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About Swat

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  1. Swat

    How to make cpp

    no i mena a bird like hawks eagles *birds* not airplanes
  2. Swat

    How to make cpp

    no i mena a bird like hawks eagles *birds* not airplanes
  3. How do i make a config.cpp file please for a bird i need to now how to make a cpp for a bird only
  4. Swat

    How to make cpp

    How do i make a config.cpp file please for a bird i need to now how to make a cpp for a bird only
  5. i put this in the init field of a10 "this removeweapon "mavericklauncher"; but it keeps giving me a error please help
  6. can't get the file uploaded yet but if you give me your email i will send it sorry my site is down for a awile soemon hacked it