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About Spankz

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  1. Spankz

    Idear for a addon

    Look, any kind of new addon opens up a whole new world for misssions. I got that Driods addon, and I'm already making a campaign based on just having that one addon. If some time in the future, we could have zombies... It would rock all kinds of ass.
  2. I'm sure this has been done before, but might as well check. Anyone known/have a good script that simulates a nuclear explosion?
  3. Spankz

    Rain effetts

    Yeah, I hope in resitance or somthing, we get puddels of water, water sprinkeling off roofs and guns, maybe some old fashion gun crapping outt@ge due to the rain.
  4. way to go on adding that link thing
  5. Spankz

    Retaliation demo

    Oh whats wrong with a little shit, fuck and ass? Sure, the large slaughter of you and your team is JUST peachy, but we can't stand a little nar language? It adds emotion to the moment " Aahh, we've been ambushed, No!! Johhny get up!!, fire back at those fukkers... " Golly Gee Willikers! I'm terribly sorry guys, I don't know what got into me *tee-hee*
  6. Yep.. I'm attempting the impossible.. but so far I think I can do it like this. Weapon = Hand Hand is 0 second grenade that as soon as created explodes, however without the sprite, making the allusion of the guy just swinging his hand but doing damage to anything close to him. alright, now I just need to work on making how big or how small the explosion is.. and make it soon you can't kill people behide you. I'm getting closer.. but I'm still far away from success.
  7. Spankz

    Retaliation demo

    Yeah.. it rockord my boxorz. I can't belive I just said that.
  8. I'm working on a little Mod thats mostly movie, but still game. Here's a few questions I need answered. 1. Can you place a camera inside a moving heli to watch the transport? 2. Is there a way to give a unit " God mode" or Infinite health so he can survive anything? 3. Can you make a boat come flying out of noware and start sliding along the terran? 4. Can you set the way somthing falls? Like having a heli barrel roll down and then flip over and over? 5. Forest Fire Effect.. Hard to do. .but possible? Fire jumps from tree to tree and burns for certain amount of time? 6. How could I make like.. a BIG-ASS explosion.. I mean like.. almost nuclear? Few Mod Questions 1. What should I do to simulate mele weapons? 2. " " Pistols? 3. When Unit Dies, Create another unit where it was and remove dead unit? 4. How do you create a new side in the editor for people to be on? Thanks.