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Everything posted by SKULLS_Viper

  1. SKULLS_Viper

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Opps, I meant Waterfall.
  2. SKULLS_Viper

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Speaking of Squirrels, here is a picture of a Squirrel in Korea.Strange looking if you ask me.Here in the US, they are brown. http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/Squirrel.jpg Well, got to start packin the ammo.
  3. SKULLS_Viper

    Real life photography/photo editing

    I'll upload some more pictures later.I'm goin (target)shooting (not hunting ;) )with my dad today, so I might have some more pictures.Also, forgot to tell you that the army base in Waegan(still not shure of the spelling still) is an American army base my dad stayed a couple years at.
  4. SKULLS_Viper

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Ok, all these are pictures in Korea.I went to Korea with my dad.We went to Seoul, Gyeongju, Deagu, and Gunsan, and Waegan(<<not shure of spelling on this one)(Was my dads old army base to).And Sorak. A car that caught on fire after hitting a bus on the highway.This is near Gyeongju. http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/Carfire.JPG Driver very left of picture. http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/carfire2.JPG A Korean kid jumpin. http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/Kidjumping.JPG A Apache flying overhead in Gunsan. http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/GunsanApache.JPG My favorite picture.I went on a boat ride in Gunsan, and it was about a 6 hour ride.It was dawn when we got back.And hey even though I'm not Korea, I said what the hay.Took me about a dozen before I got the perfect one. http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/Koreanflag.JPG Me at the Seoul war museam. http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/MeandWarmuseam.JPG A picture of a mountain, near a rest stop on the way to going to Seoul. http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/PB130011.JPG A waterwheel in Gyeongju. http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/waterwheel.JPG WooBang Tower in Deagu. http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/WoobangTowerandcloud.JPG In Deagu at Woobang Tower land.A picture of a sunset, and my dad. http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/Dad_and_sunset.JPG A waterfall near Sorak.(Edit.Should be waterfall, not glacier.I guess I must of been really tired. ) http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/glacier.JPG More later. I'll also post the originals for some of these pictures later.(The Waterfall, the Korean flag, the kid jumping, etc.)I ran out of web space, and I might need sneak on over to my dads web server, since he doesn't use it, or know how to use it. Late Gentlemen.
  5. SKULLS_Viper

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Nice pictures guys. I'll get some pictures uploaded soon.(Including pictures from my 3 month vaction.I went to South Korea.)
  6. SKULLS_Viper

    Military plastic model kits

    Ok, finally finished my M2A2 Bradley! Still doing some touchup on it though.And its the same scale as my M1A2(1:35 scale).Perfect combo. Â Angle.This is when it was still under construction. http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/P2050001.JPG Another angle http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/P2050007.JPG Top view.Note silver on left hand.Its a watch I painted.This is the finished version.(Still working on touchup though) http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/m2a22.JPG Angle final.(ramp door open) http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/P2070007.JPG And back view.(ramp closed) http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/P2070012.JPG Images resized, and alittle compression.(504,000 bytes still after resize.Compression got it down to 100,000 some bytes. Â )
  7. SKULLS_Viper

    Is your inbox filling up with mydoom virus emails?

    Nothing yet.
  8. SKULLS_Viper

    Lock on: modern air combat

    Lookin foward to this add-on campaign. http://ubbxforums.ubi.com/6....9105571 Check out the trailer to.Looks good!
  9. SKULLS_Viper

    Desert rats vs afrika korps

    I love games like these. Will check out the demo soon.
  10. SKULLS_Viper

    Is your inbox filling up with mydoom virus emails?

    Still none for me.
  11. SKULLS_Viper

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Isn't those picture over the 100kb limit for using img tags?
  12. SKULLS_Viper

    Is your inbox filling up with mydoom virus emails?

  13. SKULLS_Viper

    Real life photography/photo editing

    From Olympus.
  14. SKULLS_Viper

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Here's a panorama of my neighborhood after the snow!About 4" here. http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/pan.jpg More later maybe. (Ah, my camera has a feature to do panoramas.No software needed.I just use a really expensive tripod to keep the camera steady.)
  15. SKULLS_Viper

    Military plastic model kits

    I don't use primer.Also, if you want an army look, use flat colors.If you want a sports car, or a airplane look(shinny), use gloss paints. For my Corsair if I remember right, I used Tester spray paint, Gloss Dark Blue. I'll post a screen shot here in a min. Ok, here ya go.My Corsair. http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/P1260001.JPG Oh, and my F-16 model to. http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/F-16.JPG I got a couple more models, an A-10, and a B-52(huge!About 2'3" nose to tail, with a wingspan of about 3' or so(total) 1 wing is about 1'6".(approx))
  16. SKULLS_Viper

    Lock on: modern air combat

    I think you need to turn on the laser range finder to get the ccip in the su25.I think the key is "O".
  17. SKULLS_Viper

    Lock on: modern air combat

    Yea, the hog is one of my favs.I like the su-33 for its power.Man, I was like floatin over the airfield doin like 50 knots.Boy that was fun! The Su-25 is like barebones. I don't like it.But I'm workin on likin it.
  18. SKULLS_Viper

    Military plastic model kits

    Ditto.I paint everything before assembly.Or paint as you go.Like Instructions number 1. for this M2A2 kit is Lower hull assembly, so I paint the parts that are required, first, then put them togethor.But be shure to scrape the paint of the part were it needs to be glued, or else the glue wont really bond, and it just gets really messy. But there are times when you can put the parts togethor, then paint them. i.e. Road wheels, barrel, the side panels etc where they are useally one color, or easy to paint by hand with a brush. Dont just spray paint your model to.I use Spray paint(Testers brand(modeling paint)), airbrush, and paint brushes. I haven't started my M2A2 yet, but I'll post pictures soon when I do.
  19. SKULLS_Viper

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Ok here is a couple more.(My dog) Here is Clyde again up in the truck.Sniffing the camera to see what it is. http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/PB040005.JPG http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/PB040011.JPG Here he is just chillin in the back of the yota, showin his pride. http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/Pride.JPG Ok, here he is jumpin into the back of the yota, after a walk at bike trail. http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/P7270020.JPG Ok, here is me and Clyde about 2 years ago. http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/meandclyde.jpg (Misc) And here I am snipin from a tree.(About 2-3 years ago maybe) http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/meandrifle.jpg
  20. SKULLS_Viper

    Lock on: modern air combat

    How many missions are there in the A-10 campaign?I'm still workin on my 2nd mission. I'm on my 3rd or 4th F-15 campaign mission. Man the F-15 is really complicated.There has to be a dozen difrrent missle modes.104 Aim 9 Seeker Boresight, Seeker uncaged. 105 Aim 7 Relaxed mode, Flood mode.106 Aim 120, Visual mode. Then you got Auto acquisition mode.Boresight, vertical scan.RWS.STT.TWS.For christ sake I just want to launch a missle at a target. Then to add to this, you got to learn all of diffrent modes in the Russian planes. Then the TEWS. But its still a fun game. Â Did my first A-10 in-flight refueling, no problem. Also, is there any campaign walk-throughs?
  21. SKULLS_Viper

    Lock on: modern air combat

    I think I fixed my problem.I have to disable "effects".(Thats what someone told me, and keep effects off untill a new patch comes out that will fix this issue.)It hasn't crashed since.But I miss the effects though.
  22. SKULLS_Viper

    Real life photography/photo editing

    A stream. http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/stream.JPG My shadow. http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/PA240002.JPG Driving down Lowell on a Sunday afternoon.(My friend took this one while I was driving. ;) ) http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/P7060027.JPG My name. http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/P8020014.JPG My Winchester model 94trapper .357 magnum rifle.(these 2 pictures are scanned pictures) http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/69207_15.jpg http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/69207_19.jpg Me lettin it rip from the prone postion(maybe about 5 years ago).(.357 magnum+prone postion=bad idea.When standing, the gun jolts back, and up.In prone, it goes only back. Â I was full of hurt that day (Is also a scanned picture)) http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/me.lettin.it.rip.jpg My ammunition stock pile.(I love the Federals more then the Winchester ammunition) http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/PB030010.JPG And the 4 corners.(scanned picture) http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/scan0005.jpg Enjoy.
  23. SKULLS_Viper

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Thanks guys! More pictures like I said. 2 Hueys flyin above my house.(nice huh?) http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/P8220001.JPG 2 hueys plus a blackhawk http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/P9060004.JPG A water fountain up in Loveland http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/waterfoutain.JPG A train up near Moffat tunnel http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/P9080012.JPG Near Moffat tunnel.(The train tracks are down below, and Moffat tunnel would be at the right of the picture(not viewable) ) http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/P9080002.JPG Fish I've caught at Yankee Doodle lake.They seem to love spinners.(I've caught 14 fish in one day!But a lot were small ones to) http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/P9080008.JPG Heres a picture my dad took with his camera(film)(Scanned picture) http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/06629_15.jpg Another one http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/cloudsandmountain.jpg More soon!Enjoy. Oh, here is the original 2 hueys picture(warning large!): http://home.comcast.net/~dennyshunk/Hueys_large.JPG
  24. SKULLS_Viper

    Lock on: modern air combat

    Yea, so did I.Copy 548.