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About SCLZ

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  1. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Result: AH-1 leader still takes off even when I haven't radioed him yet.<span id='postcolor'> Oh, I should mention that choppers always power up when they know they have someplace to go, even if they aren't allowed to go there yet. There are a couple ways round this, one is to do what Styxx suggested and have the choppers as empty vehicles and manually create the pilots somewhere nearby. Then give the pilots a GET IN waypoint as their first and make the condition the same as you do now (wp1==1 or whatever). Another way is to make the chopper start with no fuel. Have the chopper's waypoint as true. In the activation area of the radio trigger instead of wp1=1 or whatever have myChopper setfuel 1. Remember to name the chopper myChopper or anything really as long as the chopper's name is identical to the name you give to teh setfuel command. The third way I can think of is using the stop commands which I think quite a few people use. Unfortuately I haven't used it before and can't tell you anymore about it, though I'm sure someone will tell ya if you ask. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Where you mentioned about using tankGroupAdvance==1, Would this line go in the first WayPoint, meaning the one next to the group leader? So another words you are saying that I can input anything into the condition field of the WayPoint closest to the leader, just so long as it’s something different then the way point next the other set of units? <span id='postcolor'> Yeah pretty much, unless you want both groups moving on the same radio command of course. Just remember that the condition has to be made true at some point by something (in this case a radio trigger) otherwise it never becomes true and they never move.
  2. Hmm...I think you've confused the naming of these variables to mean more than they do. It doesn't have to be wp1==1 you know, it could be tankGroupAdvance==1. And if you did you use wp2 for a second group it wouldn't have to be wp2==2 it could be wp2==1 as long as you're consistant. Basically you just need something to signal the group to move on, and you can pretty much use anything. SpetsnazWarriorX I'm guessing you're unaware that the units will move to their first waypoint no matter what, but the won't move on from it onto the next one if the condition isn't met. So you'll have to make their first waypoint with the condition right next to their starting location and then put another waypoint down in the place you want them to go after you call em in. Make sense?
  3. SCLZ


    Hmm...are you sure you did what JAP posted? I draw your attention to: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Detected by east or resistance whatever enemy you have<span id='postcolor'> in particular.
  4. Sounds promising, the limited range that nearestObject checked was it's biggest limitation.
  5. Resistance won't arrive in my little corner of the world for sometime, how has nearestObject changed exactly?
  6. SCLZ

    Count units

    I'm afriad my main computer is out of action for a while so I can't check this for you but I think there is a crew command, basically returns a list of everyone in teh vehicle. So you could go count crew myJeep and it should return the number of units in the vehicle myJeep.
  7. Ok...I think I might have a way around it... </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this setAmmoCargo 2<span id='postcolor'> seemed to have doubled the amount of ammo the ammo truck carries by default (I think, I tested it rather quickly). Though I didn't think that would work as setting it to 1 should be "Full" so I hope it doesn't cause any problems... Edit: BTW I noticed that when I dragged the ammo slider bar of my test A10(LGB)'s all the way to the left I couldn't rearm. Why is that?!
  8. Hmm...yeah I can get it to work with the infantry ammo crates but not the ammo truck, I didn't realise they were different.
  9. Hmm...ok interesting, I was going to agree with InqWiper outright but after testing it I got both </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">clearMagazineCargo this; this addmagazinecargo["LaserGuidedBombLauncher",10]<span id='postcolor'> and </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">clearMagazineCargo this; this addmagazinecargo["LaserGuidedBombLauncher,10"]<span id='postcolor'> to work  Though I used an empty support ammo truck for my tests rather than the normal 5ton truck, I don't know if that will make a difference or not. Edit: Yeah just tried it with a 5ton truck instead of an ammo truck, it doesn't work with the 5ton. Can you change the truck? (BTW why a 5ton truck instead of an ammo truck anyway?)
  10. SCLZ

    Scripting guidelines

    It's not too difficult once you know the syntax, the command reference on the flashpoint1985 website (under editing or downloads I think) has all the commands and an example for each. It also gives you the basics like how to check a condition in a script etc. And I guess just picking your way through existing scripts, though a lot of them won't have the amount of comments you want you can still learn from them. Maybe set yourself a little problem and try to solve it with the command reference and examples you find. The scripting language is written specificly (yeah I can't speel) for the OFP engine, though most are based on common standards sorta thing. I haven't actually come across another game that has scripting so... public. I didn't know QuakeII or Half-Life had scripting languages, but I never got into editing with those games. Though now that I think about it those cutscenes in Half-Life probably were made with a Half-Life scripting language.
  11. SCLZ

    Target shooting

    From memory there is a follow command but it basically means follow your leader so it wouldn't help anyway. You could use NEOs suggestion if the driver of the M113 where part of the Humvee's group rather than everyone in the M113. I'm sure you could do [driver M113one, driver M113two] join HumveeOne
  12. SCLZ


    I tried InqWiper's suggestion and it seemed to work for me. Just type this setAmmoCargo 0 in the init string of the LST and the PB driver can't rearm at the LST anymore. Haven't tried Aculaud's suggestion but it should work as I've seen it used before, as long as you don't run out of ammo of course.
  13. Is the Officer assigning them targets or something? Maybe set them to Hold Fire in the waypoint (if practical) so they don't look for targets?
  14. Yeah BIS have a briefing tutorial at the flashpoint1985 site, that's how I learnt how to do briefings.
  15. SCLZ

    Trigger question

    I think the condition might actually have to be not (alive gen1) AND this so it goes off when the general is dead and the player is in the radius.