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Posts posted by Suds

  1. I'm not sure what you mean by OpenAL. I have fixed the CTD on load. Not sure why but I just reboot my computer and it loads now.

    The problem I have now is when I play the game it runs fine until the scenery reloads, then it CTDs. I haven't played it much because of this and right now I have already told my squad mates not to buy it. It reminds me of Falcon 4; great potential but full of bugs.

  2. I was able to run AA but it would always CTD. Now, without making any changes to my system or game setting it will not run at all. It just CTD's after the load check boxes appear.

    1.05 English

    P4 3.4Gz

    1BG RAM

    Nvidia 6800 256MB with latest drivers.

    Windows XP SP2

  3. The game runs fine until the game reloads as you fly, then it displays a black screen and then I get a "no signal".  I have to shut my system down.  I have not been able to play at all.


    P4 3.4gz

    Nvidia 6800 256MB

    1GB RAM 512cache

    Windows XP update 2

    Sound Blaster card

    Armed Assault 1.05 download version English
