mode up an until I die and respawn? When I respawn the marker stays where I died. Why this stumped me...since the players init would/should re-execute the SQS again. What am I missing? Any help would be appreciated....
  13. SoloZone

    Ofpmptest crashes under xp

    Lt_Damage...I see you post the same thing in a lot of the forums. Send the file to BIS...blah. blah . blah... This is the stupid answer you get from them.. "your crash file sayes: ErrorMessage: Out of reserved memory (98304 KB). Code change required (current limit 524288 KB). Try to increase your virtual memory to at least 550MB. With the best regards Robert Stipek " I am on XP, have 786 Meg of mem with Virtual at 1150 meg....What good does the crash file do for them if it does not report correctly. This answer does not help anything and sending the file is a waste of time, I rather here how people try to fix the problem.
  14. SoloZone

    Ofpmptest crashes under xp

    OFPMPTEST.EXE crashes before loading under Windows XP. Tried empting addon folder.....just crashes? Debug files are in the mail