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About Sub0

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  1. Sub0

    Track ir

    will there be a bundle of TrackIR and ArmA?
  2. Sub0

    Command Queue while voice output?

    While there were serious problems in this area in OFP, they were never as serious as yoor e.g. would suggest. If Papa Bear was saying something (which it did on side channel), you could say anything you wanted to on the group channel meanwhile. Now (since OFP:Elite) you can even interrupt your own transmittions with a more urgent ones, therefore this should no longer be a problem. I am very glad to hear that and thank you very much for this information.
  3. Sub0

    Command Queue while voice output?

    does noone know?
  4. Hello all, I wonder if there's any information about how ArmA reacts when I give my men commands WHILE there is voice output (e.g. from "papa bear") at the same time. OFP favoured voice output over my commands meaning that if "papa bear" explained a whole lot of information to me the commands I gave while "papa bear" talked were put in a command queue and not executed before "papa bear" ended speaking. I really (! hope that this has changed in ArmA as it was a major pain in the a** in OFP and I'm looking forward to your answers. Kind regards SubZero
  5. Update: I learned in another forum that the reason for the helicopter not shutting down it's engines while using the command _heliname land "land" is the (in)visible H underneath it's landing-waypoint. As soons as you remove/delete it the helicoopter shuts it's engines down. Because of this, unfortunately it's not possible do give it exact landing coordinates anymore: It will land "somewhere" near your landing point and almost allways not exactely on the spot ;-(
  6. First of all: I read that Xyber wrote "engineoff" like I also read in a PDF-File about commands. Well, IMHO this is wrong or at least it doesn't work all the time 'cause within the mission I'm testing at the moment (the one in which helilanding works the way I mentioned above) this won't work at all! In the initfield of the "get in" waypoint I wrote choppername action["engine off"]. Without the space it didn't do... And second: d*amnit, it's past 3 o'clock in the morning now and for the last 3 and 1/2 hours I tried out this heliscript... without much results: 1. it looks like the pilot is the bad guy (think s.o. of you already said that - but I could be wrong... it's late). Shoot him and the chopper turns off it's engines but only until the gunner switches position to the pilots seat and turns the engines back on - stupid guy!! 2. the   choppername land "land"   works great ! 3. I wrote this script which reads out the height of the chopper and as soon as it drops below 2 meters it starts to turn off the engine... WAIT... it doesn't really! But don't give up hope... give me a command to turn of those d*mn engines and it's finished! *sigh* The script shows the height as a message during the flight, but you can easily avoid that by putting a semicolon in front of the first line that begins with "titletext"... you can also do that with the other titletext which writes "Engine shutting down..." This is the script so far: _heli = _this select 0 _heli land "land" #update titletext [format ["Height: %1",(getpos _heli select 2)], "plain"] ? (getpos _heli select 2)<2: goto "engine_off" ~2 goto "update" #engine_off titletext ["Engine shutting down...","plain"] _heli action["Engine off"] exit In the initfield of the waypoint, which is by the way a MOVE-waypoint, you would write as usual: [choppername] exec "scriptname.sqs" If you place this waypoint directly above an invisible H the chopper lands (almost) exactely where you want it to... really nice (thanks to the land "land" -command) Anymore thoughts? Please BIS give us a hint!!
  7. I had the same problem. This was my (not perfect) sollution: Heli comes in and lands (Waypoint: get out). Next waypoint is about 5 to 10m away so the heli has time to START shuting engines off by itself (you hear engines running slower). Then a get-in-waypoint for the crew and in the initfield the engine off command. With that you see them getting out running some meters away and getting in again. While they run out you hear the engine start shutting off and they return inside. Now this is the tricky moment: Most of the time the Heli keeps slowing down until it's off but sometimes it stays on... mostly when I'm standing right next to it's landing point. But nearly always the Heli tries to lift off when the crew returns inside and you can see it lift off for perhaps not even 10cm and then the engine dies and it goes down again. Curious: It seems the engine-off command comes very late - once the Heli even crashed because it lifted off not 10cm but 5 Meters off the gras and smashed down once the engine was off. Well, the result (most often) is that the Heli-crew is seated in their vehicle and the engines are off - exactely as I wanted... But of course it would be better if they could land and shut those d*mn engines off without leaving the Heli! Just an idea: Is there an original mission where they do exactely that? So we could have a peak... sorry for the long reply ;-)