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Everything posted by Sigmarr

  1. Sigmarr

    I think I can define what I love about OFP

    The absolute freedom, and the feeling that you're not as much the significant part of the game, as with others. The size of the playing area and the seemingly limitless situations you can find yourself in. It all adds up to depth, and the deeper it goes the more you can submerge yourself in it, ultimately accumulating in metaphorical suffocation in the total loss of your reality. I love it.
  2. Sigmarr

    What to fix in the next patch

    Oh and sounds, not as big a problem as the guy who can hear helicopters from the other end of the map, but I can hear enemies breathing sounds and footstep towns from greater unrealistic differences. Also, I can hear whether they are left and right, but the sound tone for a noise infront of you is the same as behind u, so real hard to tell when using stereo speakers.
  3. Sigmarr

    What to fix in the next patch

    Right, Ive read all the above comments, bugfixes and suggested features. Im going to repeat the ones I find particularly relavent to my gameplay. FIXES - No command option for teammates in vehicles to detonate satchel charges. They have to be out their vehicle whereas I can detonate mine if I am in a vehicle. - Infinite eject from aircraft. From Helicopters I can tell my gunner to eject, pick him up, and get him to continuously eject with this pattern. Ejecting from any aircraft should then 'lock' that position from re-entry. The exeptions would be the personell carrier 'ride in back' positions, as they have specific ports for bailing out. - Helicopters can stay alive upside down (on their rotors), and function. - Helicopters strafe way too slow and in an unorthodox way, they pivot more than their lateral movement suggests. - Inability to drop items - Inability to give items to other squadmates. They have to be piggybacked off dead soldiers. - Tank/vehicle uphill travelling with dead crew. - Infinite vehicle bouncing, pinball table style after hard hitting explosions (satchel charges under chassis). REALISM CHANGES - Pilots of aircraft should have a higher chance of being killed by weapons with AA capabilities (Shilka guns, Stingers, Helicopter MG's) - Vehicle explosions. Ground based vehicle deformation looks real cool, I think they should be deformed just a little more. Aircraft should fragment in specific circumstances. Like when I fly an airplane into a forest, my completely intact but slightly deformed A10 bounces about 200 ft skyward, which kinda places a comedy effect and spoils the game somewhat. GAMEPLAY FEATURE ADDITIONS - Ability to disable mines. - The plus/minus on the keypad can be used to narrow/widen the field of view, and I personally preferr the viewpoint offered when I hold the minus button down (wider). There should be facility in the options menu to definde the FOV of your soldier to individual preferrence. - Ability to stack orders in-game (multiple move orders; "2 MOVE TO Bush 3'o'clock, THEN MOVE TO House 5'o'clock"). - A 'Ignore Target' order (e.g "ALL IGNORE TARGET, UAZ 10'o'clock"), getting past the Capture Guba's mission requires me to 'HOLD FIRE' on almost all my entire squad because almost all my soldiers launch LAWs at the jeep as it drives thru my ideal cut-off point and my team end up killing him inadvertantly. - A 'No Explosives' order in the engage menu possibly, so you can tell your squad to reserve their LAWS and grenades for a more convenient time. Good if you want your team to ignore surrounding armour in favour of infantry targets ("ALL, CONSERVE EXPLOSIVES"). - If at all possible, would be superb if soldiers COULD actually add their personal firepower to vehicles as it suggests in the game manual with the BMP and the gunports. Would be real awesome to ride shotgun on the sides of a helicopter (especially for snipers).