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Everything posted by SKULLS_Viper

  1. SKULLS_Viper


    God, that looks bad. Plus I bet its arcadish, just like its brother.
  2. SKULLS_Viper

    Band of brothers sequel in the works

    Nice, I'll be watching it!The original Band of Brothers, was a really good movie series. My favorite episode was Part 6 "Bastongne".
  3. SKULLS_Viper

    Airsoft & Paintball and those in between.

    Is that a sheep on the branch in the background Maybe a bra? Â
  4. SKULLS_Viper

    What mesh is better

    Wow, I thought the first picture was a real house! The 2nd one looks pretty good to.
  5. SKULLS_Viper

    Is a ps2 worth buying ?

    I'd say an Xbox.But I don't own any game consols, other then my PC. What I've heard is:Xbox=Better graphics. PS2=More games.
  6. SKULLS_Viper

    Mbt thread

    Oh ok.Thanks for explaining for me. Thats probably what I'm seeing.But it looks more black, then blue to me. Also, I live up here in CO, so the air is alittle thin. Accelerating is when I notice it.(But I guess it is blue colored?) But lets not get too off-topic.
  7. SKULLS_Viper

    Mbt thread

    god, I get so confused. I've never seen a car have white smoke come out of the exhuast though. BTW, in the gulfwar, when the Iraqis set the oil wells on fire, the smoke was black. Diesels trucks have black smoke come out of the exhaust to. I dunno.
  8. SKULLS_Viper

    Favorite (non-flashpoint) picture

  9. SKULLS_Viper

    Favorite (non-flashpoint) picture

    Doh!Wheres therapy thread!
  10. SKULLS_Viper

    Mbt thread

    hehehe, Maybe I should try that on my jeep.Maybe I can get away from the cops.
  11. SKULLS_Viper

    Mbt thread

    Ok, Shashman is right.I did a little search and found this: http://www.howstuffworks.com/m1-tank4.htm (bottom of page).But I guess in a way, I'm correct to, as Llauma said.
  12. SKULLS_Viper

    Mbt thread

    Well not quite...It is diesel that is injected into the turbine exaust which burns the diesel and creates a lot of white smoke (this is how aerobatic teams make their smoke trails) Â I've been told that it burns oil.But it could be wrong info I guess. But I would think, if you've seen a car having black smoke coming out of the exhaust, thats because its burning oil,(which is bad to unleaded fuel cars), which I would think is the same concept.
  13. SKULLS_Viper

    The Forgotten Battles

    I wonder, will the B-17 be human flyable, and all the gunner postions avail?
  14. SKULLS_Viper

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Nice, and scarry.
  15. SKULLS_Viper

    Mbt thread

    If I remember right, just smoke gernades only.Also, if the M1 Abrams series tanks, run out of smoke gernades, they can produce there own type of smoke, via the turbine engine. It sprays oil onto the exhaust(which is 1500 F) and it produces smoke.
  16. SKULLS_Viper

    Mbt thread

    I find a problem with that Chinese tank.When the driver is un-buttoned, the barrel has to be elevate up, so it doesn't exactly rest on the drivers head.(But I don't think its a biggie problem) Where as the M1 tanks, the barrel can be in any postion, and wouldn't get in the drivers way. BTW Tovarish, that pictures of the Abrams, is a M1 Abrams, not the M1A1(or at least it looks like the M1 Abrams, because the barrel looks to be a 105mm).But either way, its still the Abrams series. M1A1 Abrams: M1A2 Abrams test series tank: (currently being used in Iraq) And now I here that we are in development of a M1A3 tank with (from what I hear) a 140 mm barrel.
  17. SKULLS_Viper

    Favourite rocket launcher

    Don't look fake to me. And you see the last secs of that movie?Where that guy goes "eeee!".What was that huge piece that hit the ground?Turret?
  18. SKULLS_Viper

    Mbt thread

    With the M1 tanks, you are basiclly fireing the round just right after you lase it.It only takes about 1 to 3sec for it all to happen(plus a sabot is flying at about 7000 ft. per sec).It would take a while for that tank to turn the turret facing the target, get the sight on the tank, get the range, and fire it.About 4-5 secs there. Plus if there is a row of them, you only need to lase one tank, and its stores the range data in the computer, so the other tanks wouldn't know where the hell the round came from.And all the M1 has to do is just keep pullin the trigger. Plus only 8 rounds a min? The M1's loaders can load a round in less then 3-5 secs.So the M1's can have a heck of a lot of rounds flyin faster then an autoloader can load. This applys to German and british tanks to. Plus using a diesel engine.You give the M1 an advantage.They are very quiet, while diesels are very noisy. (lol miss spelled quiet ;) )
  19. SKULLS_Viper

    How about a nice game?

    You click on one of those humans at the top right of the screen, you see him walk out of the castle, and when he gets to where you want him to be, click on him, and he explodes.
  20. SKULLS_Viper

    Mbt thread

    The commander on the M1 tanks, can either shoot the .50 either buttoned up, or un buttoned.Meaning he can fire it either when he has the hatch open, or when the hatch is closed.When he has the hatch closed, he uses a 3x sight and a joystick to fire the .50 .But when un buttoned he can either use the 3x sight inside the tank, or fire it by being guided in by tracers(the loaders mgun can only be guided in by tracers) Where as the loader, it can only be fired un buttoned.But he is busy loading the main gun.Theres useally a coax next to the main gun, so the gunner can shoot at human targets to.
  21. SKULLS_Viper

    How about a nice game?

    Sniper demo Its not really a game.But its really challenging! (made into a clickable URL)
  22. SKULLS_Viper

    Small server testing

    Oh, I thought you meant Web server! p.s. maybe put "OFP game server" might help to oh and pps. shouldn't this belong in "Multiplayer" forum?
  23. SKULLS_Viper

    Small server testing

    Don't see a link.
  24. SKULLS_Viper

    Edited blackhawk down pictures

    Nice.(But I hope that editing those pictures are not illegal )