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About Sparky568

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  1. Sparky568

    In Game Multiplayer Missions

    The mission.sqm file is encrypted, you need to decrypt it before the mission editor can read it in properly. Somebody here should have a downloadable file called unpack-sqm.zip. Apparently this will allow you to decrypt the mission.sqm file except for the last few lines. I'm not sure what you need to replace the last 2 lines with, maybe somebody here can answer that too. I haven't tried it myself yet, but I thought you might need this info to get started.
  2. In the SP missions that start you off as a member of a squad, is there any way you can play a different squad member? It would be cool to be the medic in a few of the missions.
  3. By simply moving all the multiplayer missions into the single player missions directory, I am able to extend the number of single player missions that I can play. However, I'm forced to be the squad leader everytime. I'd like to play different members of my team like you can do if you start an offline multiplayer mission (with all AI enabled). Does anybody know how you can do this?