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Posts posted by Shadow_wolf33

  1. Greetings folks! Old school player of the original OFP coming back to apparently the true successor of OFP for a little dose of pain. Foolishly enough, I picked up Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising (hey it was $5 on steam, it was cheap!) thinking that it would be what I was looking for, but it turned out to be a mediocre console port.

    Couple things I've been curious about since getting ArmA2:CA, pretty much exclusively regarding single player mode. I've been poking my way through the Red Harvest campaign doing my best to not get shot, and stop standing around in the middle of the road like a numpty and getting shot by a tank (oopsies!). One thing I've been noticing, is that I've been having a rather difficult time finding the enemy, especially with the clock based co-ordinates that my AI chaps say (what can I say? all my clocks are digital! :yay:), is there a mod or something that will add in more or less a nice noob friendly radar like I saw in Dragon Rising? or am I really better off trying to forget about that type of thing, just slowing down and trying to find them the old fashioned way rather than going for the immediate kill everything that moves Counterstrike style reaction?

    So far my AI squad at least in the Red Harvest campaign have been quite useful, they're quite good shots! Last night when I did the 'Razor Two' mission in the Red Harvest campaign, I was cruising around in a HMMV with the MG on the roof. My dudes called out that there were enemies off in the distance, so I stopped the car, hopped out crouched and started scanning around to try and find them (I have my draw distance set at 6000 too!). I couldn't see a darn thing, and was about to call my AI compatriots nincompoops when suddenly my chappy manning the MG started firing off rounds. At first I thought he was trying to kill mosquitoes or something as I hadn't found anyone, and then I aligned my view to the direction of his gun and WAAAAAAAAAAAY off in the distance I could see a squad of enemies getting mowed down by my chappy on the MG. I scoped in with my rifle to try and get a kill or two myself, but with how quickly the MG was taking them down, and with my rifle having no real zoom on it I think I was more of a threat to the squirrels than the people I was shooting at! Well at least I'm good at driving the cars anyway. ;)

    I suppose I should actually get to a question again...

    After I finish off the campaign(s) I'll likely be looking for a map/mode similar to the 'Island War' mission/campaign that I found for Dragon Rising. I'm sure with the scope of ArmA2 being what it is, someone here has done something similar to that idea before.

    Basically what I'm looking for is a map where it's Team A vs Team B (would be awesome if there was Team C/D too, but that's probably not too likely lol), and it's effectively a dynamic assault/war between A and B where they are each trying to take bases/strong points from each other and take over the map. Would be very cool if there was a main base that I could go to and 'buy' vehicles, men, and weapons at as well! I'm really only looking for this as a singleplayer experience, as with my pesky wife I really need the ability to pause my game. ;)

    Could someone suggest a map/scenario/campaign/etc. that could give me that type of experience?

    I've heard good things about the ACE2 modifications, but I think I might get a bit more experience under my hat before I start adding on even more difficulty to the game.

    Anyway, thanks for reading my wall of text. :D
